
Aiyoutengqi issued a statement condemning the pirated infringement of the "Friends Reunion Special" of Station B

Observer Network News (Wen/Lu Siye Editor/Zhuang Yi) On the afternoon of May 28, iQiyi, Tencent Video, and Youku issued a statement at the same time, saying that just a few hours after the release of the "Friends Reunion Special", a large number of infringing pirated videos appeared on the Bilibili platform (b station), including complete positive films and a large number of card segment videos, which seriously infringed the legitimate rights and interests of creators and copyright owners.

iQiyi, Tencent Video and Youku, as the rights holders of the "Friends Reunion Special Edition" disseminated on the Internet information network in Chinese mainland, expressed strong condemnation of such acts of disrespect for intellectual property rights and open piracy.

Aiyoutengqi issued a statement condemning the pirated infringement of the "Friends Reunion Special" of Station B
Aiyoutengqi issued a statement condemning the pirated infringement of the "Friends Reunion Special" of Station B
Aiyoutengqi issued a statement condemning the pirated infringement of the "Friends Reunion Special" of Station B

iQiyi, Tencent Video, and Youku stated the original text

Not long ago, Aiyouteng and station b had friction over the secondary creation of short videos.

In April this year, iQiyi, Tencent Video, Youku, Mango TV, Migu Video and other platforms launched a joint statement in March, signing a joint statement with 524 artists and the China Television Art Exchange Association and the China Television Drama Production Industry Association calling on the majority of short video platforms and public account producers and operators to respect originality, protect copyright, and not to carry out editing, cutting, handling, dissemination and other infringements on relevant film and television works without authorization.

After the statement was released, a large number of secondary videos in the film and television editing area of station b were removed, returned and locked and could not be edited. User-directed video content is one of the cores of the content ecology of station B, and the copyright issues involved in it have existed for a long time. At present, there is no response from the b station to aiyouteng's statement today.

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