
Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

author:Lonely Si Ping

Siping comment: We live in a three-dimensional world, higher dimensions need to be explored, maybe the theory is very correct, but it can not be realized. Through the initial understanding of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional, the author has a little of his own ideas, but it is not yet mature, and the following is to learn some basic knowledge about dimensions. I initially think that dimensions are the infinite cycle of space-time, infinite cycle, infinite interlacing, and finally memory. Since the author is a Chinese medicine practitioner, trying to think about the relationship between dimensions from the human body itself also has a certain significance, but the mind has not yet opened. One dimension begins with points, eleven dimensions end with points, just like we humans, who start from zero and end with zero. Thinking is too shallow, first learn about the brain-burning hole of the dimension!

Source: Shang Teacher's Design Academy

Disclaimer: The theories in this article are based on the knowledge of string theory physics, combined with simple illustrations and popular truths to explain, not open-ended, with scientific basis.

Zero dimensional

Let's start at a point that, like our geometric point, has no size, no dimension. It is simply an imagined point that marks a location. It has nothing, space and time all do not exist, this is the zero dimension.

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

One-dimensional space

Okay, after understanding zero-dimensional, let's start with one-dimensional space. There is already a point, let's draw another point. A line is connected between two points. Whoops! One-dimensional space is born! We created space!

One-dimensional space has only length, no width and depth.

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

Two-dimensional space

We have a line, that is, we have a one-dimensional space. How do I upgrade to 2D? Quite simply, draw another line, cross the original line, and we have two-dimensional space, and objects in two-dimensional space have width and length, but no depth. You can try it and draw a rectangle on paper, and the inside of the rectangle is a two-dimensional space.

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces
Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

Here, in order to help everyone understand the high-dimensional space, we use two intersecting line segments to represent the two-dimensional space.

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

In order to move forward to a higher dimension, now let's imagine the creatures in the two-dimensional world. Because two

Dimensional space has no depth (which can also be understood as thickness), only length and width, and we can understand it as a "paper man", or a portrait in the poker K.J.A Q. Because of the limitations of dimension, this poor two-dimensional creature can only see two-dimensional shapes. If he were to look at a three-dimensional sphere, all he could see was a cross-section of the sphere, a circle.

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

Three-dimensional space

Three-dimensional space is certainly familiar to everyone, and we live in three-dimensional space all the time. Three-dimensional spaces have length, width, and height.

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

However, I want to use another kind of thinking to express three-dimensional space, only in this way can I advance to a higher dimension.

Well, now we have a newspaper with an ant on it. Let's think of Ant Jun as a "two-dimensional creature", and I move on two-dimensional paper. If he was to climb from one side of the paper to the other, Ant Jun would need to walk through the entire paper. But what about we roll up this piece of paper? Become a cylinder, an object in three-dimensional space; at this time, the ant jun only needs to walk through the position of the seam to reach the destination. (That's right!) In other words, bending two-dimensional space gives three-dimensional space, which we can express in this way.

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces
Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

Again, on this diagram, the ants disappear from point A and point B appears, and if you think about it, that's what it means, curling creates a new dimension!

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces
Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces
Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

All right

Start entering the brain-burning phase!

In the first three dimensions, we can simply understand growth, width, and height. So how do we understand four-dimensional space?

Four-dimensional space

Four-dimensional is one-dimensional more than three-dimensional, what is it? It's time!

Imagine that there is a me 1 minute ago on the left, and on the right is the present me, seeing these "two mes" as two points, through their connection, it is a line in four-dimensional space. Fantastic, four dimensional space appeared!

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

So in reality can we see the past and the future me? No! Because we are three-dimensional creatures, living in three-dimensional space. Just as mentioned above, the two-dimensional creature can only see the cross-section of the three-dimensional object, and as a three-dimensional creature, we can only see the cross-section of the four-dimensional space, that is, you, me, and him now; in other words, the world at this moment.

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces
Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

Are you okay?

I'm going to start talking about five-dimensional space

Five-dimensional space

First of all, we need to make it clear that low-dimensional beings cannot be aware of what is happening in high-dimensional space. From birth to now, we all feel like we are in the same space. We often say "over time", in fact, along the timeline, this timeline is the line in the four-dimensional space, in other words, the three-dimensional we go forward along the timeline in the four-dimensional space.

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

If we are four-dimensional space creatures, we can see ourselves in the past, present, and future at various times. However, there is only one timeline, remember the intersection of the two lines in the previous article, upgrading the one-dimensional to two-dimensional? So now, on the basis of the four-dimensional timeline, I add another timeline and this timeline to cross, and the five-dimensional space appears!

