
Xiong Lei made a wish on his 31st birthday, hoping that he would be free year by year, and live a transparent and happy life

author:For the rest of your life, you have been perfect

November 23rd ushered in Xiong Lei's 31st birthday, 1 candle, 1 bucket of instant noodles, a small cake, especially simple, but full of ritual. In addition, I received birthday wishes from many fans!

Xiong Lei's birthday this year is different from last year, this year Xiong Lei spent his 31st birthday during the trip, although there is no big birthday cake, there is no birthday gift, simple, but have a very happy and happy time!

Xiong Lei made a wish on his 31st birthday, hoping that he would be free year by year, and live a transparent and happy life

Remember Xiong Lei's 30th birthday last year, Du Xinzhi and his wife specially rushed from Henan to Jiangxi to accompany their daughter-in-law on her birthday, and spent a lot of money to buy gold jewelry for Xiong Lei as a gift for her 30th birthday. On the night of his birthday, Du Xinzhi and Xiong Lei sang together in KTV to celebrate, Du Xinzhi sang the four seasons song affectionately in KTV, and Xiong Lei quickly praised his mother-in-law Du Xinzhi at the scene, saying that his mother sang so well, and did not forget to applaud Du Xinzhi for a while.

In the blink of an eye, another year, this year's birthday, Xiong Lei's parents arranged a trip for her as a birthday gift, Xiong Lei wanted to go to the north to see the snow, so he chose Jilin Changbai Mountain to travel, so Xiong Lei spent a special and happy birthday in Jilin Changbai Mountain.

Xiong Lei made a wish on his 31st birthday, hoping that he would be free year by year, and live a transparent and happy life

Although Xiong Lei's birthday this year is simple, she can feel that she is really happy, and what makes her happier is that she received birthday wishes from many netizens, which made her feel a lot of people who love her. This time Xiong Lei traveled to Jilin on her birthday, then Du Xinzhi and his wife could not accompany her on her birthday, and could only call her to express their blessings!

Xiong Lei posted a video sharing the picture of his birthday, accompanied by a text: "A bucket of instant noodles, a candle, may time be slowed down, so people will not disperse, wish yourself a happy birthday." At the same time, he also wrote his birthday wishes: "I wish myself more and more freedom year by year, more transparent year by year, and more happy year by year!" ”

Xiong Lei made a wish on his 31st birthday, hoping that he would be free year by year, and live a transparent and happy life

Xiong Lei wrote his blessings to himself, hoping that he would be free year by year, and some netizens expressed doubts after seeing it, is Xiong Lei not free enough now? Are you restrained by your parents? Or is mother-in-law Du Xinzhi also restrained her? What kind of freedom does Xiong Lei want? At the same time, netizens also expressed their understanding and support for Xiong Lei's hope that he would become more transparent year by year.

Some netizens said that women must live thoroughly and clearly, so that they can see clearly and live simply. It is not easy for a woman to be open-minded and cheerful, not to drill into dead ends, to live a straightforward and clear life, to understand things, to see through the essence, to deal with things calmly, and to distinguish priorities. It takes the baptism of time and the grinding of the years to live thoroughly.

Here, I would like to send a blessing to Xiong Lei, wish her a happy birthday, and wish her youth forever, younger and younger, and more and more transparent! Xiong Lei hopes that he will be free year by year, I don't know what you think? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to express your views and opinions.

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