
Alexander the Great


and the Westernization of Palestine

Alexander the Great's father, Philip II, the founding emperor of Sylar, was very strategic, conquering the lands of Sylla and successfully developing the Macedonians into a powerful army. In 336 BC, he was assassinated. At that time, his son Alexander was 20 years old, and in the face of his father's death, the 20-year-old Alexander gritted his teeth to take over his father's throne, leading the old army to fight everywhere, far better than his father, and conquered Persia, Syria, Egypt and Babylon in a short period of time. He died at the age of 33, and in just 13 years Alexander the Great built a vast empire stretching from Silla to Egypt in the south and India in the east, with the Mediterranean Becoming the Inner Lake of their country and large tracts of land to the east becoming their colonies.

Alexander the Great was not only a military genius, but also excelled in the expansion of Sela culture, that is, he advanced the process of Sylla. At that time, there were many great thinkers and philosophers in Syrah, such as his teacher Aristotle was a great philosopher, Aristotle studied under Plato, and Plato's teacher was Socrates. Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates are known as the "Three Saints" or "Three Heroes" of Sila philosophy, and these three are the greatest philosophers in human history, and no one seems to have surpassed them to this day. Alexander was taught by Aristotle from an early age, intelligent and studious, and brave and belligerent. Under the influence of his teachers, he was particularly fond of Xila culture. He promoted the Sila model to the occupied areas, and the so-called Sila model, the main root of which is the Sila language and culture. He built cities in the Style of Sila, housed the colonists of Sila, encouraged and introduced the customs and customs of Sila, and advocated interracial marriage. In this series of measures, even though the Romans later conquered the Cila people militarily and politically, and the Romans administered the land of Palestine, the Sila culture permanently conquered the Romans, which is a common comment of later generations.

The process of Sera in this land did cause a lot of trouble for the Jews. It should be known that the Jews are pure and exclusive in religious belief, they value Jewish ancestry and despise intermarriage with foreign tribes, but Alexander the Great broke the custom and opened up marriage with the Gentiles, which caused dissatisfaction among many Jews. In addition, the general period of Syrah was produced, that is, if the merchants did not speak Syrah in the trade goods, they would be called barbarians, which was very disgusting to the Jewish people, because they had always considered themselves noble peoples, so the conflict between The Laks and the Jews intensified and the crisis was laid. Subsequent conflicts between the Cila and the teachers of the Jewish nation, the Pharisees, were often at odds.

There were four characteristic Jewish languages in Palestine at that time:

1, The Syrah script, promoted by Alexander the Great, is popular throughout the Mediterranean region.

2, Latin, official language, official decrees, writing are in Latin.

3, Aramaic, the language of the Eastern Mediterranean trade, that is, the local Palestinian vernacular, the Jewish folk idiomatic language.

4, Siberevin, the people in religious occasions, use Siberian, it is said that this language was very high-grade and powerful at that time.

In 323 BC, Alexander the Great died, and his four generals fought and fought each other, and finally won by two equal opponents, each occupying the north and south. They were the Dorime dynasty, with Egypt as the center, with its capital in Alexandria; the other was the Helio dynasty, centered on Syria, with its capital in Antioch. At this time, the Jews were in the middle of the two dynasties, and later after many confrontations, the Dorime dynasty won and occupied and ruled the Israelites for nearly 125 years, during which it was a relatively stable and prosperous period, and the Dorime dynasty also treated the Israelites well.

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