
Hilarious moment: He just wants my wife to get sicker and collect more money!

Original title: Hilarious moment: He just wants my wife's condition to worsen and collect more money!

Funny GIF Joke edited by Manga Eight Sisters 1: I was reading a book in the library when a little girl walked in and asked the librarian for a funny book, and then the librarian gave him a copy of How to Juggle. He took the book and walked away happily. After a while, the little girl returned, and he asked the administrator: Can you change me a book that teaches people to repair broken dishes!

Funny GIF picture joke edited by the manga Eighth Sister 2: There is an alcoholic who has a car accident and is lying on the hospital bed, at this time, his alcohol addiction comes, so he begged his wife to buy him alcohol, and his wife asked: You can't move your hands, how do you serve wine glasses? The drunkard shouted loudly: Then use a straw to suck!

Funny GIF picture joke edited by the comic eight sister 4: My girlfriend went to the doctor when she had a cold, and the doctor actually asked her to take off her naked to check it, although I don't understand medicine, but this little trick is difficult for me, he MD just wants my wife to get sicker and collect more money!

Funny GIF Joke is edited by Manga Eight Sisters Editor 5: The girl and the young man met in the park through the marriage agency. After the two talked for a while, the girl got up to leave. The young man was very fond of the girl, and when he saw that she was leaving, he was very anxious and quickly asked the reason. Girl: Although you look good, your belly is empty. Guy: Who said I had an empty belly? Before coming to the park, I also had a western meal and drank three glasses of wine.

Funny GIF Joke edited by Manga Eight Sisters 6: Sister, you are the descendant of Xiaolongnu!

Funny GIF Joke edited by Manga Eight Sister 7: It seems that this pair of feet of the uncle can't wear anything else except slippers!

Funny GIF Joke edited by Manga Eight Sister 8: It's okay, master, don't worry, I can control myself!

Hilarious moment: He just wants my wife to get sicker and collect more money!
Hilarious moment: He just wants my wife to get sicker and collect more money!

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Hilarious moment: He just wants my wife to get sicker and collect more money!
Hilarious moment: He just wants my wife to get sicker and collect more money!
Hilarious moment: He just wants my wife to get sicker and collect more money!
Hilarious moment: He just wants my wife to get sicker and collect more money!
Hilarious moment: He just wants my wife to get sicker and collect more money!
Hilarious moment: He just wants my wife to get sicker and collect more money!