
What was the difference between Alexander the Great, the head of the four great military commanders in European history?


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What was the difference between Alexander the Great, the head of the four great military commanders in European history?

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What was the difference between Alexander the Great, the head of the four great military commanders in European history?

Many psychologists have studied the influence of the original family on a person, and the conclusion is that a person's character formation of the original family has a direct impact on it, and these influences are not limited to parents, but refer to family members who live together in the process of growing up.

Like the childhood of many psychopathic killers, most of the original families have caused physical or psychological harm to them, and some have even caused them PTSD (post‐traumatic stress disorder) PTSD .

Serial killers like MacDonald triad usually have three behaviors: bedwetting, aversion to arson, and animal cruelty. This is based on numerous serial killer investigations, stalkers and research in the United States, many of whom come from broken families, who were abused as children, and who lacked attention and love, which made them regain control and satisfaction by torturing animals. Therefore, the FBI FBI has a special department responsible for predicting the psychological profile of criminals, and the behavior pattern can be analyzed from a person's personality.

The original family with malice and harm will distort the child's personality, of course, this is not 100%, and there are some who will be reborn in nirvana and form a stronger character; on the contrary, the original family full of love and encouragement is more likely to make the child develop an optimistic and upward character.

Therefore, when I study famous historical figures, I will certainly start from their original families and childhood, and the experience before adulthood shapes most of a person's personality characteristics, and the achievements and failures in adulthood will be fine-tuned in the character formed before adulthood.

The rudiments of worldview, outlook on life and values are gradually formed and stereotyped in youth, while the influence of parents on children is more direct, and some significant positive promotion or negative destruction will leave a deep imprint on the character of children.

Therefore, if you want to raise your children to be better people, you must first make yourself a better person. You may not be able to change others, but you can change yourself.

In the study of the life of Alexander the Great, several people who had a major influence on his life were discovered.

First, a brief introduction to the background of Alexander the Great's time.

What was the difference between Alexander the Great, the head of the four great military commanders in European history?

Alexander the Great was born in 356 BC, Alexander III, in Pella, the capital of the ancient Macedonian kingdom, to Philip II, whose father was Philip II, who is also translated as Philip II.

What was the difference between Alexander the Great, the head of the four great military commanders in European history?

Before the middle of the 4th century BC, Macedonia was rarely mentioned, when Greek civilization was already very prosperous, Greece adopted a city-state system, that is, a federation of hundreds of small Greek city-states, with Athens and the Aegean region, in the Greek Peninsula, the Black Sea coast, Sicily, southern Italy has its territory, and even on the Mediterranean coast of France and Spain can see its colonies.

What was the difference between Alexander the Great, the head of the four great military commanders in European history?

The greek civilization is brilliant because the Greeks are the inheritors of many ancient heritages, and they are also the administrators of these excellent heritages, based on the civilizations left by their predecessors. The Greeks learned architecture, carving, toolmaking, shipbuilding, and playing musical instruments from the Cretans, Phoenicians, Egyptians, and Assyrians, who were more civilized than the Greeks.

The wise Greeks, referring to the Babylonian cuneiform script, the Egyptian hieroglyphs, and the Semitic tabular alphabets, were so fortunate not to adopt any of the above, but to choose the simplest and best alphabet and make it a beautifully toned language.

It is possible to learn from the strengths of many ancient civilizations, which led to the golden age of the 9th century BC, later known as the "Homeric Age", and the two most famous poems in Homer's Epic - "Iliad" and "Odyssey", which were also the content that Aristotle later focused on teaching Alexander the Great.

In the 4th century BC, teachers who taught about oratory, law, morality, and religion were often called Sophists, a term that evolved from the Greek word "Sophia," and who considered themselves intelligent teachers. Many of them deserve this prestigious title, and they always travel in different locations while explaining or expounding their academic theories in public, and they are not only the first professional teachers in the history of the world to use the art of eloquence, but also the first professional teachers to teach politics and social sciences on a global scale.

Because of the high degree of civilization and complete discipline, Greece at that time had begun to promote democracy, and the selection of officials was selected by a greek citizen with citizenship, and the specific position was determined by lottery. So in the eyes of the Greeks at that time, everyone except them was a barbarian.

