
Oriental Lecture Visit to Lei Feng Memorial Hall Q&A Minutes (No. 19)

author:LM is sensitive and studious

March 2, 2023

19. When visiting the Lei Feng Memorial Hall, he said: "The spirit of Lei Feng is Chinese and belongs to the Chinese nation, and it is a combination of the excellent traditional Chinese culture of more than 5,000 years and the culture of the Red Revolution and the socialist culture. Accumulate small goodness for great good, and good is great. ”

Interpretation: In the speech on promoting excellent traditional culture, he pointed out: "Throughout history, the rise or rejuvenation of a nation is often preceded by the revival of national culture and the rise of national spirit. The decline or collapse of a nation is often preceded by the decadence of national culture and the malaise of national spirit. ”

Oriental Lecture Visit to Lei Feng Memorial Hall Q&A Minutes (No. 19)

Therefore, we believe that the spirit of Lei Feng and the Lei Feng culture formed over the past half century are the historical coordinates of the rise of the Chinese national spirit and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation's culture in the new era.

Culture is a concept that exists relative to nature, and man evolved in the process of transforming nature. The results of transformation and its processes become culture.

Lei Feng culture is a big cultural concept, including both spiritual and material aspects. Lei Feng culture is a concentrated embodiment of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, the red revolution culture and the advanced socialist culture, and the spirit of Lei Feng is a vivid embodiment of the core values of socialism.

Lei Feng culture is in the same vein as the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation. Lei Feng Shen Yun and the wind bones of the ancient sages of the continent are connected by flesh and blood.

Sima Qian said: "Man is inherently dead, either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than Hongmao."

Lei Feng said: "People always die, some are lighter than the feathers, and some are heavier than Mount Tai. I think that a revolutionary should devote his whole life and whole life to the cause of human liberation, communism. ”

Zhuge Liang said: "Gou Quan lives in troubled times, and does not seek to hear from the princes."

Lei Feng said: "When the motherland and the people are at the most critical juncture, I will stand up and not be afraid of sacrifice." ”

Gu Yanwu said: "It is the responsibility of the world to rise and fall."

Lei Feng said: "For the liberation of the class and the nation and for the success of the party's cause, I am not afraid of hunger, cold, or difficulties." ”

Du Pu said: "There are thousands of buildings in Ande, sheltering the cold and happy people in the world."

Lei Feng said: "High-rise buildings are built brick by brick, why don't we make this brick and stone!" That's why I do these bits and pieces every day. ”

Li Bai said: "Born with my talents, I will be useful, and the thousands of gold will be scattered and come back."

Lei Feng said: "We eat to live, but we don't live to eat, I live to serve the people wholeheartedly." ”

Su Shi said: "Gou is not my own, although I can't take anything." Lei Feng said: "I think a true revolutionary, he is selfless, everything he does is beneficial to the people, and his responsibility is boundless..."

Lu You said: "Wang Shi Bei fixed the day of the Central Plains, and the family sacrifice did not forget to tell Na Weng."

Lei Feng said: "I think to make myself alive is to make other people's lives better. ”

Li Qingzhao said: "Life is a masterpiece, death is also a ghost."

Lei Feng said: "Life is for the people, and death is for the people." ”

The great Hungarian poet Beethoven said: "The amount of life is calculated by time, and the value of life is calculated by contribution." ”

Sima Qian is 55 years old, Gu Yanwu is 69 years old, Zhuge Liang is 55 years old, Du Pu is 58 years old, Li Bai is 61 years old, Su Shi is 64 years old, Lu You is 85 years old, Li Qingzhao is 71 years old, and Lei Feng is only 22 years old. Qu Yuan surrendered to Jiang, Chicheng, Zhongyi, Su Wu, Muyang, steadfast, unyielding, Yue Fei, resisted Jin, Jingzhong served the country, Wen Tianxiang went to the disaster, righteousness was awe-inspiring, Shi Kefa defended the city, fierce and tragic, Tan Sitong was righteous, kept his will, became benevolent, Fang Xiaoxiao refused to surrender, sacrificed his life for righteousness, and Lei Feng "devoted his limited life to unlimited service to the people." ”

The philosopher Chernyshevsky said: "The historical significance of every great man is measured by his merits to the Motherland, and his character is measured by his patriotic deeds." ”

Qu Yuan was a politician and poet during the Warring States Period, Su Wu was a minister and Zhonglang general of the Western Han Dynasty, Yue Fei was a famous general of the Song Dynasty against Jin, Shi Kefa was a famous general of the Ming Dynasty against the Qing Dynasty, Wen Tianxiang was a famous minister of the Song Dynasty, and Tan Si was a modern politician, thinker, and restorationist.

