
Sure enough, learning to shut up will save your life! Watch netizens experience an epiphany: It's good to suffer a small loss

author:Duck Duck shares new things

Today's Sharing:

1. Say more praise and less criticism

2. Protect your privacy and avoid becoming a weapon for others to harm you

3. Keep your future plans confidential, surprises are more impressive than expectations

4. There are very few people who look forward to your goodness, and there are many people who see your jokes [Bixin]

‬ 我公公就这样,家里啥事都瞒不过亲戚朋友,有啥事不出几天,亲戚朋友,七大姑八大姨都知道了

Sure enough, learning to shut up will save your life! Watch netizens experience an epiphany: It's good to suffer a small loss

‬ [发怒]我妈也这样,而且说我的事只说一半 ,给她朋友给亲戚给我朋友的家长,只要说话就要说我坏话,我真气死了,她还不觉得自己错了[尬笑]

Sure enough, learning to shut up will save your life! Watch netizens experience an epiphany: It's good to suffer a small loss

‬真的!家人们!一定要学会闭嘴,闷声才能干大事啊!我自己是一个特别看得开的人,不是那种小心眼的人,听到我关系比较好的朋友在我面前说自己未来的计划、自己如何如何牛逼的时候,我心那么大的人都会反感!甚至在看到他笑话之后会暗爽,落井下石的心态真的不是人能控制的啊!!更别说万一遇到小人了!!记住,没有人盼着你好,包括父母!!闷声干大事啊!! Your own must have come out of someone else's mouth!!

Sure enough, learning to shut up will save your life! Watch netizens experience an epiphany: It's good to suffer a small loss

‬ 都是这样过来的,单纯的人成熟的晚。 Now it's too late to change the convergence and transparency, and encourage [呲tooth]

Sure enough, learning to shut up will save your life! Watch netizens experience an epiphany: It's good to suffer a small loss

‬ 同事说话信三分就行了 ,别人吐槽领导,你听了别说话,真的会有人是领导的眼线[泪奔] 还有别以为你和这个同事天下第一好,她可以和你在一起吐槽另一个人,转头就可以和别人吐槽你[泪奔]

Sure enough, learning to shut up will save your life! Watch netizens experience an epiphany: It's good to suffer a small loss


Sure enough, learning to shut up will save your life! Watch netizens experience an epiphany: It's good to suffer a small loss

It's true, I'm very good, sometimes they will be influenced by us, and they will notice those, get along for a long time, and really affect each other (for example, when I first came, the sister really didn't care about people with a cold attitude, but we still treat each other gently, when she took a lot of things, she couldn't open the door, I opened a door for her, and said early in the morning or something, she slowly got better, and she was much more enthusiastic than before, not a colleague who worked together, but a colleague who had a little bit of work contact)

Sure enough, learning to shut up will save your life! Watch netizens experience an epiphany: It's good to suffer a small loss

‬入职三天的人,聊天说晚上一起带我去那种粉红巷 ,我拒绝了 ,然后他又叫别的人,最后又叫了两个一共三个人,第二天他自己觉得很光荣的事情,拿出来说 ,领导觉得他脑子有问题 ,就劝退了,那俩男娃其中还有个男娃在追求同部门的女娃 ,结果这一下传开了 ,俩男娃也觉得待不下去了 ,就都离职了[尬笑][尬笑]

Sure enough, learning to shut up will save your life! Watch netizens experience an epiphany: It's good to suffer a small loss


Sure enough, learning to shut up will save your life! Watch netizens experience an epiphany: It's good to suffer a small loss


Sure enough, learning to shut up will save your life! Watch netizens experience an epiphany: It's good to suffer a small loss

Actually, not only at work, but also outside the home. 因为你不知道什么时候谁在哪里抽起根筋就把你说过的话添油加醋,然后让你出名‬[捂脸]

Sure enough, learning to shut up will save your life! Watch netizens experience an epiphany: It's good to suffer a small loss

My friend is like this, everything is said to the outside, I told her things, I said don't tell others, but the next second, Baba said to others, I really convinced, really the main thing is that I'm still there, she asked me in turn Yes, that's what you told me, right, so to ask, I really obey Who understands [smile]

Sure enough, learning to shut up will save your life! Watch netizens experience an epiphany: It's good to suffer a small loss


Sure enough, learning to shut up will save your life! Watch netizens experience an epiphany: It's good to suffer a small loss

‬控制不住的人都得经历一次才学会闭嘴,我就是一个活生生的案例,到现在都还有心理阴影,这种亏说出来很傻,但是真正经历的时候没有根本不像自己想的那样有控制力。 A lot of things people can't teach, but things can be taught to understand [tears]

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