
"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

author:Catch the wind and catch the shadow

From the beginning of a person's advent to this world, he is constantly losing, leaving infancy, losing 99 bones, children grow into teenagers, lose the freedom to cry, teenagers grow up, lose the happiness that they do not need to get drunk, young people enter middle age, lose the carefree and carefree alone, until they are dying of old age, losing their youthful spirit and memories of joy and sorrow, and finally losing their lives and turning into a piece of yellow earth.

Waking up from a dream, losing yesterday, the hour hand turning 30 degrees around the axis, losing an hour, the wings of the nose one by one, losing a second, the irresistible loss we have to accept calmly, and even one day, "I" lost the body.

As the debut of new director Jehemi Clappan, "I Lost My Body" ingeniously materializes the protagonist's irreversible physical and mental trauma and unattainable dreams, breaking the norm.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

The film is titled with an unbelievable monologue, and the portrayal of the broken hand has surreal aesthetic significance. Sounds like a ridiculous grotesque story, or like a slightly uncomfortable monologue for a mentally handicapped person, the shrouded truth is waiting for the curious audience to find out.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

Broken glasses, blood flowing, people who fell to the ground, and a hand that just wanted to grab the last hope, a few close-ups with quite a horror element, the murder scene? Perfect Crime? A thousand miles to pursue the murderer? Unsolved unsolved cases? Or do the unwilling souls go to avenge the snow hate?

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

Surprisingly, none of the above elements exist in I Lost My Body.

With a suspicious stomach, he came to the doctor's dissection laboratory. A severed hand in the refrigerator awakens from its slumber, it can see its surroundings and think independently. It did not know why it was lying here, but what awaited it would be the ruthless cutting of the scalpel, cutting through the skin, fascia, muscles, and being stripped from the metacarpal bone and phalanges.

Together with the dry brain and full eyeballs displayed next to it, it will be soaked in the formalin that is "eternal" and "eternal".

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

Instinct made it struggle to escape the fate of being slaughtered, scratching the bag that bound itself with glass, climbing over the skeleton model, and jumping on the windowsill. The remaining memory tells it to return to its owner and "retrieve" its body.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

The film revolves around two threads, a dangerous return of one hand and the bumpy upbringing of a boy named Lauffield, which is a rare two-line intertwined animated film.

As the memory of the broken hand unfolds, a little boy wants to be an astronaut like his father, but also wants to become a musician like his mother, like the entanglement of whether to go to Tsinghua or Peking University when he grows up, unrealistic but exists in the fantasy of a child who loves to dream.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

He wanted to catch a fly that could always escape from the outside world, and his father said that he would accurately determine the direction of escape when it rubbed its front legs, and unexpectedly attacked it.

This child who loves life, loves nature, and likes to record the sounds of nature has never caught a fly, but he has been hit by fate with precision, when he is full of ambition.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

His parents were killed in a car accident, and at the funeral astronauts and musicians stood on either side of him, suggesting that the person who escorted his dream was no longer there, and that he was about to say goodbye to the hotbed of life.

Jumping out of the window with a broken hand, there is no "Feng Fei Yu Feng" in the real world, only being thrown unconscious, falling into the bird's nest, falling into the garbage heap, almost being crushed by the garbage processor, escaping like a hermit crab in the Canned Italian dumplings, walking through the dark and dirty corner of the city, hiding from the subway station and walking out of the social animals that are suppressed by life, and the smell of rotten food on the body attracts rats and ants to nibble...

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me
"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

It also strangled the neck of the pigeon to survive, and also grabbed the tennis ball to make itself no longer sink, peeping into the dim light of the single mother and lover cooking telephone porridge, quietly listening to the blind pianist's selfless playing, but accidentally detected and tragically expelled, after nine deaths, the figure standing on the roof was lonely and swaying.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

Bustling Paris is not only the towering Eiffel Tower, the mysterious phantom of the Louvre, the sparkling Seine River under the sunset, the fragrant perfume, the romantic French kisses on the streets, but also the reinforced concrete jungle, the city traffic, the hard-working laborers, the law of survival of the fittest in nature, the crowded living space...

