
Parent-child reading | Children's Literature "Grass House"

author:A prince kisses

"Grass House" has received numerous domestic and international awards, including the Fourth National Book Award, the Five One Project Award of the Central Propaganda Department, and has also been selected for the required reading series of the new language curriculum. It has also been translated into a variety of foreign languages.

The author, Mr. Cao Wenxuan, won the International Hans Christian Andersen Award, the world's highest award in children's literature. Mr. Cao is also the only master in China to receive this honor so far.

Critics agree that the greatest charm of "Grass House" is that its style is elegant, its taste, and its educational significance, emphasizing that literature can also influence or inspire readers with style and taste. And the book "Grass House" wants to inspire everyone to think about growth.

Maybe the older friends will wonder if a children's literature can handle such a big theme. Let's see what the experts say.

The educational role of children's literature is based on awareness. When the reader obtains a certain understanding from children's literature, it will inevitably cause changes in emotions and emotions to a certain extent. That is, from understanding to emotion, and then from emotion to sex, unconsciously, character sentiments are cultivated, thoughts and feelings are purified, and moral behavior is also standardized.

That is to say, do not underestimate the subtle educational function of literature. What's more, "Grass House" itself is autobiographical in nature, and it is a recreation of Teacher Cao's own childhood growth experience. This proves that the growth that Teacher Cao talked about is rooted. Although the ages are different, the truth is still profound.

Teacher Cao uses three stories to tell three aspects of growth. The first story of Grass House, Vulture's, explores growing up with inferiority and self-esteem. When he was a child, the vulture did not care about everyone's teasing, and often let his friends touch their bald heads in exchange for the erasers and pencils they wanted. But in grades 1-3, he suddenly became concerned about his baldness and didn't even want to go to school.

This is the subtle psychological growth of children. It seems to us that we are still the children who play with the mud, and suddenly one day they begin to care about their own image. Vulture seems stubborn, but he is very inferior in his heart because of his baldness. Especially after being asked by the teacher not to participate in the gymnastics performance, he deliberately retaliated after being hit, so that the school lost the honor of the first place in the performance. But although he succeeded, he was isolated by others.

For a child with a physical disability, being away from the group is a damage to self-esteem. Fortunately, he finally completed his self-redemption. On the verge of being appointed, he played the role of a bald platoon leader who was no match for him. Yau Ma Tei Primary School was a great success in another performance. He was also re-embraced.

In the end, the scene of the children holding their heads and crying together by the stream is described very successfully. A lonely, seemingly self-respecting, but in fact inferior child, has reached an understanding with a group of children who have teased him. It's their collective growth.

Many people will wonder why the protagonist of this book is obviously Sangsang, why the first story is vulture. In fact, Teacher Fan Deng once said that self-esteem is the cornerstone of personality in his youth. Therefore, Teacher Cao's opening with this story is very clever.

Protecting children's self-esteem is an adult responsibility and requires our wisdom. It is not only necessary to teach children to be empathetic and for them to be considerate, not to discriminate against children like bald cranes. We also need to let children like Vultures, who are prone to inferiority, have their own roles and opportunities. Lead them out of inferiority and realize their value.

The second topic of growth is tenacity and responsibility. Teacher Cao shaped the image of Du Xiaokang. He was once the richest man in Yau Ma Tei, he was still the class leader, tall, excellent grades, can be said to be the dragon phoenix among the people. But a stroke of bad luck not only cost him his wealth and his place among his children, but he also lost the opportunity to continue his studies. This is particularly devastating for a child.

The subsequent process of raising ducks was also arduous. Just a little hope, and then encountered another disaster. God seems to have made two big jokes with him who has always been smooth sailing before. However, just when even his father could not support himself, Du Xiaokang grew into a real man. Tough he did not give up, he threw away all face and dignity, and calmly set up a stall at the school gate. Sell things to classmates to make ends meet.

I have to say that no face is actually the most face, and no dignity is actually the most dignified. Moreover, Du Xiaokang has also won the respect of adults. Sangsang's father, Sancho, also commented that he would definitely be the most prominent child in Yau Ma Tei in the future. What is worth learning for all growing children is his background of being rich and not arrogant, poor and without complaint.

Teacher Cao's third growing concern is kindness. What is growth? Rousseau said that to grow up is to learn to love everyone. This sentence has been deeply reflected in the body of the protagonist Sangsang.

As the protagonist of this book, Sangsang's appearance is quite ritualistic. Smash pots and sell iron to buy pigeons, cut mosquito nets to catch fish and shrimp. This is actually an incredibly naughty child, and he also likes to tease his classmates. So is he a bad boy?

But in fact, Sangsang also has a kind heart, and the side of morality. He was upset about the paper moon and shot when it was time to strike. Protected her from being bullied by those bad kids. Good friend Du Xiaokang fell into a desperate situation. Sangsang sold his most precious pigeon and gave him the money, and the former landlord's grandmother, Qin Da, was very disgusting. Sangsang was willing to care for her.

In him, we don't see a little bit of worldly bad atmosphere, for example, I am the headmaster's son, then I am bullying. The most important thing in him is the young man's righteousness, righteousness, and naughtiness, and we want to thank Sangsang's parents for being able to raise such a child.

Papa Sancho Principal is versatile and upright, and he seems to have no requirements for Sangsang's homework, but he is particularly strict about being a person. After tricking the vulture, Sangsang knew that his parents could not spare him, and was taken away by his strict parents and personally apologized to the vulture.

Sangsang's mother is also very gentle and kind. Although Sangsang was very naughty and usually beat Sangsang, she still acquiesced to Sangsang raising pigeons instead of making them braised. She even took in poor Paper Moon and lived in their house.

It is such a gentle, kind and borderful parent who will have the sangsang we like. Kindness is not just about nature, it also requires family education in the process of growing up.

Teacher Cao uses three stories to illustrate the need for these qualities in growth, but children may also be curious. Why are these growth processes so bitter. What we can tell our children is that the material wealth of that era was quite scarce, and our country was also in a difficult period, so how difficult it was was also the characteristic of that era. However, this kind of suffering education is restrained in Teacher Cao's pen, it is mournful and not hurtful, and it stops at sorrow but causes people to think.

Teacher Cao himself said that children at this stage really need to lay a foundation with bright colors. When turning the world upside down for them to see, they should be shown more of purity, goodness, and goodness.

So when children are struggling and are reluctant to read because of suffering, you can talk more with them about the warmth, love, righteousness, compassion and respect from human nature. Discuss why Du Xiaokang is so tough and responsible, and how Vulture completes self-redemption. Suffering and passing through suffering make these children's hearts feel incomparably deep, that is, Teacher Cao said to lay a bright foundation.

"Grass House" is such a masterpiece worth reading, and the language of the book is also amazingly beautiful, which is very suitable for parents and children to read together. Mr. Cao's pen is full of strong traditional Chinese aesthetic ideas and narrative style. We read aloud with our children and read it with our hearts to taste it.

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