
The price of "deformed beauty": Chinese foot binding, European girdles, Japanese black teeth and short eyebrows

author:Genuine product

In ancient and modern times, everyone has a heart for beauty.

In the process of human development, people's pursuit of beauty has never stopped, but many countries have gone astray on the road of pursuing beauty.

China's foot wrapping

The price of "deformed beauty": Chinese foot binding, European girdles, Japanese black teeth and short eyebrows

This is 1900, an American photographer Rick Carlton, photographed a woman in Shanghai, his purpose was to show the picture to Western people, because at that time, China's small feet were also one of the Western hunting elements.

In fact, "foot binding" did not start in the Qing Dynasty, about the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms or the Song Dynasty, but this kind of foot binding did not become popular until the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The trend of foot binding has spread to women from all walks of life, rich and poor, rich and poor.

The price of "deformed beauty": Chinese foot binding, European girdles, Japanese black teeth and short eyebrows
"Tu Xiang Mo Xi Lian undertook the steps, and the long sorrow Luo socks Lingbo went; I saw the dancing back to the wind, and there was no trace. Stealing the palace like a stable one, and standing side by side; It should be difficult to say that it should be seen from the palm of your hand. ”

Su Shi's "Bodhisattva Man" is known as the first poem in the history of Chinese poetry to specifically bind feet.

From this, it is not difficult to see that the popularity of footbinding culture is inseparable from the morbid aesthetics of these literati. Using women as playthings, playing with women's feet, "three-inch golden lotus", has become a hobby for them.

The price of "deformed beauty": Chinese foot binding, European girdles, Japanese black teeth and short eyebrows

The literati wrote lyrics and sangs, vigorously promoting such a deformed aesthetic, and men even had the idea of "not being small and not marrying", and women were also brainwashed, ashamed of their big feet, and beautiful with small feet, so they derived foot wrapping.

The purpose of foot wrapping is to limit the development of the foot and bend the instep of the foot, and women generally start to wrap their feet when they learn to walk at an early age. Because of the young girl, the bones have only begun to develop, the bones are relatively soft, not yet set, is the most suitable period for foot wrapping.

The way to wrap feet is deceptively simple, but it is very cruel, breaking bones abruptly, and women not only have to endure severe pain in the process, but also face the risk of inducing inflammation afterwards.

The price of "deformed beauty": Chinese foot binding, European girdles, Japanese black teeth and short eyebrows

In ancient times, in the patriarchal society of "male superiority and female inferiority", women entangled their feet, it was difficult to go out, which was also a way to restrict women from going out, unable to participate in social work, no normal social activities, women were trapped in the boudoir all day, isolated and unheard, and women's social status became more and more low.

European tunic

Compared with the ancient Chinese women's foot binding behavior, Europe also has an aesthetic bad custom that harms women's physical health, that is, waist binding.

The so-called waist is made of whale bone, wood or metal brackets, and the waist is tightly bound to create a body, bee waist graceful, and a grasp form.

At that time, people generally believed that wearing a girdle could make women more feminine and a symbol of "beauty", and for a while, women's girdles were popular in Europe.

The price of "deformed beauty": Chinese foot binding, European girdles, Japanese black teeth and short eyebrows

At the beginning of the 16th century, Princess Catherine of France set off a "slimming" trend in the country.

It is said that her waist circumference is only 40 cm, which makes Western women very envious, in order to have such a thin waist, they added four pieces of iron to the elastic girdle to make an iron tunic.

While the restraint function has been greatly improved, the threat to women's lives has also increased significantly.

The price of "deformed beauty": Chinese foot binding, European girdles, Japanese black teeth and short eyebrows

For example, in Europe in the 19th century, there were many deaths because the waist was too tight, and after examination, it was found that most of these women died because of excessive compression of the ribs, resulting in their internal organs.

Not only that, the waist also makes it difficult for women to breathe, and when encountering many people, some women will suffocate because they can't get enough oxygen.

The girdle culture has lasted for more than 300 years, and its harm to women, it goes without saying that the abolition of the girdle culture is undoubtedly the first step for Western women to stand up.

The price of "deformed beauty": Chinese foot binding, European girdles, Japanese black teeth and short eyebrows

Japanese black teeth short eyebrows

In Japan, there is also a deformed aesthetic: black teeth and short eyebrows.

In the ancient Japanese book "The Tale of Genji", it is mentioned that a woman named Ziji began to dye her teeth black in order to make herself look more beautiful than others.

Since then, the "black tooth" has become a symbol of beauty in Japanese culture. Especially in the Heian period, dyeing black teeth was already seen as a rite of passage for maiden girls.

The price of "deformed beauty": Chinese foot binding, European girdles, Japanese black teeth and short eyebrows

Especially those girls from high families, they not only have to dye their teeth black, but also shave most of their eyebrows, leaving only the eyebrow peak.

The face was painted with miserable white paint, the eyebrows were shaved, and only a small part of the painting was drawn, the mouth was painted with a cherry mouth, and the teeth were painted black, but this was the most popular makeup at the time.

For this aesthetic, many scholars believe that this is a culture derived from Japanese women to protect chastity.

The price of "deformed beauty": Chinese foot binding, European girdles, Japanese black teeth and short eyebrows

Women dye their teeth before marriage in this way to tell the people around them that they are famous and owned, and do not think about wrongdoing.

In those days, wondering if a woman was married was judged by the color of her teeth.

After the Meiji Restoration, Japan was influenced by the advanced culture of the West, gradually abandoned the culture of "black teeth and short eyebrows", and had a new understanding and aesthetic standard for the beauty of women.

The price of "deformed beauty": Chinese foot binding, European girdles, Japanese black teeth and short eyebrows

Whether it is foot wrapping or waist binding, it is the product of deformed aesthetics, it is the dregs of human civilization, and it should not be sought after in any way.

In the current society, we should be more tolerant of the diversity of beauty.

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