
The 17th King New Year event opened, Marco Polo was handsome and crying, and the mink cicada and bull demon crystal skin were online

author:King Little Qiao Mei

Coke to add ice, Qiao Mei in your heart, hello everyone, I am Xiao Qiao Mei, every day to share for you interesting King Glory new skin, new version, the latest strategy and other article content.

The Spring Festival is coming, and the glory of the king will open many new welfare activities during the Spring Festival, and recently the official has also warmed up the follow-up welfare activities. On January 17th, the first wave of Spring Festival welfare activities will be ushered in, when the bunny cake market will officially open, and participants can get permanent skins.

The 17th King New Year event opened, Marco Polo was handsome and crying, and the mink cicada and bull demon crystal skin were online

The participation method of the Little Bunny Cake Market activity is similar to the previous Little Tiger Cake Market event, when the time comes to complete the event task to get the Little Bunny Cake props, collect the Little Bunny Cake and sell it can be the event props, this event is not difficult to participate in, and participating in this event can also get a permanent epic skin, which is quite good.

In addition, during the subsequent Spring Festival, the mystery shop event will also open again, when many popular epic skins will be added, such as Big Qiao - White Snake, Zhuge Liang - Golden Ratio, Baili Shouyo - Agent Phantom, Li Bai - Millennium Fox and other skins, the quality of these skins is very good.

The 17th King New Year event opened, Marco Polo was handsome and crying, and the mink cicada and bull demon crystal skin were online

After the opening of this mystery shop, two legendary skins will be added, such as Zhang Liang - Golden Aries, Sun Shangxiang - Doomsday Mecha and so on. At that time, each player can draw their own lucky discount, and there is also a chance to draw a five-fold discount, and you can get the legendary skin at half price, which is still more cost-effective.

On the day of the Spring Festival, there will be a new Year of the Rabbit limited series skins online, and the heroes of the Year of the Rabbit limited series skins have also been officially announced, which will be given to five heroes such as Li Xin, Yao, Yao, Xiao Qiao, and Marco Polo. These five rabbit year limited skins are themed on five spirit beasts, and the special effect quality of the skin is also very good.

The 17th King New Year event opened, Marco Polo was handsome and crying, and the mink cicada and bull demon crystal skin were online

Recently, the design details of the Year of the Rabbit limited series skin have also been exposed, among which Marco Polo's new skin is integrated with dragon and forest elements, with turquoise as the main color, and the skill special effects have dragon head special effects, and the overall special effects are still relatively handsome. Later, you can open the 60 card, and then start the Year of the Rabbit limited series skins is more cost-effective.

In addition to the five Year of the Rabbit limited series skins, on the subsequent Spring Festival day, there will be a new Glory Collection skin online, this skin is for mink cicadas, and this skin has been exposed. This new skin of the mink cicada incorporates mermaid elements, with blue and purple colors as the main color, and the image of the mink cicada is still relatively good-looking.

The 17th King New Year event opened, Marco Polo was handsome and crying, and the mink cicada and bull demon crystal skin were online

There are two mermaid souls possessed by the mink cicada's side, and the skill effects of this skin are also water and mermaid special effects, and the mink cicada will change the special effect image when it opens the big move, and the special effect quality is also good. After this skin is online, it can be directly exchanged for a glory crystal, and players who like it can prepare it in advance.

In addition, there will be a new diamond raider skin online in the future, and the hero of this skin has also been exposed in the recently released pre-heated silhouette, that is, the bull demon. Bull Demon's new Diamond Raiders skin is brave quality and will be officially launched on the day of Chinese New Year's Eve, and it can also be exchanged for a king crystal at that time.

The 17th King New Year event opened, Marco Polo was handsome and crying, and the mink cicada and bull demon crystal skin were online

Qiao Mei has something to say

The No. 17 Little Bunny Cake Market event opens, the mystery shop will also open, Marco Polo Rabbit Limited Skin Special Effects Handsome Cry, Sable Cicada's Glory Collection skin exposed, and the Bull Demon Diamond Treasure Raiders skin is about to be launched.

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