
Read Cao Wenxuan's "Grass House" and learn 6 creative skills (1): What are the three hat throws?

author:Du DouDou Ten Thousand Volumes Of Good Books Reading Club

Text/Du Dou Bean

Read Cao Wenxuan's "Grass House" and learn 6 creative skills (1): What are the three hat throws?

"The white clouds of autumn, gentle as silk, go away long and wide; the leaves of the plane trees are falling in the autumn wind. The boy Sangsang suddenly felt that he wanted to cry, so he whimpered quietly. ——Cao Wenxuan, "Grass House"

"Grass House" is a novel about the growth of teenagers, which embodies the observation and care for human nature, and the yearning and pursuit of beauty. It is the representative work of Mr. Cao Wenxuan, a famous contemporary writer and winner of the International Hans Christian Andersen Award.

This book is written about the boy Sangsang's unforgettable six years of primary school life. This primary school, called Yau Ma Tei Primary School, is a dozen straw houses located in a village in the 1960s.

In Yau Ma Tei, there lives a group of children with different fates. There are bald cranes born with bald heads, Du Xiaokang who suddenly fell in the middle of the family road, charismatic paper moons, children from out of town, Xima, and Sangsang who suddenly puffed up a large bag around his neck, although they have different fates, they have the same hearts, and in different experiences and life tribulations, they have obtained different growths and gains.

I like the works of Teacher Cao Wenxuan, who can always use beautiful brushstrokes, poetic backgrounds, vivid characters, ups and downs of the plot, delicate and vivid psychological descriptions, to create touching stories.

The following study notes are the 6 creative skills I learned when I studied the book "Grass House" and shared them, hoping to help more fellow travelers who like to read and write.

Read Cao Wenxuan's "Grass House" and learn 6 creative skills (1): What are the three hat throws?

Creative Technique 1: Expression Skills – Trails have a big purpose

The first creative technique is the use of small props.

Below, we will analyze how the author uses the small prop of the hat to highlight the growth process of the vulture.

The hat is a small prop that is very ordinary, but in "Grass House", it becomes a magical magic mirror that illuminates the vulture's mind. And the author, it is through such an ordinary object as a hat that we can see the spiritual growth of the vulture, and also get the inspiration of life in addition to being moved.

In the book, the author uses the hat as a prop to highlight the growth process of the vulture by throwing the hat three times:

First of all, Vulture realized from the ridicule of others that his bald head was different, and the alternative made him feel rejected. He began to feel that his image was ugly, and he had troubles, and he had the idea of covering up the ugly, so he put on the first hat that his father bought for him, thinking that this alternative could be covered up.

But the people around him became more curious and began to joke about his hat, and it is conceivable that Vulture was sad in his heart, and he felt deep hurt, pain and humiliation. Such feelings made him angry.

Then, during the exercise, when the teacher took out a second hat to cover his ugly, this behavior made the vulture feel humiliated again.

If the children are still just laughing between each other, the teacher's cover for his bald head is even more of a kind of ironclad disapproval, which arouses the vulture's desire for revenge, causing him to throw out his hat at the critical moment when he is about to win, causing chaos and leading to the loss of collective honor.

Vulture's revenge, although excusable, also made him pay a price. He lost the friendship of his children, and he felt isolated. The vulture who solves the problem with impulsive revenge is guilty at this time.

Because of guilt, he thought of compensation. Therefore, at the end of the vulture story, we see that the third time he threw out his hat was to take the initiative to take the role of Yang Da Bald in the show.

He finally learned to face his own differences, and let what he once thought was ugly become beautiful.

Read Cao Wenxuan's "Grass House" and learn 6 creative skills (1): What are the three hat throws?

"The pure moonlight shines on the earth, on the teachers and students of Yau Ma Tei Primary School, and on one of the most handsome teenagers in the world."

From resistance, to contradiction, and finally to acceptance, isn't everyone's self-growth like this?

Maturity is the process by which you know yourself and accept yourself.

(To be continued, next time continue to share creative tip 2: talking eyes.) Stay tuned. )

Have fun reading with your children! I am Du Doudou, the mother of two children, love to read, love code words, welcome to pay attention to me, on the road to reading happy together.

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