
Friends: The Reunion: Things Are As Beautiful as They Are

author:The love of small meat
Friends: The Reunion: Things Are As Beautiful as They Are

—How did not everyone know we were crushing on each other ?

—We knew for sure.

Over the years, there have been many rumors of David and Jen's private disagreement. But when I opened the oprah show of the closing chapter many years ago, when two people who hardly interacted had to evaluate each other, the eye contact between the two always revealed an intimate and polite atmosphere, and looking at David's subtle changes in looks in the tens of seconds, I always believed that there was a story between them.

But I never thought that on the only and last reunion, they would be honest with the audience.

People are really funny sometimes, and there are some things we never seem to want to talk about, but we are afraid that no one will ever remember.

Therefore, it is better to say it to those who understand it after many years.

In that decade, David said, two people were like two criss-crossing boats, so they never crossed the line, and they respected that. This is fatally in line with the twists and turns of rachel and Ross's decade of emotional in the play, but unlike the drama, when reality comes to an end, no one draws a worldly happy ending for them.

Curiously checking the two respective love histories, Jennifer and Joshua in the series began dating from before the first season to breaking up in early 1998, and began dating Pete later in the same year, married in 2000 until 2005. David began a relationship with a rock singer from '97 until 2001. Looking back now is indeed a perfect miss.

看到95年还是96年David接受一本杂志采访时说:The reality is we can do our job because we are truly friends. But when the day’s over,she goes home to her boy friend and I go home to a magazine.

Thinking about it is also a sigh.

I love that David quietly recounts the image of two people snuggling on the couch during rehearsals during the first two seasons of Friends, and the sound is like carefully picking up a regrettable but heartwarming time in memory.

—There’s a situation we cannot do anything about this.

There is no greater helplessness in the world than this.

—We knew. We knew for sure.

And the tacit understanding between the six old friends has fulfilled this relationship in the best way it can reach, and it has almost brilliantly remained in the years.

What moved me the most about reunion was the replay of the filming of the last scene of rachel and ross that year. After the director shouted cut, the two people still hugged each other for a long time and did not let go, and when the two people let go of their hands, Jennifer was already in tears. At that time, friends had come to the tenth year with a little tiredness, jennifer's side had already had Pete, and the initial sighing feelings had long passed, but the past that was too precious seemed to remain in the corner of life forever, stirring up the most gentle resonance when it was inadvertently stirred by time.

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