
Why can't you sleep after drinking cooked tea?

author:Mu Ming chatted about tea

Pu'er ripe tea has many health benefits, not much to repeat, there are many people who do not like to drink, do not like the taste of cooked tea, and some people say that drinking cooked tea will affect sleep,......

Why can't you sleep after drinking cooked tea, let's explore this question together.

Why can't you sleep after drinking cooked tea?

Whether the ripe tea will not affect sleep, first understand two questions:


The first question, what substances in tea affect sleep?

Why can't you sleep after drinking cooked tea?

Drinking tea may really affect sleep, which has a lot to do with the biochemical effects of caffeine.

Why can't you sleep after drinking cooked tea?
Why can't you sleep after drinking cooked tea?

Tea and coffee are popular as beverages and are closely related to caffeine. Caffeine is a plant alkaloid that is widely found in tea, coffee, and cocoa. Caffeine is a mild central nervous system stimulant that temporarily drives away drowsiness and restores energy. Also a natural insecticide, it can paralyze insects that swallow caffeinated plants. It is still toxic to certain animals, such as dogs, horses and parrots, because the liver's ability to break down caffeine is weak, especially on spiders. As early as the beginning of the 20th century, scientific research found that caffeine in tea can excite the central nervous system, make the outer cortex of the brain vulnerable to reflex stimulation, improve thinking efficiency, and eliminate fatigue. The caffeine in tea can play a role in strengthening the heart and promoting blood circulation.

Why can't you sleep after drinking cooked tea?

As for the origin of coffee, legend has it that more than a thousand years ago, shepherds were excited to find their sheep eating a red berry in the mountains, and this berry is coffee, so people learned to drink coffee.

Why can't you sleep after drinking cooked tea?

Regarding the origin of tea, legend has it that when Dharma Grandmaster meditated and meditated, his eyelids fought up and down and he became drowsy. So he cut off his eyelids and threw them on the ground, and after the eyelids were in the soil, a small tree grew, this tree is a tea tree, and the disciples picked the leaves to fry and drink, and after drinking, they could awaken their minds, so people learned to drink tea.

The caffeine content of coffee and tea

In the case of our common Arabica and Robusta coffee beans, the caffeine content of Arabica coffee beans is about 0.9-1.4%, and the caffeine content of Robusta coffee beans is about 2-4% (mostly concentrated at about 3%). A cup of brewed coffee 250 ml contains 70-140 mg of caffeine, with an average of 95 mg.

Why can't you sleep after drinking cooked tea?

Caffeine in tea accounts for 2%-5% of dry matter, which is an important taste substance and functional component of tea. According to the standard of a cup of 230 ml of black tea, its tea contains an average of 47 mg of caffeine, referring to the ordinary 500 ml drink, a cup of black tea contains about 190 mg of caffeine, compared to the same 237 ml cup of green tea, which has only 20-45 mg of caffeine, and each cup of white tea contains 6-60 mg of caffeine.

Why can't you sleep after drinking cooked tea?

It seems that the caffeine content of a cup of coffee is about twice as high as that of tea, but usually drink a lot of tea, why not like coffee, drink a cup to refresh the mind?

Why can't you sleep after drinking cooked tea?

Caffeinated tea has different effects on the body than coffee, the former is like eating a bowl of porridge for breakfast, and the latter is like a bar of chocolate. Both give you energy, but coffee releases energy quickly, while tea releases "energy" at a slower rate and lasts much longer. This is largely because a cup of tea not only contains caffeine, but also contains tea polyphenols, theanine (y-aminobutyric acid) and other substances, which is a natural amino acid that not only has a sedative effect, but also slows down the rate of caffeine entering the bloodstream, these components are combined with caffeine, caffeine will be complexed by tea polyphenols, theanine can inhibit excitement. Simply put, it is the existence of these two substances that leads to the balance of energy.

Why can't you sleep after drinking cooked tea?

So why are some people fine with a lot of tea, and some people can't sleep after a few cups?

In 2014, research by the Harvard School of Public Health found that caffeine consumption was also linked to genetics. Whether drinking tea affects sleep is related to factors such as your genes and your caffeine tolerance. Studies have found that it takes about 6 hours for caffeine in tea to gradually decompose and disappear from the body or excreted with urine, but the specific metabolic time varies from person to person, for coffee and morphine sensitive people, a small cup of tea may affect the whole day, and there are also old tea customers drinking a cup of tea before going to bed does not affect sleep at all. If it is only a crowd who can't sleep by drinking tea at night, it is recommended to try not to drink tea 6 hours before going to bed.

Why can't you sleep after drinking cooked tea?

Caffeine is an important functional component and flavor component of tea, too much intake will bring burden to the body, and even form damage, so caffeine tolerance is insufficient, and people who are sensitive to coffee and coffee should drink tea in moderation and scientifically.


The second question, cooked tea looks very strong, is it more caffeine and affects sleep more?

Green tea and Pu'er raw tea are unfermented tea, black tea, oolong tea, cooked tea are fermented tea, but in comparison, Pu'er ripe tea tea soup viscous, the soup color is red brown, giving people the first feeling that this tea soup is so strong, will it be more caffeine than green tea, Pu'er raw tea caffeine content, thus affecting sleep more?

Why can't you sleep after drinking cooked tea?

In fact, compared with green tea and Pu'er raw tea, Pu'er ripe tea actually has a weaker effect on sleep. Although the overall caffeine content did not decrease after the fermentation of Pu'er tea, with the increase of the fermentation degree of Pu'er tea, its free caffeine content gradually decreased, and the content of combined caffeine increased.

Why can't you sleep after drinking cooked tea?

Simply put, after fermentation, Pu'er tea will produce theabrownin, theabrownin fermentation to form macromolecules, these macromolecules can bind, complexed caffeine, after combining, part of the caffeine is excreted, part of it is slowly absorbed and released into the blood, so drinking cooked tea usually does not make people feel excited or unable to sleep.

Why can't you sleep after drinking cooked tea?

Y-aminobutyric acid

The fermentation of ripe Pu-erh tea also produces a substance, Y-aminobutyric acid, also known as GABA, which is relatively high in cooked tea. Y-aminobutyric acid has a powerful function of calming the mind, it can play a role in causing deep sleep. Due to the calming effect of Y-aminobutyric acid, it can also offset the effect of caffeine in cooked tea. So for most people, drinking cooked tea does not affect sleep. However, if you are caffeine sensitive, cooked tea still contains caffeine, and drinking cooked tea may also affect your sleep.

Write to the end: with the extension of storage time, the content of water and water extract of Pu'er raw tea showed an upward trend; Tea polyphenols and amino acids showed a decreasing trend; The caffeine content of raw tea decreases with time, and although it does not produce a large amount of Y-aminobutyric acid in ripe tea, it can still reduce the effect of caffeine. Therefore, for fear of affecting sleep, in the choice of tea, try to choose fully fermented black tea, post-fermented Pu'er ripe tea and old tea stored for a certain number of years.

Conclusion: There is no absolute statement about insomnia caused by drinking tea. But for most elderly people, if you have experienced insomnia caused by drinking tea, try to avoid drinking tea within six hours before going to bed, and you can drink some cooked tea to adjust. #Pu'er Tea##Tea##What Tea is Best for Health##茶知识 #

Why can't you sleep after drinking cooked tea?