
#Spring blossoms and beautiful scenery # A group of cosmos, which one is the most eye-catching, you have the final say. Cosmos is native to Mexico, and it was only after Columbus discovered the New World that people had the opportunity to see it

author:Living in Canada

#Spring blossoms and beautiful scenery# A group of cosmos, which one is the most eye-catching, you have the final say.

Cosmos is native to Mexico, and it was only after Columbus discovered the New World that people had the opportunity to see this beautiful flower.

I like the flower language of cosmos the most: cherish the people in front of you. #头条创作挑战赛 #

#Spring blossoms and beautiful scenery # A group of cosmos, which one is the most eye-catching, you have the final say. Cosmos is native to Mexico, and it was only after Columbus discovered the New World that people had the opportunity to see it
#Spring blossoms and beautiful scenery # A group of cosmos, which one is the most eye-catching, you have the final say. Cosmos is native to Mexico, and it was only after Columbus discovered the New World that people had the opportunity to see it
#Spring blossoms and beautiful scenery # A group of cosmos, which one is the most eye-catching, you have the final say. Cosmos is native to Mexico, and it was only after Columbus discovered the New World that people had the opportunity to see it
#Spring blossoms and beautiful scenery # A group of cosmos, which one is the most eye-catching, you have the final say. Cosmos is native to Mexico, and it was only after Columbus discovered the New World that people had the opportunity to see it
#Spring blossoms and beautiful scenery # A group of cosmos, which one is the most eye-catching, you have the final say. Cosmos is native to Mexico, and it was only after Columbus discovered the New World that people had the opportunity to see it

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