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

This is the streets of Paris full of dreams and realities, where little boys bury their dreams. As an adult, he did not get on the spaceship as he wished, but rode an electric car with a takeaway box, shuttled through the streets and alleys, and humbly delivered food to hungry people, but because he was often late and overtime, he was accused by the boss of splitting his face.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

She lives helplessly, overwhelmed, and the rented shelter is often occupied by her idle roommates who bring back all kinds of girls for pleasure. A life that once had infinite possibilities, shattered with a flying disaster, the sound of beautiful dreams is no longer there, replaced by a sigh in the cracks.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

Fate gave Lauwood Fil a mess, just as on this day he was struck by a hit-and-run vehicle and was overwhelmed with pizza. When he was ready to undergo a "baptism" when he was ready to undergo a "baptism" when he was about to time out, the takeaway was broken during delivery, and the other end of the walkie-talkie was only gently accusing and slowly accusing.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

When he learned that he was in a car accident, for the first time there was a gentle voice concerned about whether he was injured, which rekindled his hopes in the bleak life, and the two spoke freely across the door, and strange feelings lingered in his heart, perhaps love had come.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

He went to the library to find her, repeatedly arranged the dialogue in front of the mirror; resolutely decided to quit his job, and fought to get close to her to her uncle as a boring carpentry apprentice, making up lies, crazy and desperate.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me
"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

The moment of making an igloo model for a girl who loves Arctic adventures and plucking up the courage to confess was coldly rejected. Even if the two souls are compatible, and he approaches with a purpose, no different from the cynical people who whistle and hand over the wine glass, it will cause the girl to resent, and even cowardice and hypocrisy.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

Breaking his hand to open an umbrella, he decided to jump again and jump to the place where he was constantly approaching his master, and the astronaut's figure seemed to be waving to it, which was the closest it was to the dream, replacing the master to complete the dream of flying that could no longer be realized.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me
"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

Losing his family, losing his good life, losing his dream of being a pianist and an astronaut, losing his job to survive, even losing the last ray of light, drinking and insomnia with swollen eyes, exhausted, he saw a fly when doing cutting work, like the fly that "accompanied" him, mocking him from childhood.

Swinging his fists, the triumphant fly was finally caught by him. Cruel and ruthless machine cutting, Dad's watch on the wrist is shredded, followed by his own wrist, this is the scene that appears at the beginning.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

He was like the spit-on fly, his whole life was shrouded in bad luck, and the setbacks that followed were like hunting his hands, invading in all directions, and he fled in a hurry and struggled until this time he could not dodge, and even his only wealth, his sound body, was lost.

Fortunately, the severed hand still did not abandon him, and with the obsession of finding his body, it finally returned to him after several storms. The broken hand is aimed at the position of the broken, infinitely close, tightly sewn.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

The miracle didn't happen, and he moved his wrist away from his sleeping sleep. It turns out that this time leaving is a farewell, and those relatives, childhoods, beliefs, and hopes that have been lost will never return. If the broken hand is lost, it can no longer appear, and it will also die and decay with time, and can only quietly hide under the bed and silently look at the heartbroken master.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me
"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

Whether it was the hand and the body, or he and her, the bond of connection was ruthlessly severed, and there was no chance to start again, the reality was so cruel.

Do you believe in fate? Is everything already doomed, we just follow the trajectory? We can't change anything? We mistakenly think we can, it's an illusion, unless we make... Something completely unpredictable and incomprehensible, this is the only way to undo the spell permanently.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

One night after the accident, he calmly walked up to the roof, helped run, took off, and jumped on the crane opposite the building, like jumping into another world, a world that was temporarily isolated and empty, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. If you can't touch it with your hands, you can also listen and step on it with your feet.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

This is a silent protest against fate by Lauffer, who has always been obedient and powerless. Breaking free also required determination and courage, and this moment he found a little for the time being.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

I don't know if he regretted the beginning, whether he also mourned the hand, and whether the girl listened to the tape recording the sound of the hunting wind on the roof, and whether she also had mixed feelings.

But her expression tended to be rational, declaring that she belonged to the category of people who obeyed the fate of the arrangement, did not argue or resist, and quietly watched.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

The unknown fate and the regrettable ending are very sad, everyone has experienced nothing, helplessness, this is the real life after peeling off the glitzy appearance. This gloomy and melancholy animated film is more likely to penetrate people's hearts than the Mary Sue bridge section with a lot of money.

Even if people's lives are spent in missing and losing, may the wandering people break their unrealistic fantasies, abandon their unbearable past, and take an incredible step out of suffering as soon as possible.

"I Lost My Body", the story begins with my body losing me

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