
Cao Wenxuan's "Grass House": an unforgettable and unforgettable past

author:Intensive reading
Cao Wenxuan's "Grass House": an unforgettable and unforgettable past


In the past, whenever I mentioned children's literature, all that came to my mind were fairy tales that I had seen as a child.

For example, "Snow White", "Cinderella", "Aladdin's Lamp" and so on.

This simple and interesting story, with colorful illustrations, is enough to fascinate every child.

It was recently discovered that there is another kind of children's literature, not only tailored for children, but also for adults to read.

"Grass House" is a juvenile novel created by writer Cao Wenxuan, and it is also a wonderful children's literature work.

The novel is about the boy Sangsang's unforgettable and unforgettable six years of primary school life.

During these six years, he witnessed and participated in a series of seemingly ordinary but tear-jerking and touching stories.

Cao Wenxuan's "Grass House": an unforgettable and unforgettable past


Wonderful appreciation

(1) The pathos and elegance of unfortunate teenagers when they fight with bad luck.

Du Xiaokang was born in a rich family, with good academic performance and a class leader, always able to do what other children want to do, but can't do.

This made him clearly different from other children in Yau Ma Tei, and also created his arrogant and indifferent nature.

He has always been the object of Sangsang's secret struggle.

As the son of the principal, Sangsang lacked nothing, and although his grades were not as good as Du Xiaokang's, he was also good, especially in composition.

Generally speaking, Sangsang and Du Xiaokang did not have much friction.

But sometimes, Sangsang looked at du Xiaokang, who was attracting much attention, and his heart was always uncomfortable.

One day, Du Xiaokang suddenly terminated his studies.

His family went bankrupt due to a buying accident, which changed his life.

He pretended not to care at first, pretended to be happy.

Later, it was completely ignored, and I didn't care about a sloppy look.

But life always has to go on.

After Du Xiaokang and his father failed in the duck raising business, Du Xiaokang, who once again experienced sadness and hardship, no longer panicked.

Du Xiaokang faded his past arrogance and self-esteem and became a little man.

He plans to set up a stall in front of the school, and he is not afraid of other people's jokes, the business is slowly getting better, and life is slowly getting better.

It is undeniable that those bad luck in life will bring suffering and pain to the body and mind.

But these misfortunes also bring opportunities for metamorphosis.

Once the bad luck is overcome, what is won is the courage and strength that success and dullness can never give.

Cao Wenxuan's "Grass House": an unforgettable and unforgettable past

(2) Confusing emotional entanglements between adults.

Bai Que and Jiang Yilun were married to the small play "Red Diamond Boat" rehearsed by the Yau Ma Tei Literary and Art Propaganda Team.

The heroine is Bai Que, and the background music player is Jiang Yilun.

One is an eighteen-year-old beauty in Yau Ma Tei, and the other is Sangsang's most admired Chinese teacher.

Sangsang acted as messengers between them, observing their love with curiosity.

At the beginning, love is full of poetry, but in the middle of it encounters twists and turns- the obstruction from the father of the white sparrow and the appearance of the white finch's blind date, Gu Wei.

Because Sangsang lost an important letter, Bai Que went to see the blind date.

After that, Bai Que was shaken by this love, and the two people did not have the courage to go firmly after all.

Later, Bai Que saw clearly the true face of Gu Wei's calculations and regretted it.

She then asked Sangsang to send a letter to Jiang Yilun.

However, it was too late, and after a round of decadence, Jiang decided to marry someone else.

It was no longer appropriate for Sangsang to send the letter again.

It's just that Sangsang is still young, he doesn't understand, he just feels confused and dangerous.

Jiang Yilun and Bai Que were also confused and confused.

After all, the paper could not contain the fire, and these letters were still discovered by Jiang Yilun's wife, who fell ill ever since.

The ending is that Bai Que leaves Yau Ma Tei forever, and Jiang Yilun guards his weak wife.

In fact, what caused this love tragedy was not the letter that Sangsang lost, but the two people invariably chose to withdraw.

Life choices are sometimes like this, one wrong step, one wrong step, no regrets.

Cao Wenxuan's "Grass House": an unforgettable and unforgettable past

(3) The understanding of life in the experience of death.

Sangsang was sick, very sick.

A lump bulged from his neck, and his lips trembled with pain.

Sangsang's father, who had been busy with school affairs, realized the seriousness of the matter.

After seeing the doctor, Sangsang wanted to cry, and he vaguely felt that he had brought tension, panic and sadness to his family, and even to all those who knew him.

At this time, his favorite female teacher, Wen Youju, came to him.

Wen Youju always guards her medicine jar all year round, and she tells Sangsang her story.

Whenever she felt afraid, her grandmother would tell her not to be afraid, she would be quiet as long as she heard these two words, and she would no longer be afraid.

So, don't be afraid.

In many days that followed, Sangsang's father always led Sangsang out, sometimes with hope, but more often with deep hopelessness.

But Sangsang was not afraid at all. The weak Wen Youju gave Sangsang mystical power.

In the end, Sangsang's father decided to take Sangsang again and go to an old doctor in his eighties outside the province for treatment.

A month later, the lump on Sangsang's neck began to subside.

Although Sangsang was not dead, he felt that he had already died once.

Between this life and death, Sangsang seemed to have grown up a lot.

In the experience of death, under the care of friends and family, Sangsang gained peace and courage.

Let him still look at everything about him and think about his tomorrow in the last period of time.



Du Xiaokang, after this unfortunate teenager suffered bad luck, still stubbornly stood up again and became the "most outstanding child in Yau Ma Tei" in the eyes of the teachers.

Not everyone has tried the taste of falling from the clouds to the bottom like Du Xiaokang, but everyone has setbacks.

I once asked myself: What do I get from failure?

I think that failure can learn a deeper lesson than success, as long as you have the courage to take this profound education, success is not far away.

And such success is more able to stand the test.

The choices made by Jiang Yilun and Bai Que because of the difference in one thought made them miss each other.

Life is the same way, we make choices all the time.

Sometimes a choice made on a single thought can lead to tragedy.

People often suffer a blow and regret for life.

Cao Wenxuan's "Grass House": an unforgettable and unforgettable past

So how can we make the right choice?

I think it's a question that will never have an answer, and until the last minute, no one knows which option will be better.

But at least we need to understand what we're choosing, because too many people make their choices before they know the options.

Sangsang, this kind child, grew up quietly in the experience of death.

Sometimes bad luck strikes suddenly, and no one can escape it.

So what should we do with it?

I thought, be strong.

As Wen Youju said, don't be afraid, we have seen so many beautiful things and seen so many good people, even if we really leave, there is no regret.

The value of life lies not in its length, but in its meaning.

In addition, the book "Grass House" also tells about the flawless pure love between young boys and girls; the persistence of the mutilated boy for dignity; the personality brilliance of the dying old man shining in the last moment...

These stories have brought me to tears more than once, feeling both bitter and touching.

Author: Xiao Yanqing, a woman who is very interested in many things.

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