In the 4th century B.C., the greatest Greek orator, and possibly the greatest orator in history, Timosini, relied on his speeches to step by step become a professional writer who defended and wrote defenses for those who defended the parties before the jury. He had repeatedly denounced the indifference and corruption of the Greeks gradually deepening into political life, and proposed that the surrounding barbarians were trying to invade and conquer Greece, especially Macedonia in the north of Greece, and he spurred Athens to become the leader of the entire Greek army, leading others to bravely resist King Philip II of Macedonia.

His most famous speech was "Rebuke philip", in which he called on the Greeks to unite and bravely resist the invader Philip, but in the end all the Greek city-states submitted to Philip's military conquest, and he had to leave his homeland and go into exile, never returning to his hometown.

What was the difference between Alexander the Great, the head of the four great military commanders in European history?

His father was a Macedonian king, and Alexander the Great was born a Macedonian prince. Although Philip II had eight marriages in his lifetime, Alexander the Great's mother was his fourth wife, but he had only two sons. There were not many options for heir to the throne, but Philip II did not relax his encouragement to Alexander the Great.

The Greeks would learn excellent knowledge from other peoples, and the Macedonians also learned quite a bit from the Greeks, and it was this knowledge that made Macedonia play a huge role in the process of occupying Greece.

When Philip II was a young Macedonian prince, he was taken hostage for three years. Thebes was one of the major warlike city-states of Greece at the time, and Philip was very envious of this city-state, which had a rich accumulation of wealth and a rich cultural heritage, especially the warlike army of Thebes. He took a fancy to the Pamionudas combat phalanx in Thebes, and after becoming king, he began to train infantry like Thebes, letting the infantry fight in a phalanx, equipping the soldiers with spears up to 24 feet long. And train cavalry to cooperate with infantry combat.

All this laid the foundation for Alexander the Great's future military expansion, and if he were not a prince, it would not be so easy to become the world-famous military commander who swept across Europe.

The Macedonians were very belligerent, so when Alexander the Great was a child, even as a prince, Philip II's training in close combat and horsemanship was as important as academic education, which was the best elite education at that time. Alexander the Great could not become a literary and martial all-rounder, and it was really inseparable from the cultivation of Philip II, if he was not the king of Macedonia, he might not have the face to invite Alexander the Great to such a good teacher.

When Alexander the Great was 12 years old, he and his father Philip II saw someone selling a horse in the street market, and many people at that time wanted to buy it, but the horse was difficult to find, and many buyers could not get close to him. The young Alexander the Great also liked it, so he wanted to buy it. His father, Philip II, said that you can buy it if you want, and if you can't tame it, the money to buy a horse is the first debt of his life.

In his early age, Alexander the Great had revealed a wisdom beyond ordinary people, and he saw that the horse was uneasy because it was afraid of its own shadow. So he stepped forward and blocked the horse's eyes with his hands and whispered in its ear. The horse suddenly fell silent and let him ride steadily. When Philip II saw this, he happily said to the crowd: "My son Alexander, Macedonia is still too young for him." This horse was the famous foal Bucephalus who accompanied Alexander the Great in his future conquests, and people began to call Alexander the Great "horse whisperer" because of this. The legend of his lineage was further deified, and the people of that era worshipped the Greek gods so much.

What was the difference between Alexander the Great, the head of the four great military commanders in European history?

In addition to his father, Alexander the Great's mother, Olympias, he was also an extraordinary figure.

Olympias was the daughter of King Neoptolemus of the Molossians, one of the most powerful tribes in Epirus.

They lived near the Ioannina region of modern Greece. During the reign of Neoptolemus, the tribe gradually settled. Urbanization began, and scribes and other administrative officials appeared. In 358 BC, the Morosians became allies of the new Macedonian king Philip II, who had recently ascended the throne. In order to strengthen this alliance, the two sides arranged a political marriage – in 357 BC, Olympias became the wife of Philip II.

On philip and Olympias' wedding night, Olympias dreamed that a bolt of lightning struck her and set fire on her. The fire spread over her and then gradually extinguished. After his marriage, Philip often dreamed that his wife's body was sealed by a lion motif. In Greek mythology, thunder and lightning were the weapon of Zeus, the king of the gods, and it was widely believed that Alexander was the son of Zeus.

