
"I Lost My Body" Douban Score 8.1: Jump out of the comfort zone, live out of the self to find yourself: the return of the hand, but also the return of the soul to jump out of the comfort zone, living out of the self is the essence of life.

author:Mai Xiaoyi

The film "I Lost My Body" is the best animated film in France in the past decade, which not only won the 2019 Cannes Film Festival Critics Week award, but also swept the Annie Award for Best Independent Animated Feature, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Storyboard and Best Soundtrack nominations.

Although the movie "I Lost My Body" has won countless awards in one fell swoop, the scenery is infinite, but these are not its most attractive places, the film's ingenious storyline and strange narrative style is the key reason why we like it, this is an animation film only for adults, and it is painful to understand it.

"I Lost My Body" Douban Score 8.1: Jump out of the comfort zone, live out of the self to find yourself: the return of the hand, but also the return of the soul to jump out of the comfort zone, living out of the self is the essence of life.

In reality, have you learned to shake hands with your own life? Or have you already jumped out of your comfort zone and lived the way you dreamed? Maybe after watching the movie "I Lost My Body", you will understand a lot, and you will be relieved a lot.

The protagonist of the movie "I Lost My Body" is a broken hand, and yes, the protagonist is a broken hand. The severed arm escaped from a cold deplaning laboratory in Paris, France, to retrieve its body. During this creepy city tour, the Broken Hand struggles hard against pigeons, rats, ants, dogs, and many other obstacles, just to retrieve its body and find the pizza boy Lauffield. As he crossed the streets of Paris, the severed hand recalled the life experiences of the owner of the body, Lauffield, as well as The life of Lauffield and the librarian Gabriel (Victuvar. Dubois dubs) between deep love.

"I Lost My Body" Douban Score 8.1: Jump out of the comfort zone, live out of the self to find yourself: the return of the hand, but also the return of the soul to jump out of the comfort zone, living out of the self is the essence of life.

"I lost my body" is based on the broken hand as the protagonist, it shows the experience of the owner of the body, Lauuffel, from the experience of childhood to the moment of the broken hand, through the form of adventure, the film explores the body through the broken hand to explore more of the theme of finding the self, and we can also find that as long as a person has the courage to jump out of his comfort zone in the journey of finding himself through the broken hand, everything is possible.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > to find oneself: the return of the hand, but also the return of the soul</h1>

We live for our own sake, and if you don't even care about your own life, what's the point of living? Man is to make himself a perfect child.

The owner of the broken hand is a boy who delivers food, Lauffield, who in the memory of the broken hand is a humble young man, with no handsome appearance, no decent job, and no good family environment. Lauffield was just an ordinary person who could not be more ordinary.

When he was young, he lost both of his parents due to an accident and was not accompanied by his parents, and Lauffield grew up in loneliness. When he grew up, Lauffield could only get paid for his labor by selling coolies because he did not have any skills, but he could not even do such a simple job as delivering takeaways.

"I Lost My Body" Douban Score 8.1: Jump out of the comfort zone, live out of the self to find yourself: the return of the hand, but also the return of the soul to jump out of the comfort zone, living out of the self is the essence of life.

On a rainy day, Lauffield was again late.

He failed to deliver the takeaway to the guests within the stipulated time. Not only did Laufer not seize the time to remedy it, but also ate part of the guest's takeaway. This wave of brain circuits, I was a little confused when I watched it, but later I found out: the adult world is always deserted, except for the sound of the wind, I can't hear anything. And Laufer's life is both barren and lonely, a child who has not had parental education since childhood, how can we know the loneliness and sadness of his growth! Like a broken hand in a subway station, if it doesn't desperately pick up the lighter, how can it get away with the mouse? Sometimes, we only witness the majesty of people when the scenery is beautiful, but we don't care about what they look like when they are poor and depressed.

Lauffield eats the guest's takeaway, which in the eyes of many people is a sign of self-abandonment and irresponsibility, but who stipulates that a person cannot find comfort when he is very sad? What's more, in the end, Laufer still apologized to the guests. Even if his behavior seems funny and shameful to us, what right do we have to evaluate the life we have not experienced?

"I Lost My Body" Douban Score 8.1: Jump out of the comfort zone, live out of the self to find yourself: the return of the hand, but also the return of the soul to jump out of the comfort zone, living out of the self is the essence of life.

Life has given Lauffield too many tribulations, and he has a thought of living a day to count a day, and he has survived today, and survived tomorrow and the day after tomorrow... In a life without love and dreams, he just struggled to breathe air in this world.

What the meaning of life was, he had never thought about; he had never thought about why life was so hard to live, nor had he ever thought about it. Life is already so difficult, he has not planned for his future, he just has to live and live, even if today is sadder than yesterday, he is still tenacious to survive. Maybe this is another truth that the film tells us: life is not easy, even if you can't see a glimmer of light, you have to try to move forward. Because this day will not always be so static, there will always be a rainbow in the sky that will illuminate your bright smile.

"I Lost My Body" Douban Score 8.1: Jump out of the comfort zone, live out of the self to find yourself: the return of the hand, but also the return of the soul to jump out of the comfort zone, living out of the self is the essence of life.

Rauffield's delivery of the late takeaway was Gabriel's, and Gabriel not only did not blame him, but also comforted Raubourfeld. Suddenly, Laufer's life became brighter.

In order to get close to Gabrielle, Laufer became An apprentice to Uncle Gabrielle.

