
What the! Eating too much fruit will accelerate aging?

author:China Women's Daily

Recently, a friend sent a request for help: fruits are rich in nutrients and people at home like to eat them.

I heard friends say that although fruits are good, excessive consumption may accelerate aging.

Want to know if it's true? How to eat fruit to be healthier?

Excessive consumption of fruit may accelerate aging

Although the process of human aging is inevitable, there are ways we can fight aging, such as scientific diet.

Consciously consume some antioxidant, anti-aging foods, such as fresh fruits.

Fresh fruits are rich in carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E.

What the! Eating too much fruit will accelerate aging?

Carotene is the star nutrient of anti-aging, which can maintain the health of human tissues or the outer tissues of organs; Vitamin C and vitamin E delay the aging of cells due to oxidation.

In addition, fruits generally contain dietary fiber, which has the effect of promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis and metabolic waste excretion, and preventing constipation.

Therefore, eating fruits properly is good for maintaining the health of the body and preventing aging.

But if you eat too much fruit, it may make people age faster.

First of all, if you eat only fruits, eat less other foods, and you will lack protein and fatty acids.

Such people are often intolerant of hunger and often have a strong sense of hunger, which in turn eats more, resulting in fatter and fatter the more they eat.

Not only that, if you eat like this for a long time, it is easy to have a deficiency of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins, making people easy to age.

Secondly, no matter what kind of fruit, it contains sugar, when eating a large amount of fruit, it will bring a considerable amount of sugar to the human body, and if the fructose in the fruit is too intake, it will urge people to age.

Finally, long-term excessive eating of fruits, unbalanced nutrition, protein, carbohydrates, fat in the human body will be imbalanced, immunity decline, memory loss, anemia, indigestion will follow.


1. For the average adult, you can eat 200g~350g of fresh fruit every day;

2. If the blood sugar is high, if the blood sugar allows, the fruit in a day should not exceed 200g;

3. It is best not to eat a certain fruit for a long time, but should eat a variety of fruits alternately;

4. Fruit juice can not replace fruit, try to drink less juice, because a lot of nutrients will be lost in the production process.

Vegetables and fruits are not substitutes for each other

They do have similarities in terms of nutritional content and health effects, but each has its own nutritional value.

For example, there are far more varieties of vegetables than fruits, especially dark vegetables with higher content of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, etc. than fruits.

What the! Eating too much fruit will accelerate aging?

At the same time, fruits have more carbohydrates, organic acids, aromatic substances than fresh vegetables, and their nutritional content is not affected by cooking factors, so fruits and vegetables cannot replace each other, it is recommended to have vegetables at each meal and eat fruits every day.

Pay attention to these points when choosing fruits

Fruits are an important part of a balanced diet, each type has different advantages, from the perspective of nutritional balance, a variety of fruits rotated to eat the effect is better. According to sweetness and calories, it can be divided into 3 categories.

1. Very sweet, but not high in calories

For people who want to control dietary calories, worry about high fruit sugar and like to eat sweets, you can choose fruits that are very sweet to eat but not high in total calories.

Representative fruits: strawberry, papaya, apricot

2. Very sweet and high in calories

These fruits not only taste sweet, but also have a high sugar content. If you are losing weight or controlling your total calorie intake from food, then these fruits should be eaten appropriately less.

Representative fruits: bananas, fresh dates, lychees

What the! Eating too much fruit will accelerate aging?

The sugar content of ripe cherries, pineapples and grapes is 10%~14%, and the sugar content of persimmons, pomegranates, fresh dates, lychees, durians, jackfruit, sugar cane and bananas is higher than 15%.

3. Not sweet, but high in calories

Pomegranates and passion fruit taste sour but both contain more than 15% sugar, are high in calories, and they are rich in organic acids that mask the sweetness.

Representative fruits: hawthorn, ginseng fruit, passion fruit, mangosteen

Note: There are also some fruits that are high in fat, such as avocados and coconut, which contain more than 10% fat.

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In 2023

China Women's Daily

Source/CCTV Life Circle


Responsible editor/Chen Xiaobing

Review/Yifan Producer/Zhifei

What the! Eating too much fruit will accelerate aging?