
Little can hard knowledge - hairy belly those things

author:To the can supply chain

As one of the favorite dishes of the majority of hot pot lovers, Mao Belly has a super high a la carte rate.

Although many foodies have a unique description of the taste of the hairy belly, how much do you know about the knowledge of the hairy belly?

Little can hard knowledge - hairy belly those things

What is Hairy Belly?

Hair belly is actually the flap stomach of the cow, the scientific name of the cow louver, in the shape of the petal, there are prominent burrs on the surface, there is a strong ability to absorb water, which also creates its special taste.

How to identify the quality of hairy belly?

Be sure to pay attention when eating the hairy belly of the hot pot point

Little can hard knowledge - hairy belly those things

First look: good quality hair belly, the color is naturally opaque.

Re-smell: Fresh belly is with a little fishy smell, the color is black and gray is better; hairy belly with irritating odor must not be eaten.

Try it later: good belly, have a certain toughness, a little pull on the broken belly to be careful!

Zhican's fresh hairy belly can meet the standard of quality hairy belly, and it is also loved by consumers, and 2700+ catering stores are using the ingredients provided by Zhican.

After understanding the quality of the hair belly, let's talk about the value of the hair belly

Little can hard knowledge - hairy belly those things


The taste is good is certain, the biggest reason why the hair belly is loved by hot pot lovers is that it is crisp and tender, and it is chewy, and at the same time, the boiling time is less, and it is a rare hot pot must be ordered.

Strengthens immunity

The high protein content of the hair belly is an important substance that constitutes the tissues and organs of the human body, and eating the hair belly can enhance the body's immunity and make the body stronger.

Not high in fat

The fat and cholesterol content in the hair belly is not much compared to other internal organs, so there is no need to worry about the hidden dangers caused by the intake of hair belly.

Replenish qi and blood

The hair belly is also rich in nutrients such as vitamins, fats, thiamines and trace elements, which can meet the different nutritional needs of the human body.

Little can hard knowledge - hairy belly those things

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