
1982's "Blade Runner", the dystopian worldview behind the story background of the existential breakthrough is also the charm of "punk" What is "person" under the world of "Cybertron"" Unfortunately, she can't survive, but who can survive? ”

author:Mu Ming came

Narrow streets are crowded between the rows of buildings,

Behind the neon lights is parasitic decay, vulgarity, despair,

At this moment, we reflect, what is the difference between man and mouse?

Welcome to cyberpunk in the 80s.

1982's "Blade Runner", the dystopian worldview behind the story background of the existential breakthrough is also the charm of "punk" What is "person" under the world of "Cybertron"" Unfortunately, she can't survive, but who can survive? ”

Countless creators have never stopped imagining the infinite reverie of the near-future worldview, based on the reflection of technology on the harms of society, and the rebellious conflict behind cybernetics, all elements have made today's cyberpunk worldview. In the past 80s, people reverie what it is like today. Blade Runner is a typical cyberpunk-style film based on this era background.

1982's "Blade Runner", the dystopian worldview behind the story background of the existential breakthrough is also the charm of "punk" What is "person" under the world of "Cybertron"" Unfortunately, she can't survive, but who can survive? ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > the background of the story</h1>

Between the dazzling cities we enjoy the convenience of technology, but under the worldview of Blade Runner, the city's roots are built on the labor services provided by countless replicants. Although this group of replicants is no different from ordinary people, or even superior to ordinary people, they have only four years of life and are responsible for planetary colonization activities as slave workers outside the world. Based on the fear of living in the countdown to life every day and the exploitation of free life, the replicants quietly launched a struggle against those in power, and the four replicants fled to Earth and disguised themselves as ordinary people.

1982's "Blade Runner", the dystopian worldview behind the story background of the existential breakthrough is also the charm of "punk" What is "person" under the world of "Cybertron"" Unfortunately, she can't survive, but who can survive? ”

The leader of the four replicants who defected, Roy

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="22" > a breakthrough in existing existence and the charm of "punk"</h1>

Our protagonist, Deckard, is a "Blade Runner" who deals with replicants who disobey control, and Deckard has a way of answering questions about the subject to determine whether the other person is a replicant or not. Although wearing this method worked, he never tried himself, in other words, the male protagonist never doubted whether he was a replicant.

1982's "Blade Runner", the dystopian worldview behind the story background of the existential breakthrough is also the charm of "punk" What is "person" under the world of "Cybertron"" Unfortunately, she can't survive, but who can survive? ”

Observe the pupils of the person being examined to determine whether the other person is a replicant

Because in this world system, replicants play a role as a consumable in this society, which can be labor or commodities, and replicants as commodities can even be artificially implanted with a memory to meet the special needs of users.

In a society where memory is not trustworthy, then who should be interrogated as a potential possibility of replicants, at least I think it does not matter whether they are replicators or not, whether ordinary people or replicants can be called "people" as long as they are willing to serve the control of vested interests.

1982's "Blade Runner", the dystopian worldview behind the story background of the existential breakthrough is also the charm of "punk" What is "person" under the world of "Cybertron"" Unfortunately, she can't survive, but who can survive? ”

Replicants are just a string of data for rulers

Just as a method or a mode of operation, as long as there is a vital interest in the user, then he himself will not question the rationality of this behavior. And our male and female protagonists never doubted their authenticity as ordinary people at the beginning, but when the fact that the heroine Rachel is a replicant began to surface, we could not help but begin to doubt the authenticity of the identity of the male protagonist, although the male protagonist Dekkard did not openly doubt his identity in the film, but it does not mean that as an audience, we can not question the identity of the male protagonist, we can still find clues to verify our conjecture, so this film also has a hint of suspense.

1982's "Blade Runner", the dystopian worldview behind the story background of the existential breakthrough is also the charm of "punk" What is "person" under the world of "Cybertron"" Unfortunately, she can't survive, but who can survive? ”

Origami throughout the text

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="23" > what is a "person" under the world of "cyber"</h1>

The alienation of human objectivity by those in power is a "reasonable" logic that allows them to justifiably exploit the majority of workers. Although replicants are a superior being to ordinary people, they can only be destined to be slaves for four years from birth. Among the four rebellious replicants, Roy is the best of them, both mentally and physically superior, and such a person can only live in mediocrity, is it in the face of limited resources, we can only be doomed to mediocrity?

1982's "Blade Runner", the dystopian worldview behind the story background of the existential breakthrough is also the charm of "punk" What is "person" under the world of "Cybertron"" Unfortunately, she can't survive, but who can survive? ”

Roy the Replicant inevitably moves toward his own end

This is the eternal debate left to us under every dystopian worldview system. In the end, the replicants who escaped from control have already died in addition to the heroine, even if the heroine Rachel and the male protagonist Dekkard choose to escape the police pursuit at the end, but the time they can spend together must be only four years, perhaps the vision of human progress is because of the limitations of life, so we will have no regrets in the end.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="24" > "Unfortunately she can't survive, but who can survive?" </h1>

Even though Blade Runner was born in the '80s, the ideological propositions he gave birth to are not outdated, precisely because the eternal artistic moment resonates with our hearts, and the era designed by this film , 2019 , is long past for us, so are we closer to a better utopia today? Presumably we need to live first and witness the answer later.

1982's "Blade Runner", the dystopian worldview behind the story background of the existential breakthrough is also the charm of "punk" What is "person" under the world of "Cybertron"" Unfortunately, she can't survive, but who can survive? ”

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