
"How this perfect lover kills love step by step," | Please check the list of holiday addiction films

author:We all have sickness in our hearts
"How this perfect lover kills love step by step," | Please check the list of holiday addiction films

The last holiday of the year came, but unfortunately I read the weather forecast, 7 days holiday Beijing to rain for 5 days, do not know where you are? Weather is good? How do you spend the holidays?

If it's not a good place to go out and play, there's no better way to get on vacation than watching a movie at home.

The general reviewed the recently watched movies, selected 3 movies, 2 American dramas, must recommend to you, to ensure that you can also have a wonderful vacation without going out.

1 Escape from the Chamber 2 (2021, USA)

Must-see "cool film", let people call "wonderful"

"How this perfect lover kills love step by step," | Please check the list of holiday addiction films

If you love to play room escape, then this movie must have a place in your movie list, and the discovery of clues and the way to unlock the level are of high reference value.

Even if you haven't played escape room, it doesn't matter, this movie is the same as "Escape Room 1", the viewing experience is very cool, no procrastination, no padding, direct "kill", high energy density, fast plot rhythm, stimulation and energy, play is a heartbeat.

The whole process of high energy, so that you do not even want to look at the mobile phone, just want to understand how these 5 "human IQ ceiling" is "killing crazy"!

Related Movie Recommendations:

Escape from the Chamber 1 (2019, USA)

Horror Cruises (2009, UK / Australia)

2 "Bouquet of Love" (2021, Japan)

"I thought love could be immortal, I was wrong"

"How this perfect lover kills love step by step," | Please check the list of holiday addiction films

As of now, this is the most emotional movie of the year, the afterglow is long, and I haven't eased up for several days after watching it.

"How this perfect lover kills love step by step," | Please check the list of holiday addiction films

The story script is very simple, two young people with very good personality hobbies meet each other, electric flint, from the student age into the workplace, not unable to enter the marriage, but the feelings are still consumed by some warm changes.

No dog blood and no passion, it is a pair of the most ordinary lovers, a most ordinary love, so close to reality, so the sense of substitution is so strong.

We are very suitable, we are very in love, but the chemistry that once held two people close together is still gone, and we can only watch this perfect couple kill love little by little.

"How this perfect lover kills love step by step," | Please check the list of holiday addiction films

The breakup scene can really make people cry a few times, and the young couple at the next table are like them back then. There is a comparison to remember what love should look like.

This movie reminds me of Auden's poem:

He used to be my East/My West/My South/My North

My workday/my rest day

My high noon/my midnight

My Words/My Songs

I thought love could be immortal

I was wrong

Marriage Story (2019, UK/US)

City of Philharmonic (2016, USA)

3 The Sacred Secret of the Sisters (2002, USA)

Without understanding, there can be no reconciliation. 

"How this perfect lover kills love step by step," | Please check the list of holiday addiction films

The name of the movie is indeed dissuaded, and there is a feeling of a low-grade version of "Little Times".

In fact, it is a very deep female film, director Calle Khouri is the screenwriter of "The End of the Road", telling the story of female friendship and mother-daughter relationship.

In the "General Knows" column, there have always been readers who ask questions related to the original family, after growing up and leaving the mother's life, we will still be bound and influenced by her. Or reconciliation? How do you get along in such a love-hate relationship?

The film doesn't give a standard answer, but it gives us a completely different perspective, and the stories about your mother that you don't know are slowly unfolding in this movie.

When we keep stressing about the hurt we have suffered, we forget that our mother also has her own wounds to heal.

Without understanding, there can be no reconciliation.

If you are trapped in the trauma of your original family, this movie is highly recommended.

Hello, Lee Huan Ying (2021, China)

Ten Thousand Arrows Through the Heart (2012, China)

4 East Side Nightmare (2021, USA)

Forgive yourself, keep rejoicing, and if you don't rejoice, lie down for a while and rejoice.

"How this perfect lover kills love step by step," | Please check the list of holiday addiction films

Kate Winslet starred, for me, as a quality assurance.

Mare, who she starred in the play, let me fall.

