
"The Taste of Chengsha": A delicacy, three generations, go to a life healing journey one Fallen people are not worthy of forgiveness, thank you for healing me two every red bean is worthy of respect, you still have the right to choose your own life three to be a warm person, you will meet a warm heart

author:Zhuang Xiaoyu 123
"The Taste of Chengsha": A delicacy, three generations, go to a life healing journey one Fallen people are not worthy of forgiveness, thank you for healing me two every red bean is worthy of respect, you still have the right to choose your own life three to be a warm person, you will meet a warm heart

I am Yoshii Tokue, 76 years old, once pregnant, but they did not let me give birth, I did not have my own child in my life, my husband died 10 years ago.

I am a leprosy healer, live in quarantine areas, and love life immensely. He worked in a tonomitsu shop under a splendid cherry blossom tree, and used his disabled hands to make the world's tastiest bean paste. Delicious food that heals the soul of a lonely and helpless person.

When I died, I wanted someone to plant a cherry blossom tree for me because it was so beautiful and I loved it.

"The Taste of Chengsha": A delicacy, three generations, go to a life healing journey one Fallen people are not worthy of forgiveness, thank you for healing me two every red bean is worthy of respect, you still have the right to choose your own life three to be a warm person, you will meet a warm heart

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > A fallen man is not worthy of forgiveness, thank you for coming to heal me</h1>

This is the touching healing story told by the Japanese movie "The Taste of Seongsa", which takes place at a tongluo shop under a cherry blossom tree.

A movie journey that reunites you with your heart.

The manager Chitaro is silent, loves to drink, does not like to eat sweets, but became the manager of the tonggong, in addition to the tongluoyao, he is basically isolated from the world; the female student Ruocai, growing up in a single family, has a tense relationship with her mother, the best friend is a yellow bird raised in a cage, she often patronizes the small shop; the old lady Yoshii Tokue, a leprosy healer, when passing through the small shop, saw the manager with sad eyes, asked to come to work part-time, although there were twists and turns, and finally achieved her wish.

Everyone is not a single individual, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, no matter what stage of life you are in, there will be difficulties and confusion, and no one can retreat from the whole body. And in "The Taste of The Sand", they have achieved each other's lives and redeemed each other.

"The Taste of Chengsha": A delicacy, three generations, go to a life healing journey one Fallen people are not worthy of forgiveness, thank you for healing me two every red bean is worthy of respect, you still have the right to choose your own life three to be a warm person, you will meet a warm heart

For the manager, he didn't want to find a 76-year-old woman to work part-time. However, after he tasted the red bean stuffing made by Dejiang, he felt the soul of the gong burning. He agreed that Tokue would come over to work part-time, seemingly fulfilling Tokue's desire to work at a gong shop under a cherry blossom tree. In fact, It is Tokue who uses her actions to invisibly give encouragement to the life of Chitaro in distress and the redemption of his heart.

For Wakasa, those words that could not be spoken to her mother, she found comfort in Tokue and Chitaro. She and Chitaro get along like friends and can listen to each other's advice; she and Tokue are more like year-round friends, perceiving the beauty of life, accumulating strength, and living freely.

For Dejiang, years of illness have devastated her body, blurred vision, deformed fingers, lost teeth, etc., and her spirit has become clearer.

Milan. Kundera said in "Immortality": Life is, carrying pain through the world.

A person who is not treated well by life, but gives life the greatest enthusiasm.

"The Taste of Chengsha": A delicacy, three generations, go to a life healing journey one Fallen people are not worthy of forgiveness, thank you for healing me two every red bean is worthy of respect, you still have the right to choose your own life three to be a warm person, you will meet a warm heart

She will say hello and goodbye to the cherry blossom tree, look for Mr. Sun, talk to the full moon, and life is beautiful everywhere.

If a person is not beautiful and does not understand aesthetics, this person's life is pitiful. "Beauty" is the greatest and deepest meaning of existence. Pay attention to the ordinary life of the little people, and leave the life blank to expand, and the beautiful poetry of life will appear.

The situation at the Causeway Shop was perhaps the most memorable moment of happiness in her life, and she gained a sense of fulfillment and value in her life, while also influencing chitaro, the store manager who had lost confidence in her life.

Tokue told Chitaro over and over again that the cherry blossom tree in front of the shop was so beautiful that he greeted the tree kindly. From selecting beans, picking beans, picking beans, boiling beans, passing water, boiling success, hours of hard work, slowly waiting, are the breath of life that the movie is willing to capture. Tokue's mournful beauty heals Chitaro's "depravity", which skillfully combines Japanese cultural characteristics with movies.

At the end of the film, Tokue dies of pneumonia, and Chitaro can rely on the production process and delicious memories of the bean paste filling, which is the use of the aesthetic of "material sorrow", and the audience perceives that part of the good is from it.

What Dejiang experienced was not just her own life, but the life of many people in similar situations in a difficult life. Yes, each of us has a story, we just have to work hard to live.

"The Taste of Chengsha": A delicacy, three generations, go to a life healing journey one Fallen people are not worthy of forgiveness, thank you for healing me two every red bean is worthy of respect, you still have the right to choose your own life three to be a warm person, you will meet a warm heart

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > every red bean deserves respect, and you still have the right to choose your own life</h1>

When "Nezha's Devil Boy Descending" was a hit, I went to see it with my friends. I asked her which moment in the movie impressed you. With tears in her eyes, she said: The prejudice in people's hearts is a big mountain, and no matter how hard you try, you can't move it.

Perhaps everyone has a preconception about other people's lives, and before they can peek into the whole picture, they will make judgments based on personal preferences, and even sometimes they will easily nail others to the column of shame with their own words.