Alexander the Great's parents married for political reasons, not because of love. Moreover, Olympias was very fond of keeping snakes, and even put them on the bed when sleeping, which caused Philip II to be strongly dissatisfied and alienated her.

The relationship between the husband and wife was not compatible, and Olympias repeatedly told Alexander the Great that he was not the son of Philip II, but the son of Zeus.

Alexander the Great also had a half-brother named Jacques Dayus, who had been apparently mentally retarded since childhood. There is a theory that Alexander the Great's mother, Queen Olympias, had tried to poison him, and since then he has become a bit of a jerk and epileptic.

Being able to work so hard to remove obstacles and eliminate potential competitors for his son on the way to the throne shows that Olympias was definitely a ruthless man. But Alexander the Great was still very fond of his brother, and he always took him with him when he went out on expeditions.

In 338 BC, when Alexander the Great was 18 years old, his father Philip II decisively defeated the Allied Greek Army at the Battle of Caronia.

The following year after the war, Philip II married Cleopatra , the niece of a Macedonian nobleman , Atalus ( whose name was the same name as Alexander the Great ) and named her Eurydice. Their union was for love, not for political reasons. Philip also cursed Olympias as a harlot at their wedding ceremony and declared his son Alexander the Great to be illegitimate, with divisions within the Macedonian royal family at its peak.

Philip II publicly stated that Eurydice's future son would replace Alexander as heir to the kingdom, and he trusted Eurydice's uncle Atalus to draw his sword and try to kill Alexander.

The new princess married by Philip II caused Alexander the Great to lose the trust of his father, and his mother was exiled and fled back to her mother's house.

After the Battle of Caronia, although the Greek city-states submitted to Philip II one by one, Philip II forced the many Greek city-states to form a Greek alliance and set up a federal conference at which each city-state was represented, which in turn made the Greeks who were ostensibly subordinate to Macedonia form a huge force, and they were also brewing rebellion.

In the summer of 336 BC, Pyla, the old capital of the Kingdom of Macedonia, was celebrating the grand wedding ceremony of Philip II's daughter. She would marry the King of Epirus, her uncle, the younger brother of her mother Olympias.

Dressed in festive white robes, unfazed and unarmed, Philip entered the auditorium surrounded by a festive group of guests. No one expected that just as Philip was passing through the entrance of the auditorium, a man dressed as a guard suddenly rushed out, drew his short sword and stabbed philip in the chest, and Philip did not have time to dodge, and fell into a pool of blood in an instant. The murderer had already prepared his horse and planned to escape on a prancing horse as soon as the incident was completed, but he knew that the horse's foot was tripped by a wild vine, causing him to fall off the saddle and be killed on the spot. The murderer was named Bossonias, a young nobleman.

American scholar Fuller believes that Olympias is very suspicious. Because of her astonishing beauty, Atalus's niece Eurydice, Philip II was determined to abandon Olympias and make her queen. This would also affect Alexander's succession, which ensued a serious family dispute.

The ancient Greek historian Plutarch suspected that the assassination plot was directly related to Alexander. He believed that the crime of assassinating Philip was primarily due to Olympias, who was said to be the instigator and inspiration of the angry youth to take revenge. However, it was Alexander himself who was directly suspected. As soon as Alexander ascended the throne, he declared that the murder was entirely a Persian conspiracy, a ploy to stop the Crusades in Macedonia. This high-sounding explanation is meant to disguise his true motives.

And I think the assassination was either a conspiracy by Olympias alone or a conspiracy by her son Alexander. The appearance of Eurydice shook the position of Alexander the Great's successor, what a tiger mother without a dog! The death of Philip II would eliminate their worries. Moreover, at the wedding of Olympias's daughter, the son-in-law is Olympias's younger brother, and they occupy a geographical advantage, and it is definitely easier to start.

Olympias instilled from an early age that alexander the Great was not the son of Philip II, saying that he was the son of Zeus, and distorting Philip II's harshness towards him into Philip II's jealousy of the excellent Alexander bloodline. Philip II repeatedly suspected that Alexander was not his son, and although he certainly would not be the son of Zeus, there were some hints in Olympias's attitude toward him.

