
#Guo Biting's social platform takes Xiang Zuo# is a typical windless and waveless netizens found that Guo Biting's social platform account has closed Xiang Zuo, which makes people reverie... Go early

author:Dapeng Brother, Jeju Province

#Guo Biting's social platform takes Guan Xiangzuo# is a typical windless and waveless

Some netizens found that Guo Biting's social platform account has closed Xiang Zuo, which makes people think about it...

As early as July last year, some gossip media exposed that Xiang Zuo was suspected of cheating, and the night party beauty lived in the wedding room.

And Xiang Tai Chen Lan also stood up for the first time to refute the rumors, packed a ticket for his son, said that the media spread rumors, and the woman next to Xiang Zuo was her sister.

Nowadays, the result will not cooperate with everyone acting.

If it is true that Guo Biting took Xiang Zuo, then the truth of the matter was revealed.

The relationship between Xiang Zuo and Guo Biting did have problems.

If, in the eyes of everyone, handsome men and beautiful women, a match made in heaven, there is a problem, then it is really that the shoes do not fit, only the feet know, outsiders see, just what they want everyone to see.

I still hope that Xiang Zuo and Guo Biting are safe and sound, respectful of each other, and the fate between people is really not easy...

In addition, Guo Biting gave birth to two children to the Xiang family in three years, and this is the best explanation for the Xiang Zuo family... and the biggest contribution...

#Guo Biting's social platform takes Xiang Zuo# is a typical windless and waveless netizens found that Guo Biting's social platform account has closed Xiang Zuo, which makes people reverie... Go early
#Guo Biting's social platform takes Xiang Zuo# is a typical windless and waveless netizens found that Guo Biting's social platform account has closed Xiang Zuo, which makes people reverie... Go early
#Guo Biting's social platform takes Xiang Zuo# is a typical windless and waveless netizens found that Guo Biting's social platform account has closed Xiang Zuo, which makes people reverie... Go early

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