But in reality, all things are not a single dimension, and sometimes the judgments we make are outrageously wrong.

We only see that Dejiang has suffered from leprosy, but we have not seen the hardships she has paid behind her, the wisdom to resist the gossip of society, and the determination to devote her life to only do a good job of bean paste filling.

"The Taste of Chengsha": A delicacy, three generations, go to a life healing journey one Fallen people are not worthy of forgiveness, thank you for healing me two every red bean is worthy of respect, you still have the right to choose your own life three to be a warm person, you will meet a warm heart

After 50 years of making Gong Roast bean paste, she said that the most important thing about bean paste is the feeling, and the bean paste of Tong Gong is the soul. She will respect the ingredients, treat the beans gently, talk to the beans, and listen to their stories.

"Beans come from afar, and when I make bean paste, I always listen to the beans tell stories, imagine the sunny and rainy days that the beans have seen, and the breeze blows the content of the beans' conversation, listening to the stories of their journey." Yes, listen to them. Everything in this world has a story to tell, even the sun and the wind, and they can hear their stories. ”

Beans are no longer just simple beans, they have their own life. On the surface, this movie is a "healing" film made with food, which is a pleasant mood to watch. But in this joy, I slowly felt the cruelty of life.

The transformation of beans into bean paste requires multiple procedures and requires patience and time. And man is the same, there is no natural relationship. Only sincere giving, giving without asking for anything in return, and a beautiful belief in life can create pure and positive relationships between people.

"The Taste of Chengsha": A delicacy, three generations, go to a life healing journey one Fallen people are not worthy of forgiveness, thank you for healing me two every red bean is worthy of respect, you still have the right to choose your own life three to be a warm person, you will meet a warm heart

When rumors spread, when the Tongluo shop was not patronized. Dejiang's restrained and unprepared expression is painful.

And the landlady's aggressive look, as if Dejiang is a virus that must be removed. Always hint at Chitaro in words: We have helped you, you are a person in prison, what qualifications do you have to put forward conditions, let whoever goes, who will go, no qualifications to talk.

And the store manager Chitaro, after experiencing these things, finally opened his heart to face his heart. Although he is still not good at words, he can face the tragic past.

He said: "I used to work in a bar and because of an argument that disabled someone else. When I went to prison, my mother would come to see me. But before I was released, she passed away, and I never listened to her tell stories again, and I never listened to anyone's stories again.

It was Dejiang who made him passionate about life, the desire to talk, and the perception of the world.

In this world, many people are indeed living optimistically in the barren land, just like Dejiang.

"Mr. Store Manager, we want to live our lives away from right and wrong. But sometimes we are hurt by the ignorance of this society, and sometimes we have to use our own wisdom, and I should have told you this earlier. Mr. Store Manager, I believe that one day you will create your own gong burner, realize your own ideas, and have the confidence to go your own way. Mr. Store Manager, I'm sure you can do it. ”

That's what Dejiang said and did.

"The Taste of Chengsha": A delicacy, three generations, go to a life healing journey one Fallen people are not worthy of forgiveness, thank you for healing me two every red bean is worthy of respect, you still have the right to choose your own life three to be a warm person, you will meet a warm heart

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > three be a warm person, you will meet a warm heart</h1>

After the hardships of life, can we still be a warm person? The answer is uncertain, because in the course of a person's life, some people have fallen from a victim to a victim. Some people, knowing what they have suffered, decide not to let others suffer like this, with a trace of light, a trace of heat, to warm others.

Someone said: You never know what a person has experienced. Behind every smiling face that pretends to be strong, there is such a storm and drift.

Tokue and Chitaro are both such people. Even so, behind their seeming silence, there is a huge spiritual redemptive power.

At the end of his life, Dejiang recorded Ruocai and apologized to her, "I had promised you to take care of Malvey (the bird), but in fact I quickly let it go, and when I listened to it singing, I realized it was singing, let me go." ”

"I want you to be able to see it, so I'm glowing. Mr. Store Manager, we are born into this world to see and listen, because then we do not have to become someone, we have our own meaning of existence. ”

Seeing the fate of each character in the movie, people have burst into tears.

"The Taste of Chengsha": A delicacy, three generations, go to a life healing journey one Fallen people are not worthy of forgiveness, thank you for healing me two every red bean is worthy of respect, you still have the right to choose your own life three to be a warm person, you will meet a warm heart

In reality, too many people simply can't do this. In the face of life's difficulties, it is too easy to compromise and give up.

The film continues Japan's usual warm style, and everything contains a rich real-life interest. Whether it is the plot or character setting, or even the soundtrack and composition, it is very meticulous and careful. The Japanese people's beautiful customs and aesthetic abilities are fully displayed. Who doesn't love a good movie that is materialistic and can bring peace to people?

It does not speak directly about life, but through food, implicit expression, and Japanese culture is inseparable. Through objects such as cherry blossoms and beans that symbolize the relationship between people, they act as a medium for epiphany, which is also the pure side of Japanese healing movies.

There is nothing happier than being alive, nothing is harder than being alive, so we all have to live seriously and hard. The reincarnation of all things, enjoying the process, looking down on the ending, let people have the courage to face the cruel reality, but always maintain a simple and true humanity.

Presumably, this good movie warms life and changes the way people see the world.

After Tokue's death, Chitaro and Wakasa went to see the cherry blossom tree planted for Tokue. When another spring came, Chitaro stood under the cherry blossom trees in the park selling gongs and burners, and a smile was already on his face, which was the best spiritual gift that Tokue had ever given him.

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