
Luka Doncic - Dallas' darling! Cuban: I'd rather divorce my wife than let him go

author:Tong Muzhen

这是‬东契奇‬来到‬独行侠‬的第四个‬赛季了,本赛季‬场均‬33.1分‬8.8篮板‬8.1助攻‬1.5抢断‬0.5盖帽‬。 自从东契奇搬到德克萨斯达拉斯以来,他‬神乎其神的篮球技艺盖过了自己为社区所做出的贡献。

Luka Doncic - Dallas' darling! Cuban: I'd rather divorce my wife than let him go

As the coronavirus swept through the city, Doncic donated $500,000 to medical workers who were fighting the virus. 还有一回德克萨斯州遭遇了史上最严重的暴风雪,整个州都被冰雪冻结,3千万居民家断电,当时‬东契奇和库班一起给困在家中没电没暖气使用的家庭捐赠了120万美元。

Even on Christmas, Doncic was thinking about others, giving his teammates electric balance bikes and Nerf toy guns. 还有‬,一家儿童医院的孩子们惊喜地收到东契奇送的全新的乔丹球鞋, 东契奇并‬编辑了鼓励孩子们继续保持坚强的信息。

Luka Doncic - Dallas' darling! Cuban: I'd rather divorce my wife than let him go

Doncic is changing people's lives, and he has made Cuban admit that he would rather divorce his wife than leave Dallas. 所以达拉斯需要做一些疯狂的事情,因为东契奇所有善举,他值得大家每年用一整天的时间为他‬庆祝。 现在达拉斯每年‬7月6日正式成为卢卡-东契奇日。 It's crazy, but it's not an exaggeration in terms of what Doncic does for people.

Luka Doncic - Dallas' darling! Cuban: I'd rather divorce my wife than let him go

If it weren't for Kobe's secret advice, Luca wouldn't be where he is today. 东契奇一直是科比的球迷,他‬认识科比,而且‬看了科比‬很多的比赛,科比‬和詹姆斯一直是他‬喜欢的球员,但是他‬总是爱看科比的比赛,科比‬就是一头野兽。 This is also why after Doncic was selected, Kobe privately gave Doncic a jersey that he wore during the game. Kobe also reminded Chectic: You have to be careful, they will target you, because you know you are a player from Europe, and they will try their best to follow you.

Luka Doncic - Dallas' darling! Cuban: I'd rather divorce my wife than let him go

Indeed! Kobe, who let Doncic know he had the potential to become a star, has been in touch with and trained with Kobe. You can even see that Kobe's way of playing is affecting Doncic, otherwise where did Doncic's backward jumper, or the Golden Rooster Independent Three-Point Club, be learned?

当然‬,科比私底下也‬为东契奇的成就感到自豪,他对东契奇的喜爱世人皆知。 有一次‬,科比知道在12月29日他曾效力的湖人即将对阵独行侠,东契奇将会造访洛杉矶,科比不仅仅现身场边,还发生了这样的一件‬趣事‬:当时‬东契奇场边发球,科比在‬观众‬席‬上跟‬东契奇‬说话‬,东契奇‬回头‬一看‬,看到的居然是科比,心里想这是怎么一回事啊,他‬又惊喜又震惊。

Luka Doncic - Dallas' darling! Cuban: I'd rather divorce my wife than let him go

如今‬,东契奇‬已经成长‬为‬了NBA联盟‬的巨星‬。 期待‬他‬在‬场上‬取得‬更多的‬成就‬。