
The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?

author:Spit on Aceba



The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?

Run, jump, jump high, and then, like a meteor, cross the field.

In this way, Sunland fell head-on to the gymnastics field he loved and became a high paraplegic.

The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?

That year, she was 17 years old, and her just-begun athletic career came to an abrupt end because of this accident.

Now, more than 20 years later, how is the gymnastics champion Sunland living?

The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?


In the memory of many people, this date will never be forgotten, July 22, 1998.

On the same day, The gymnast Sunland, who participated in the Fourth Friendship Games, in the warm-up training of the vaulting event before the competition, she should have landed on the ground, but she crashed head-on the mat, and her whole body could not move for a moment. Although it was treated with all efforts afterwards, it still caused high paraplegia below the chest.

As for how Sunland was injured, Sunland's own account was caused by Romanian coach Belu suddenly removing the mat before she jumped, resulting in a mistake in her own movements.

As a result, Sunland filed a claim of up to US$1.8 billion in artificial damages to the relevant responsible parties.

But since then, as far as the cause of Sunland's injury has been concerned, many media have appeared differently.

The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?

In particular, in 2015, Xinhua Network published an article titled "The Accusation of "Removing the Mat" Is Unfounded - The Truth Investigation of Sunland's Fall", which unabashedly pointed out that Sunland lied, and his injuries on the field that year caused high paraplegia, which was entirely caused by personal action mistakes and had nothing to do with the removal of the mat.

The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?

For a time, there were many opinions, including many netizens who echoed Xinhuanet's statement, directly accusing Sunland of impure purposes and indeed suspected of lying.

In the face of surging public opinion, Sunland not only tried to prove his innocence on a long weibo, but even requested the use of a lie detector to provide a legal basis for his claims. But in the end, I couldn't get the exact answers and results that I and netizens wanted.

The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?

Although Sunland's injury ended with her eventual withdrawal of the lawsuit and her $10 million in accident insurance compensation, the noise was still often heard on various occasions and continues to this day.

In the injury incident, the INTERNATIONAL SPORTS FEDERATION and the Chinese sports community are very secretive about this matter, so no one can say what the truth is.

However, one of the necessary conditions for Sunland to accept the accidental damage payment in the end is that it must be an accident, not artificial.

Whether Sunland reluctantly accepted the reality, or the facts are like this, it is estimated that no one can answer.

The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?


After the injury, Sunland's weak body and injuries made it impossible for her to accept the long-distance bumps back home for treatment across the ocean, and she had to undergo treatment and rehabilitation training in the United States.

Sunland, who was not yet 18 years old at the time, was received by the local Chinese Liu Guosheng and Xie Xiaohong to recuperate at home, and the two became the actual guardians of Sunland in the United States.

Initially, the two got along very well, very harmoniously, and felt like a family.

But one day in 2011, things suddenly reversed.

The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?

Sunland's legal team suddenly took the two actual guardians to court.

The crimes charged against the two were: during Sunland's treatment in the United States, he was repeatedly molested and assaulted by Xie Xiaohong's son Xue Weisen.

In a "Q&A" document presented by Sunland's lawyer Haiming, in the X invasion incident, the witness on Sunland's side, Lu Ping, who is also Sunland's attending physician, described in detail some of the scenes and details he saw.

He said he found out in Xue Weisen's home that he had repeatedly misbehaved with Sunland.

Not only are there illegal acts in the process of bathing, urinating, buying underwear, etc., but there are other worse behaviors and more despicable actions.

Lupin also said that although more details could not be revealed, the witness was definitely not the only one.

When the news reached China, the crowd was excited for a while, and public opinion was in an uproar.

X-aggression against a 17-year-old high paraplegic girl is simply a beastly act.

It must be sued until this beast family is ruined.

Netizens sent the strongest support to Sunland.

The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?

Amid the boiling support of public opinion, there are also some voices of doubt: what happened 13 years ago, why did Sunland not file a lawsuit until now?

In the face of these noises, Sunland responded that he was in a high paraplegic condition, there was no feeling below his chest, moreover, he was just 17 years old, as a little girl who did not understand the world, he did not know exactly what was happening, until he saw the blood under his body and realized that something bad had happened.

However, netizens did not completely buy this explanation.

And Xue Weisen, the perpetrator of Sunland's complaint, jumped out at the critical moment and threw out the "immigrant theory".

Xue Weisen convincingly accused Sunland of doing this only to achieve the goal of his smooth immigration, and did not hesitate to use the means of destroying his reputation to fabricate a lie.