However, Lei Feng is an ordinary soldier. Lei Feng culture is the continuation and development of revolutionary culture. Lei Feng culture was formed by directly absorbing the nourishment of revolutionary culture in the practice of continuing the revolution.

Lei Feng admired Lu Xun, Li Dazhao, Wang Ruofei, Fang Zhimin, Sun Yat-sen and other revolutionary pioneers. Lei Feng learned from countless revolutionary martyrs such as Huang Jiguang, Dong Cunrui, and Qiu Shaoyun, inherited their legacy, carried forward their spirit, carried forward the past and forged ahead. Growing and growing.

Lei Feng said: "Treat comrades like the warmth of spring, treat work like summer, treat individualism like the autumn breeze sweeping away leaves, and treat enemies as cruel and merciless as a harsh winter." ”

Li Dazhao said: "I think the best way to seek happiness in life is to work, all happiness can be obtained by labor, and all hardships can be liberated by labor." Lei Feng said: "The most glorious thing in the world - labor." The most decent people in the world - laborers. ”

Wang Ruofei said: "Life is born for truth, death is for truth, and there is nothing of my own except truth." Lei Feng said: "Human life is limited, but serving the people is infinite." ”

Sun Yat-sen said: "The world serves the public" Lei Feng said: "From the day I joined the revolution, I was always ready to sacrifice everything I had for the supreme interests of the party and class, down to the most precious life." ”

Fang Zhimin said: "We can't live with the grass and trees, we can't get drunk and dream of death, we can't live in vain, we must make a difference." Lei Feng said: "I think to make myself alive is to make other people's lives better." ”

Lei Feng wrote in his diary: "In the most difficult and arduous work, I think of Huang Jiguang, and I have strength all over my body, full of confidence, and stronger will... Every time I go out to perform a task or in the most complex environment, I think of Qiu Shaoyun, and I can strictly demand myself and abide by discipline well. Whenever I get benefits and enjoyment, I think of Bethune, and I put others before myself and give enjoyment to others. ”

Lei Feng also said: "I want to follow the example of comrades Huang Jiguang, Dong Cunrui, Fang Zhimin, and others, and be a person who loves the motherland and the people, and is always loyal to the party and the revolutionary cause." "The immortal revolutionary martyr, Comrade Fang Zhimin, is an example for me to emulate forever."

Lei Feng said again: "I read the book "Huang Jiguang" not only once, but with tears of excitement, I read it word by word countless times, and even I could memorize this book. Every time I read it again, I added a strong strength, and the education I received became deeper and deeper every time. It inspires and inspires me tremendously. The reason why the hero Huang Jiguang can make great contributions to the cause of human liberation is because he has a high degree of class consciousness, hates the enemy to the bone, and is infinitely loyal to the party, the people, and the revolutionary cause. I want to learn from Huang Jiguang's firm proletarian stand, his brave and strong revolutionary will, his noble character, his concern for others more than himself, his spirit of working conscientiously for the party, his industrious and simple character, his humble and studious spirit of seeking progress, and his spirit of fighting heroically for the people of the motherland. ”

Lei Feng is a practitioner, pioneer and builder of advanced socialist culture. Lei Feng culture is the actual embodiment of advanced socialist culture. Lei Feng's dedication leads the trend of the times.

Lei Feng's dedication is a continuation and development of the spirit of bloodshed and sacrifice during the war years, but it is not exactly the same, vividly embodying the core values of socialism. Lei Feng's spirit is not produced in an environment full of bullets and wars, but in the period of peacebuilding, in ordinary posts, in ordinary work, do one thing at a time, complete task by task, and dedicate bit by bit.

As Dong Cunrui's comrade-in-arms and old hero Zhi Shunyi said, "Dong Cunrui is a vigorous hero, and Lei Feng is a peaceful and quiet hero."

Lei Feng's dedication is of epoch-making significance, and it is a huge liberation for thousands of people who want to be heroes but feel that heroes are useless, and they have found a place to use them. We should direct people's attention and focus to socialist construction and to the strategy of strengthening the country and enriching the people.

Therefore, heroes such as Liu Yingjun and Wang Jie who sacrificed themselves to save others appeared, and contemporary Lei Feng generals such as Guo Mingyi, Sun Maofang, and Zhuang Shihua and Lei Feng such as Long Fan and many labor models emerged.

Lei Feng's spirit adapts to all industries, positions, and places, without the restrictions of time and space.

Lei Feng culture contains ideological concepts, humanistic spirit and moral norms, which can promote the construction of civilization in the new era, continuously improve people's ideological consciousness, moral standards, civilization literacy and civilization level, and is a reliable guarantee for cultivating new talents who can undertake the great cause of national rejuvenation.

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