"I Lost My Body" Douban Score 8.1: Jump out of the comfort zone, live out of the self to find yourself: the return of the hand, but also the return of the soul to jump out of the comfort zone, living out of the self is the essence of life.

In this way, they became good friends, Lauffield gradually fell in love with Gabfield, he seemed to change a person, not only more and more motivated by work, life gradually became colorful, he would read Gabriel's favorite books, after learning that Gabrielle liked the Arctic, but also in a very short time, on the balcony to make an igloo for Gabrielle.

This was the first search in Lauffield's life, and he painstakingly followed and prepared for the love in his life. But he didn't want all this to be in Gabriel's eyes, but it was his long-planned conspiracy, and Gabriel left him inhumanely. It's like a broken hand picking up a tennis ball and being taken away by the owner who came to look for it, with no thanks but only panic. It is as if life is like this, not needed because it is weak, not needed because it is humble.

The rejected Lauffield is like a broken hand moving forward in the cold rain, and the bright light in Raufour's life is thus snuffed out. Love is something you love and I wish, but in their relationship, I see The loss and despair of Lauffield, and a person who has found the light in his life is once again beaten into darkness. It was all back in time, and the lazy, irresponsible Lauffer was back, and because of the absent-mindedness at work, Lauufer lost his arm.

"I Lost My Body" Douban Score 8.1: Jump out of the comfort zone, live out of the self to find yourself: the return of the hand, but also the return of the soul to jump out of the comfort zone, living out of the self is the essence of life.

Lauffield's life has always been fate to push him forward, the death of his parents has made him learn to take care of himself from a young age; work is not smooth, let him not think of making progress, and even get some small benefits at work, but the deep heart of Lowufer is still a kind, hopeful person, even if he has never fought for his dreams, but his sincerity in finding love still touched us, and his last leap, should also be reborn!

While the broken hand is looking for the body, it also allows us to understand the life of Lauffield step by step, we see his suffering but stubborn life journey, even if the years have smoothed out the edges and corners of his body, he is still the little boy who sees the fluctuations in the astronaut's heart.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > jump out of the comfort zone, living out the self is the essence of life. </h1>

In the film, Lauffield reaches the highest point of his life in the final leap against fate. Perhaps, the moment Laufer stood on the tower, he felt free, but what about later? Maybe he had to go back into the crowd as he had always done, to live like an ordinary man.

"I Lost My Body" Douban Score 8.1: Jump out of the comfort zone, live out of the self to find yourself: the return of the hand, but also the return of the soul to jump out of the comfort zone, living out of the self is the essence of life.

In fact, in our lives, there are countless ordinary people like Rauuffel, who have big dreams from the beginning to the last stage of life and still achieve nothing, we can't judge whether their lives are successful, but we know that people can only live themselves by jumping out of their comfort zone.

In the movie, Lauffield once wanted to be an astronaut, wanted to play the piano, wanted to see the Northern Lights with his beloved girl... But he did not do a good job, because he was rejected by the beloved girl, because of the mistakes in the work and lost his arm, is this the work of fate or destiny?

"I Lost My Body" Douban Score 8.1: Jump out of the comfort zone, live out of the self to find yourself: the return of the hand, but also the return of the soul to jump out of the comfort zone, living out of the self is the essence of life.

We don't know, but we know that if you can't break through the cage in your heart, fate will always be stuck with you, the happiness you want will not come easily, if you can jump out of the comfort zone of life, one day there will be starlight that can illuminate you!

The film's Lauffield and his broken hand are like two parallel lines, the broken hand is looking for the body, and The broken hand is looking for the original dream. Although the film does not tell us the final ending of Rauffield, we vaguely feel that while the broken hand is looking for the body, the dream that Rauuffel once lost is also returning.

"I Lost My Body" Douban Score 8.1: Jump out of the comfort zone, live out of the self to find yourself: the return of the hand, but also the return of the soul to jump out of the comfort zone, living out of the self is the essence of life.

The fly in the movie, every time it appears, it is a harbinger of doom. Like he said, everything was predestined, and real life was an irrational decision, like a crane that he suddenly jumped from the roof of a building into the distance. Even if it is the only attempt in his life, we still feel happy, sometimes, as long as you turn over a little and see the spring blossoms, why take your inner unwillingness and submission as destiny? As long as you muster the courage to jump out of your comfort zone, you will find that life is different, and you can push the limits to do what you once could not do. As long as you want to and do it, anything is possible!

The image of the fly is more like a commentary on fate: you can't grasp it easily, and sometimes, the more you try to grasp it, it will make everything worse, you never attribute them to accidents, you just think that it is fate. What is the fate of life, you do not jump out of the comfort zone, how can you find another world in life?

Don't attribute misfortune to fate, all your misfortune is the inevitable result of you not working hard and not daring to jump out of your comfort zone, not some fate!

"I Lost My Body" Douban Score 8.1: Jump out of the comfort zone, live out of the self to find yourself: the return of the hand, but also the return of the soul to jump out of the comfort zone, living out of the self is the essence of life.

In fact, life is not as bad as we think, because it is often ourselves who are bad. In the movie, Lauffield does not work seriously, and his attitude towards life is to get by, and we all feel anxious for him, but we can't live for him. We can see the truth from this film: no matter how difficult your life is, as long as you have the courage to jump out of your comfort zone, those tribulations are at best small episodes in your life!

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