For a time, the public said that the public was justified, and this transnational lawsuit with the Americans, with Sunland's weak body unable to persist in round after round, took too long a court cross-examination and interrogation process, and finally did not get a clear result.

What the truth of the facts is, has long been annihilated in the dust and smoke of history, and only the parties concerned know it.

The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?


In 2010, Sunland suddenly announced his relationship to the public.

The other party is his current agent, a former fencer and later a sports professional agent, Huang Jian.

It turned out that during Sunland's recovery from injury, Huang Jian, as a professional agent in the sports industry, once went to see Sunland with friends.

The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?

At that time, with full of sympathy, to visit Huang Jian of Sunland with great compassion, he did not expect to see Sunland, a girl in a wheelchair, although thin, but very sunny and cheerful, especially Sunland's clear and warm smile like the sky, so that Huang Jian left his sympathy and had more admiration and respect for Sunland.

That day, Sunland consulted Huang Jian with a lot of questions, and Sunland, who was originally at odds with his current agent's concept, got a lot of advice and answers from Huang Jian, and was the same for Huang Jian.

After that, as the two people became more and more in contact, the two hearts got closer and closer, and finally came to fruition and became intimate lovers.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the news of Sunland's love was announced, it immediately attracted many voices of doubt.

The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?

The place that questions this relationship the most is the love motive of Sunland's agent and lover Huang Jian.

Obviously, Sunland at that time not only had a good reputation, but also had a large amount of insurance compensation, but the reality was that she was a high paraplegic after all.

And Huang Jian, as a career agent with a successful career, is in the best years of a man, why would he spend a lot of his youth and good time on Sunland, a high paraplegic patient.

Even Sunland's parents initially doubted Mr. Huang's motives.

Shortly thereafter, Huang Jian, as Sunland's new agent, triggered and led the transnational lawsuits that Sunland fought, which made these doubts even louder.

The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?

Fortunately, the two people who loved each other finally withstood these doubts and arguments.

The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?

In August 2013, Sunland's Weibo avatar had just been draped in a wedding dress, and in September, he posted his belly photo on Weibo.

On April 14, 2014, Sunland gave birth to his son "Huang Xiaobao" by caesarean section at Beijing Aviation General Hospital, finally ending his questionable love.

Since then, in Sunland's Weibo, we have seen more of a happy, happy and peaceful family, and seen the full contentment and gratitude of Sunland's life.

Perhaps, this is Sunland's response to all questions about his love, and it is also the best endorsement of a happy life to give two people to sincerely love each other.

The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?


If you say that when he was treated abroad, Sunland still had great illusions that he would recover as before.

Then, when she returned to China and sat in a wheelchair, she finally understood that she could never go back to the past, could not return to the field, and could not return to the life she had longed for.

It was a very difficult and painful process of acceptance, not to mention, for a girl like Sunland who was once in the gymnastics field, light as a swallow, running and jumping like a fly, less than 20 years old.

The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?

In the face of such a cruel result, Sunland seemed to be invincible.

After all, life still has to go on, life still has to bloom.

Since you can't bloom your own light on the field, in ordinary life, you must also do your best to emit the light that you can emit.

In 2002, Sunland entered Peking University in a wheelchair to study radio and television journalism.

In the same year, as a special host, Sunland joined hands with Star TV to create a special Beijing Olympic program "Sunland 2008" tailored for her.

The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?

From the name of the column, we can see that in the next six years, Sunland will continue to broadcast various news related to the Olympic Games on Star TV.

Seeing such a strong and optimistic Sunland, even her rehabilitation doctor sincerely admired, saying that she had never met such a tenacious girl as Sunland, and besides, she was only a 17-year-old girl in a very difficult pain.

In 2008, Sunland became the ambassador of the Beijing Olympic bid, and at the same time served as a special correspondent for the official website of the Beijing Olympic Games, and was selected as the torchbearer of the Beijing Olympic Games to participate in the relay of the Olympic torch in Beijing.

The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?

When we see the smiling woman in the wheelchair under the burning Olympic torch, we believe that at that moment, she is the most brilliant flower in the world.

Sunland, who came out of the small city of Ningbo, Zhejiang, entered the national women's gymnastics team at the age of 12 and entered the gymnastics field at the age of 16, winning the national vaulting championship.

In the best years, he suffered pain and setbacks that ordinary people could not bear.

Along the way, although he has been questioned and criticized too much, he still has a tenacious and loving heart, is enthusiastic about public welfare, dedicates love, achieves himself, moves others, and finally becomes a banner figure full of the sense of the times.

The girl in the sports bed flower season, the volley jumped into paralysis, what has Sunland experienced in the past 20 years?

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