
Breaking the "iron rice bowl" of teachers, the Ministry of Education clearly announced: these 5 types of teachers will be dismissed!


Wen ▏ Sixth Uncle talks about education

The teaching profession has always had a high social status and is also respected and loved by everyone.

In addition, the salary of teachers is also good, not only with the salary of civil servants, but also with winter and summer vacations that other types of work do not have.

The teacher is expected to complain, where is the salary of a civil servant? However, in 2020, according to the requirements of the Ministry of Education, the salary of primary and secondary school teachers should not be lower than the average of local civil servants.

Breaking the "iron rice bowl" of teachers, the Ministry of Education clearly announced: these 5 types of teachers will be dismissed!

Sixth Uncle has a few friends around him who are in the teaching profession, and although their salaries are not very high, they are only four or five thousand a month.

This is not very high compared with the current hot Internet industry's monthly salary of more than 10,000, but the five insurances and one housing fund are paid in full.

And there are also local teachers who have supplementary provident funds, which is even more enviable, and some teachers can be reimbursed for medical treatment in ordinary times, so many benefits, it is inevitable that many people want to apply.

Therefore, the examination of teacher qualification certificate has also been very hot in recent years.

It has to be said that the teaching profession is very popular among the younger generation and is recognized as the "iron rice bowl" for everyone.

However, with the development of the teaching team in recent years, its officials have also found some "black sheep" mixed in the teaching team, with relatively ideal salaries, everyone's respect for teachers, but did not use the mission of teaching and educating people to teach students.

It not only affects the cleanliness of the teaching team, but also delays the children's valuable learning.

Breaking the "iron rice bowl" of teachers, the Ministry of Education clearly announced: these 5 types of teachers will be dismissed!

Recently, the Ministry of Education, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate jointly issued the Opinions on Implementing the Employment Prohibition System. Every teacher should take a good look at its contents!

In the relevant "Opinions", it is clear that it is necessary to purify the campus environment, strengthen the construction of teachers' morality and teaching style, and effectively protect minors.

For those faculty and staff related to violations, violations and crimes, the practice prohibition system should be strictly enforced.

Breaking the "iron rice bowl" of teachers, the Ministry of Education clearly announced: these 5 types of teachers will be dismissed!

It also identifies the following five categories of teachers who may face dismissal:

Moral corrupters: Seriously disrupt campus peace

Violation of duty: disrupting normal teaching order

Those with insufficient academic qualifications: do not have the corresponding teaching qualifications

Incompetent: Difficult to teach

Excessive punishment: affecting the physical and mental health of students

Breaking the "iron rice bowl" of teachers, the Ministry of Education clearly announced: these 5 types of teachers will be dismissed!

The construction of teachers' morality and teaching style has always been the top priority in the construction of the teaching team, and although many teachers in the team are respected, the influence of those black sheep is not excluded.

For these black sheep, we must strictly censor, prohibit practice, and directly remove them from the teaching team.

In the usual education and teaching life, it is often possible to hear some parents report that teachers make up classes in violation of regulations during vacations, especially during winter and summer vacations.

Especially after the double reduction, many teaching and training institutions closed their doors, originally thinking that students would reduce their burden, but the situation was not what they thought.

Breaking the "iron rice bowl" of teachers, the Ministry of Education clearly announced: these 5 types of teachers will be dismissed!

For paid make-up classes, Sixth Uncle hates it deeply. I've been hurt, and I don't want my children to continue to be hurt.

Today, although the winter holidays have now begun, it is not easy for children.

From time to time, I can see parents in my neighborhood introducing me to famous teachers, many of whom are currently teachers.

Although the parents knew that there was a problem, the teacher believed and told him not to talk nonsense.

In fact, the sixth uncle is still very distressed about his parents, and the child's achievements and even the future make him have no choice.

Despite repeated orders prohibiting in-service teachers from making up classes, there are always people who do not believe it.

Breaking the "iron rice bowl" of teachers, the Ministry of Education clearly announced: these 5 types of teachers will be dismissed!

Corporal punishment of students is even more inadmissible, and nowadays, children need more teaching than control.

Especially those teachers who like to physically punish students, just try to save trouble for a while and punish them one at a time.

I always feel that corporal punishment of students can establish authority, and I don't know how much damage this causes to students' mental health.

Breaking the "iron rice bowl" of teachers, the Ministry of Education clearly announced: these 5 types of teachers will be dismissed!

In a middle school in Hengshui, Hebei, there is such a teacher.

After discovering that students are not concentrating in class, they ask students to post their chat records, which is obviously a violation of students' privacy.

Despite his students and mistakes, he still has his privacy.

Lack of concentration in class should not be an excuse for violating privacy.

Breaking the "iron rice bowl" of teachers, the Ministry of Education clearly announced: these 5 types of teachers will be dismissed!

As a teacher, we should do our job well and do a good job in teaching and educating people.

In today's educational environment, the intervention of higher departments, the incomprehension of school leaders, and the excessive intervention of parents every day make teachers tired.

I also have a classmate of a junior high school class teacher, because he ran a lap on the playground in his free time, he was criticized by the whole school and wandered freely, which also made many teachers wronged.

At present, teachers must also have the ability to innovate in art, and now various teaching methods, software and hardware are very rich, teachers can also change their teaching style according to the relevant courses and students' learning situation, attract students' attention, and comprehensively improve students' performance.

Breaking the "iron rice bowl" of teachers, the Ministry of Education clearly announced: these 5 types of teachers will be dismissed!

A little message

As teachers, it is difficult to change this environment, but the only thing we can change is ourselves.

It is enough to do your job well, to be worthy of yourself, to be worthy of students, to be worthy of parents, to be worthy of your profession.

In the current social environment, all walks of life are facing changes, and the education industry is particularly prominent and special.

These "Opinions" made by the Ministry of Education can be said to rectify the teaching force on the one hand and ensure the purity of the teaching team, and on the other hand, it is also for the sake of education and tens of millions of students.

Tens of millions of teachers, we must improve their professional quality, make good results in teaching, and cultivate more outstanding talents.

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