
What is a "Song of Youth"? "Role models for teachers"? Director of the Department of Education of Henan Province, we gave a vivid lecture on "Thinking and Politics"

author:Great River Network

After the outbreak of the epidemic last year, the province's education system carried out the activity of "taking disasters as teaching materials and growing up with the motherland", and teachers and students in the province jointly held a vivid ideological and political lesson. This year, Henan first suffered flood disasters, and then there was a cluster of epidemics, in this new context, how to carry out the work of educating people? On August 22, at a press conference held by the Information Office of the Provincial Government, Zheng Bangshan, secretary of the party leading group and director of the Provincial Education Department, gave a vivid lecture on the "ideological and political class".

The following is a text version of zheng bangshan's speech:

The students of Guangdong University sang what is the "Song of Youth" with action

In last year's anti-epidemic examination, you integrated the small self into the big self, dedicated your youth to the motherland, and handed over your own excellent answer sheet. This summer, you once again shouldered the great righteous responsibility of "the rise and fall of the world and the responsibility of the husband". Xuchang College Zhao Xu followed the formation of a youth volunteer service team last year to participate in the frontline of epidemic prevention and control, once again organized the "Zhongmu County College Students Spark Alliance" to contribute to the flood prevention and anti-epidemic in his hometown, post-disaster reconstruction, sweat, bricks and tiles; everyone knows that there is another thing that everyone knows very well, Zhengzhou Yongping Road Primary School Wind Orchestra returned from a field performance on July 20, and was trapped at the station like other passengers, and the children cheered all the passengers with a song "My Motherland and Me", which is not "the sound of cannons in the sky and the sound of books on the ground" And the Southwest United University scene; and li Rui, a college student, who created a "life-saving document" to bring a ray of hope to desperate people in the rainstorm. At this moment, as an educator and a teacher, I can proudly say that you are patriotic, hard-working, loving, and responsible; you are chasing the light, approaching the light, becoming the light, and emitting the light; with students like you, we are proud in our hearts; and with a future like yours, the country will surely march in a sonorous step.

"Iron Army of Education" vividly shows what a "teacher's example" is with choice

At the end of last year, in the survey conducted by the Henan Investigation Corps of the National Bureau of Statistics on the nine major areas of people's livelihood, the satisfaction of the masses in the field of education ranked among the best, which is the result of your joint efforts, and the good reputation of the people is our greatest recognition, the greatest praise, and the strongest motivation. When the disaster struck, you walked down the three-foot podium and walked into the social classroom, you or the urban and rural communities went door to door to investigate, or the white-clad armor went retrograde, you wrote the great love of the world with your pen and guarded the safety of the people; Wang Baojun, the president of the Seventh Middle School of Zhengzhou, rushed into the turbulent torrent in the torrential rain and desperately saved people; hundreds of schools in the province opened their doors, not willing to provide delicious meals and warm harbors for the disaster-stricken people day and night, and more than 600 medical staff of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University rushed to the forefront. Fully take over all the hospitals for the centralized treatment of COVID-19 patients in the province... With the power of trickles, you have gathered the mighty momentum and guarded the mountains and rivers unharmed. You use practical actions to write disasters into teaching materials, ask questions with your efforts, and guide children to give answers with the future. Here, allow me to give a "big praise" to such a "Henan Education Iron Army" that has come to fight and can win.

The sons and daughters of the Central Plains used their hard work to deduce what is indomitable

For thousands of years, the sons and daughters of the Central Plains have never given in because of hardships, never avoided by misfortune; when disaster strikes, you are transformed into a man carrying sandbags on the riverbank in the middle of the night, a sweaty "Mulan" during nucleic acid testing, you also knocked on the door of hope when you knocked on the window of the car in the torrential rain, you also started the boat of life when you launched the forklift in the flash flood, you are the great hero, and you are a mortal hero. You may be the father of the child, the mother of the child, you have planted the seeds of goodness and the bud of love in the hearts of the children with your actions, set up the image of a mountain, taught the children the most meaningful lesson in life, you are the best teachers of the children, and you have completed the indomitable spiritual inheritance of the children of the Central Plains with actions.

The people of the whole country vividly explained with dedication what it means to be a city of common will

These days, we see a variety of colors, angel white, fire orange, rescue blue, volunteer red, olive green, you come from all over the motherland, the north and south of the river, thousands of miles to Henan Barber brother put down the scissors to carry up the big love, the pterosaur drone that hit the long sky provides a signal to illuminate the front, you move forward in the rainstorm, retrograde in the epidemic, with dedication to twist all colors into a rope to watch over each other and overcome difficulties together. It is this rope that makes us feel the great love of the Chinese nation that "one side has difficulties and eight parties to support", let us know what is "the same desire of the upper and lower sides to win", let us understand what is "the same boat to win"; it is also this rope that also makes us and our children more affectionate for this land.

Students, parents, Henan educators, children of the Central Plains and the people of the whole country worked together to teach us a shocking "life lesson", leaving us with the warmth of love, the touch of the heart, the ambition, the backbone and the confidence!

I think this is the most breadth of education – everyone is a teacher and a recipient, everyone is a demonstrator and a follower!

I think this is the most powerful education - to lead action with action, to enlighten the heart with the heart!

I think this is the most warm education - to warm emotions with emotions, to ignite life with life!

I am still thinking that this is the education we want at this moment, the education we need: take the Lide tree as the fundamental task, cultivate people with great love, and rise with the Central Plains; take the disaster as a teaching material and grow together with the motherland!

Friends, the wind and rain outside the window are coming, and the epidemic has not stopped. However, the history of the party in the past hundred years tells us that only when a hundred steels are refined can there be a hundred years of prosperity; only when a thousand grinds and thousands of blows can we have a great cause in our chest. We firmly believe that with the strong leadership of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and the strength of every you and me, our education will definitely leave children with a history of lifelong memories and grateful growth, and will surely let us win a generation and win generation after generation!

I believe that after the storm, there will be a rainbow, we will be able to achieve a safe opening of schools, safe opening of schools, and we will certainly be able to win the people's war of epidemic prevention and control and post-disaster reconstruction.

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