Mare's profession is a small town police detective, the case is stressful, misunderstood by the people in the town, the son died of smoking D, leaving a grandson who may have genetic tics, the grandson's mother is still fighting for custody, the daughter is the same, the relationship is not close, the father committed suicide when she was 13 years old, and the mother loved and killed each other and scolded fxxk you.

Divorced in middle age, the ex-husband has a new partner and the house is behind her house, and she can't hide.

Although I met a colleague who liked her fresh meat, fresh meat was killed by a headshot just after a date, and there was a helplessness that made you lick a mouthful of sugar before you could feel the sweetness and was ordered to withdraw.

Isn't this more than just a chicken feather? It's like sticking a knife all over the place, anyway, you go, it's bloody pain wherever you go.

"How this perfect lover kills love step by step," | Please check the list of holiday addiction films

I admit to being a bit voyeuristic, always wanting to see how to get out of the predicament in the face of such a desperate situation.

It's just that the show has no counter-killing, no rise, and no soaring, Mare's life is still like that, and may even be more chilling.

But after reading it, I prefer this kind of arrangement, which is also the face of most people's lives, where are so many willows and dark flowers? Boiling and holding on, usually regarded as, there are sweet tastes of sweetness, and bitter tastes are bitter.

The most subversive thing for me was learning the way Mare describes life, we will describe her life in despair and misery, but Mare only said softly, "My life is complicated."

"How this perfect lover kills love step by step," | Please check the list of holiday addiction films

Like this kind of weightlifting, even if it is experienced, it is not easy to define, life is complex, all kinds of tastes, rich in layers.

The Revolutionary Road (2008, USA / UK)

The Ferris Wheel (2017, USA)

5 Modern Love Season 2

If all these years someone makes you not lonely. 

"How this perfect lover kills love step by step," | Please check the list of holiday addiction films

Like the first season, each episode is in the form of an independent short story, each with its own taste and different looks.

Some people lose their old love, put their emotions on the old sports car they share, and can't bear to sell it;

Some people have an insurmountable "jet lag" with the person they love, one belongs to the day, one embraces the night, but still chooses to stay together;

There is also a pair who met on the train, fell in love at first sight but did not leave contact information, and it was difficult to go to the appointment because of the epidemic;

There is also a partial dog blood plot, a couple of men and women, found their respective spouses cheating, and they also came together because of this wonderful link, it is difficult not to think of "Fancy Years".

There are also some stories that also have the shadow of classic movies, "Love Before the Dawn Breaks", "One Day", and "Half-Solution of the Heart".

In short, every story is crying and stumbling.

"How this perfect lover kills love step by step," | Please check the list of holiday addiction films

My favorite episode 7 is the name "How do you remember me?"

The two people of the first date burst out of the amazing sweet fit, but because of a sudden accident on the day, there was a gap, although they were worried about each other, they did not contact each other again, and they were lost in the sea of people.

It wasn't until they met again one day, and they each recalled everything that happened on that date, that they realized that the two people's memories of that day were many different.

In their respective memories, the other party is more indifferent and more ruthless, it is the other party that creates misunderstandings, and they have been hurt and offended more.

This kind of uneven memory is good and true, thousands of lovers, all because of a contradiction derived from different feelings, attribution and associations, no longer communicate and no longer confess their hearts, and finally can only be silenced due to misunderstanding, and leave the scene.

"How this perfect lover kills love step by step," | Please check the list of holiday addiction films

At the end of the story, the two people smiled and passed by, without greeting or greeting, but both turned around and looked back at each other's backs.

That look back is to be relieved and let go, even if there is no relief and no release, because this time rubbing shoulders and remembering the joy of being together, it is enough to be able to bless each other.

“How do you remember me?” Isn't that the lyric? How do you remember me? With a smile or still very silent.

Maybe it doesn't matter anymore, if someone has made you not lonely all these years.

Several of the stories in the second season are open-ended endings, and even until the end, the relationship between the two people is still vague and uncertain, so it is best to retreat from the story without answers and find the end of the story in your own life.

Just don't be lonely.

Modern Love Season 1 (2019, USA) #Video ##电影 #

General Guo, master of psychology from Beijing Normal University, national second-level psychological counselor, popular author of Han Han [ONE], author of the book works "For Yourself You Are Still a Stranger" and "The World Prefers Self-Healing and Self-Pleasure".

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