
"The Breadwinner": Not afraid of life and death, only afraid of parting

author:Kuroki's dad
"The Breadwinner": Not afraid of life and death, only afraid of parting

The Irish animated film The Breadwinner is based on deborah Iris's novel of the same name. Told in

Ordinary Afghans under the brutal rule of the Taliban government live a life of hell.

"The Breadwinner": Not afraid of life and death, only afraid of parting

The status of local women is low, and according to the law, women must be accompanied by men to go out. If you go out without permission, you will be injured or even beaten to death by Taliban government personnel.

"The Breadwinner": Not afraid of life and death, only afraid of parting

The little girl Pavana went out with her father to earn money to support the family, and in the market she not only witnessed her father being humiliated and insulted by former students. He and his family watched as their father was illegally arrested.

"The Breadwinner": Not afraid of life and death, only afraid of parting

With a sick mother, an adult sister and a young brother in the family, the weak Pavana had to cut off her hair and disguise herself as a boy to go out of the house and embark on the uncertain path of raising her family.

Along the way, she not only stumbled upon her former buddies, who were also dressed as boys, but also became friends with a silent Taliban. When war was about to come, Pavana, with the help of the Taliban man, found and rescued her unaccounted for her father and brought him home.

"The Breadwinner": Not afraid of life and death, only afraid of parting

The story told by the little girl in the film satirizes the dark rule of the Taliban armed group. Tell the story of the little boy who has gone through all kinds of dangers to kill the monster, impress the elephant king, and get back the precious seed. It expresses the hatred and fear of the common people for the dark rule and the yearning for a better life.

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