
"Dawn of the Mistress" ——— Carrito collapsed on the platform of the station


For both Brian de Palma and Al Pacino, Dawn of the Mistress is the softest character of their careers, with Pacino showing the most restrained acting skills in the film, using the least amount of "roaring performance" to create the most flesh-and-blood, sentient gangster character. Calito is one of my favorite screen images, and his phrase "Honey, I tried my best" is more touching than any line.

"Dawn of the Mistress" ——— Carrito collapsed on the platform of the station

Films depicting the fate of gangster characters were not so rampant when Dawn of the Mistress was released in 1993, which is why Brian de Palma took over the film, because the script is only similar in actors and form to "Scarface" directed by him 10 years ago and starring Pacino, which is essentially two completely different styles.

"Dawn of the Mistress" ——— Carrito collapsed on the platform of the station

The most brilliant performance of the whole movie actually comes from the unscrupulous lawyer David played by Sean Penn, and the degree of profit and shamelessness of this role can actually be used as a model for teaching negative character performance. But because the role of Calito is too strong, the light of everyone is almost covered.

"Dawn of the Mistress" ——— Carrito collapsed on the platform of the station
"Dawn of the Mistress" ——— Carrito collapsed on the platform of the station

Watching "Dawn of the Mistress" is a very tiring thing no matter what kind of feelings you have for Calito, no matter how hard he tries, he can't escape his fate, the whole movie is trying to get out of the "haze" and save the situation, but from beginning to end, it is full of powerlessness, until Calito finally collapses on the platform of the station.

"Dawn of the Mistress" ——— Carrito collapsed on the platform of the station

Friends who have not seen it, "Dawn of the Mistress" is suitable for a person to enjoy quietly.

"Dawn of the Mistress" ——— Carrito collapsed on the platform of the station

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