I want to emphasize that Alexander the Great's mother, Olympias, praised him from an early age as a "son of the gods", which gave him a powerful psychological construction.

And when there is a strong rival for the succession, decisively, laying the foundation for Alexander the Great's succession to the throne, it is also indispensable, although the means are cruel, but Olympias can definitely be called the person who affects the fate of Alexander the Great.

What was the difference between Alexander the Great, the head of the four great military commanders in European history?

I think that besides Alexander the Great's parents, the one who had the deepest influence on his life was his teacher, Aristotle!

What was the difference between Alexander the Great, the head of the four great military commanders in European history?

Alexander the Great once said, "Philip gave me life, Aristotle gave me a better life."

Teachers who taught relevant knowledge in Greece were often called sophists, but it was the honor of the most prominent of them to be considered philosophers, not sophists, among them. The most eminent philosophers of that era were Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.

One of Socrates' greatest disciples was Plato, and Plato's greatest and most proud disciple was Aristotle (384-322 B.C.).

Of the three greatest philosophers in the world, only Aristotle was born in Macedonia and is often referred to as the "Starkillah."

He created the "Getaway School", wrote many books related to all the sciences of the time, learned five cars, and excelled in a wide range of fields. It is also because of his sophisticated methods of research and investigation and his style of logical thinking in his thinking that he has written a book on the ability to think logically and how to think correctly, which has not been surpassed until now.

King Philip II of Macedon was well aware of the height of Greek civilization, and for the education of Alexander the Great, the heir to the throne whom he was extremely optimistic about at that time, the choice of teachers was very careful, and finally Aristotle was chosen by many people as Alexander the Great's teacher.

Aristotle taught him everything about Greek culture, drama, geography, science, literature, philosophy, etc., as well as the Iliad in Homer's Epic, which also fascinated Alexander the Great with the character Achilles, whose father wanted him to always be the best man, to surpass everyone. This had a huge psychological boost to the young Alexander the Great.

It was with this most prestigious greek philosopher as a teacher that Alexander the Great was very enthusiastic about Greek culture, and he not only dreamed of conquering the world, but also hoping to Hellenize the whole world. Therefore, the greek civilization can reach such a high historical status today, and alexander the great victory in the foreign military conquests, the promotion of Greek culture is inseparable.

Alexander the Great was ruthless in his conquests, but he was influenced by Greek culture from an early age, and even if he suppressed a rebellion in a city and sold everyone into slavery, he would consciously preserve artistic treasures such as temples.

What was the difference between Alexander the Great, the head of the four great military commanders in European history?

Throughout history, people who can achieve extraordinary feats have surpassed ordinary people's time and place.

The three people I am talking about in this article are Alexander the Great's father, mother, and teacher. The three of them played a decisive role in the formation of Alexander the Great's worldview, outlook on life, and values, and his family of origin gave him a starting line ahead of everyone else. There are so many princes in the history of the world, but there are very few who can make such a great achievement as Alexander the Great.

If I were to say, I think the most rare of the three was Aristotle. A father and king with military ambitions and a fierce mother and queen are not the most unusual. But having a teacher like Aristotle, the brainchild of the world's best minds at the time, was extraordinary. He taught him that as a monarch one needs to be brave and resourceful, and it is foolish not to weigh the pros and cons of gain and loss. This is certainly inseparable from his future success.

Have a brave heart, plus excellent strategy. Wisdom and courage are the must for outstanding military strategists. Therefore, the future Alexander the Great, by virtue of his great talent, successively unified the whole territory of Greece, and then swept through the Middle East, occupying all of Egypt without spending a single soldier, wiping out the Persian Empire, and driving the army to the Indus Valley.

To accomplish all this, Alexander the Great conquered nearly 5 million square kilometers of land in just 13 years, and Alexander's Empire became the largest country in the world at that time.

He promoted the prosperity of ancient Greek culture and the exchange of Eastern and Western cultures, which had a major impact on the progress of human society and culture, and his foreign expeditions also made ancient Greek civilization the most widely disseminated, and his teacher Aristotle (who died a year later than Alexander the Great) affirmed that he was comforted, and it was rare to be able to teach such disciples and promote the great process of civilization!

May the world be better! Less suffering! Guotai Min'an!

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