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

Don't understand? Never mind! Let's take an example! For example, if you graduate from college and work for 5 years, and you are now a manager, then in the four-dimensional space you can only see you who graduated from college and you on the timeline of becoming a white-collar worker. If you had gone to learn to cook after junior high school, you would now be a chef. Then this is you on another timeline.

In the five-dimensional space, you can see you as a manager, and you can also see you as a chef. To sum up, in five-dimensional space, you can see different branches of your future.

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

Six-dimensional space

OK I started to explain the six-dimensional space. What if you want to visit the past you? We can bend any timeline in four dimensions so that you can jump back to where you were and see you before. In other words, in five-dimensional space, you can "travel" back in time to the past.

Or take the example of "the manager's you" and "the chef's you", the chef's you feel that the days are very hard, every day the smoke chokes people, you want to become a manager, sitting quietly in the office. What to do? In the five-dimensional space, you can travel to the time when you graduate from junior high school and tell you that you must continue to study, go to high school, go to college, and be a white-collar worker. But it's laborious and risky, and you'll need to make different choices after junior high school, and each choice will create a new timeline, a different version of the future.

Do you remember ants and newspapers in two-dimensional space? Bending a space produces a new dimension. That's right! We directly bend the five-dimensional space to produce a six-dimensional space. This way, you can travel to the "Manager's You" timeline and take a look at another version of you.

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

Seven-dimensional space

If you can see here, congratulations, your brain hole is already very big.

Well, let's go on, and the seven-dimensional space walks up. Again, in that example, two timelines were mentioned earlier: the manager and the chef. After graduating from junior high school, you can't have only these two choices, but almost infinite. How to explain, every decision you make is shaping a unique you. You can be any kind of you. In a nutshell, you are a starting point for junior high school graduation, all timelines. All radiate outward from this point, the number is infinite, then finally, a point in the seventh dimension of space, which contains the infinite possibilities of "junior high school graduate you" to start.

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces
Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

So how do you draw a line in a seven-dimensional space? We need another point, but this point already contains infinity, how to find another point? That's a different beginning.

It doesn't matter, let's give an example, you will understand. We mentioned the seven-dimensional infinite point that begins with "you who graduated from junior high school"; what if you made a different choice when you graduated from elementary school? Each choice will shape a different you; then starting with "you who graduated from elementary school" will produce another point containing an infinite timeline. Connecting these two points into a line is the line of the seven-dimensional space.

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

Eight-dimensional space

Remember the one-dimensional line mentioned at the beginning of the article? We pass another line through it and it becomes two-dimensional space. By the same token, let's upgrade the seven-dimensional space. For example, it's the "you." We found two more points, one is a seven-dimensional infinite point generated by the beginning of "you who graduated from college", and the other is an infinite point generated by the beginning of "50-year-old you". Connect these two points with the line above that connects the infinite point of "you who graduated from junior high school" and "you who graduated from elementary school" infinite point. We get eight dimensions of space!

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

Nine-dimensional space

Well, at this point, you can actually imagine what the nine-dimensional space looks like. We understand the eight-dimensional space as the newspaper, mediocre. At this time, ant Jun appeared again, but it had evolved into an eight-dimensional space creature, giving it the same task, asking him to cross the entire newspaper to the destination, what to do? Rolling up the newspaper again, the wormhole appeared again. Ant Jun successfully passed through the wormhole and appeared at the destination. In other words, if the eight-dimensional space continues to curl, we get the nine-dimensional space!

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

Ten-dimensional space

Here I will summarize, review the above, from zero-dimensional to four-dimensional, we have experienced the upgrade process of points, lines, surfaces, and bodies. Then the four-dimensional space can be seen as a little bit, full of the connection of all the possibilities in the three-dimensional space, and this connection is time.

From four dimensions to eight dimensions, we have experienced the upgrading process of points, lines, surfaces and bodies. Eight-dimensional points, filled with connections of all possibilities in seven-dimensional space.

The eight-dimensional space continues to upgrade. Again, the "you," starting with the point in eight-dimensional space, we have to come up with all the possibilities, each of which is connected to this point in the eighth dimension, and finally we get a point in the ten-dimensional space, filled with connections to all the possibilities in the nine-dimensional space.

Can I upgrade again? No, in the ten-dimensional space, we can't find any space that can draw a point, because the ten-dimensional space is a point!

It contains all the universe, all the possibilities, all the timelines, all the ...........

Brain-burning holes! Interpretation of one-dimensional to eleven-dimensional spaces

From zero to ten dimensions, we have experienced so much,

In the end, it is still a point

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