
"The Breadwinner": A film that must be watched when frustrated, a family full of hope in misery

author:Peach movie

The film I share with you today is the Oscar-nominated animation "The Breadwinner", which is a film that you must watch when you are faced with the difficulties of life and are depressed.

The film mainly tells about:

In this place women can't go out alone, can't read and buy things, can't talk to strange men, and can't even look at each other, otherwise it will be considered provocative.

"The Breadwinner": A film that must be watched when frustrated, a family full of hope in misery

The world is different from ours here, and this girl is called Xiao Wa, because surrounded by fear he rarely smiles. Xiao wa, who is only 11 years old, lives in a family of five, whose only financial source comes from his father, who lost one leg due to the war, and although he is poor, the family feels very happy together.

My father was a teacher and an enlightened man, and now he can only earn money by helping people read letters. On this day, Xiaowa and his father were setting up a stall on the street, and the soldiers opposite were educating the vendors who sold things to women, and when Xiaowa drove away the wild dogs at the stall, he was almost taught a lesson by the soldiers who thought they were attracting the attention of others. The soldier recognized Xiao Wa's father, who had been a student of Xiao Wa's father, and said that the soldier was even more angry, saying that what he learned was useless, wasting his time, and bluntly saying that he had already joined the Taliban and wanted to marry his 11-year-old daughter Xiao Wa, who was rejected by his father.

Sudden catastrophe

The resentful soldiers followed the father and daughter, and the next day they arrested Xiaowa's father in prison for hiding forbidden books and teaching women to read.

The mother decided to take Xiao wa to the prison to protest with the prison director, but this custom of not being accompanied by men and women not being able to go out made them restricted everywhere, and when the mother and daughter duo who had experienced dangers finally arrived at the prison, they were caught by the soldiers, and the soldiers could not listen to the mother's words, not only shredded the father's photo, but also beat the mother with the crutch in the mother's hand, and the mother and daughter could only return home.

"The Breadwinner": A film that must be watched when frustrated, a family full of hope in misery

A new round of problems appeared, the family was cut off from food, Xiao Wa first found a vendor who had been "watching" and asked, can you sell me half a dozen apples. The punished vendor, though sympathetic, was still afraid: Tell your father to come.

Xiao Wa walked to the grain store, stood carefully at the door and asked, "Can you sell me a load of grain?", but no one paid attention to him, and what was ushered in was the chase of the soldiers, who not only did not buy grain, but also lost their money bags.

Faced with the choice of food and clothing

In desperation, Xiaowa cut off her long hair, just like Mulan who went out on a campaign for her father, and she dressed as a man to take over the burden of subsistence. He stood at the door of the grain store again and asked cautiously, "Can you sell me a load of grain?" ”

The boss replied, "Come in boy."

He smiled because he not only bought food to feed his family, but also experienced unprecedented freedom.

"The Breadwinner": A film that must be watched when frustrated, a family full of hope in misery

At this time, he was pulled into the alley by a boy, it turned out that he was Xiao Wa's classmate Xiao Ji, he and Xiao Wa were all for the sake of supporting the family, chose to dress as a woman, he taught Xiao Wa how to be more like a man, and some tricks to make money.

Xiao Wa met a mother and daughter in a buka robe on the street, who were being mercilessly whipped by soldiers, as if he thought of the scene of going to the prison with his mother to find his father, he wanted to go forward to stop it, but he could not do anything, and suddenly his heart was full of mixed feelings, indescribable.

Xiao Ji learned that Xiao Wa wanted to go to the prison to visit his father, so he told him that it would be better to use money to make some connections, but it would take a lot of money, in order to see his father, Xiao Wa decided to sell his favorite dress, the only valuable dress in the family.

"The Breadwinner": A film that must be watched when frustrated, a family full of hope in misery

The mother also wrote to her cousin, who had not been in touch for many years, asking for help and giving her sister to the younger son of the cousin's family.

Xiao Wa came to the prison, but it was not as easy as he thought, he took out the only 1,000 yuan for selling skirts, and asked the jailer for help, but the jailer did not pay attention to him. After going back, Xiao Ji told him that it might be too little money, the two of them did all the tiring work in order to save money, they passed through the remaining battlefield, desolate, desolate, grassless, full of remains, facing the photo of the blue sea and blue sky in Aji's hand, this is the pure land of their dreams, they yearn for it.

Back at the stall, Xiao Wa told Bearded that he was the nephew of the stall owner, Bearded's wife died because of the war, he and Xiao Wa learned to write his wife's name, the two became acquainted with each other and became friends for many years, Uncle Beard told Little Wa that if he wanted to see his uncle, he could go to the prison on Wednesday afternoon to find his cousin Luo Shan to help, and he would say hello in advance.

"The Breadwinner": A film that must be watched when frustrated, a family full of hope in misery

The mother was distressed to see Xiao wa, who was injured every day, and finally received a reply from her cousin, telling Xiao Wa not to go out to work in the future, and his cousin arranged a family affair for Xiao Wa's sister, and these two days would pick them up. Xiao Wa did not want to leave his father, so he begged his mother to let him see his father again, told his father where they were going, and then left, and his mother agreed.

The next day Xiao Wa just left, a man who did not look like a good person came to the house, it was arranged by the mother's cousin, the mother asked to wait for Xiao Wa to come back and go together, the man was like a bandit, saying that there would be a war soon, saying that he would pick up his brother Xiao Xi and leave, the mother and sister chased out, but the man threatened his brother, if you don't get on the car, don't want to see your son again, the mother can only compromise.

"The Breadwinner": A film that must be watched when frustrated, a family full of hope in misery

Xiao Wa was lucky enough to meet the hitchhiker, and it happened to be in the same direction and picked him up. Xiao Wa came to the prison and did not find Luo Shan, but met Uncle Beard, learned that the war was about to start again, his cousin Luo Shan was sent to the front, Xiao Wa also told the truth, he was the teacher's daughter, and begged Uncle Beard to rescue his father.

The bearded man didn't answer, saying only that if I hadn't come back before the sun went down, you would run, as far as you could, and then turned and left.

On the other side, Xiaowa's mother also recaptured her son, began to fight with the man's life, and let the eldest daughter run with Xiaoxi, and finally the mother repelled the man and reunited with her son and daughter.

"The Breadwinner": A film that must be watched when frustrated, a family full of hope in misery

Just when the sun was about to set, bearded man also rescued Xiaowa's father, but when he saved his father, he was found by the jailer, who was seriously injured, but he did not mention the injury, but handed Xiaowa's father to Xiaowa, and he looked at the full moon in the sky and followed his wife.

And as the girl pushed her father on the car forward, her father opened his eyes and he woke up. They smiled as they told their story.

"The Breadwinner": A film that must be watched when frustrated, a family full of hope in misery

And the boy in the story world of Xiaowa also began to look directly at his own life: "His mother is a writer, his father is a teacher, his two sisters are always talking, one day he found a toy on the street, he picked him up, he exploded, and he can't remember the rest of the matter, because that's the ending!" ”

"The Breadwinner": A film that must be watched when frustrated, a family full of hope in misery

This film bravely and uniquely uses the shoulders of animation to shoulder the great righteousness of the world. The story is about the tragic world, but it is not only tragic, it also tells the bright heart in the suffering, in the world of positive and negative collisions, radiating a moving light. Compared with our current life, the dilemma we face is so worthless in the face of the despair experienced by the girl Xiaowa, and she is just a microcosm of countless ordinary Afghan families, and this story also tells the world in a tragic way that the most precious thing for people is not how much today's achievements, but never to wear down the hope of tomorrow.

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