
The secret that cannot be said (twenty in a long series) Life is ever-changing, and in the end it is inseparable from cause and effect


Jiang Shanjiao, who had not yet succeeded in her monasticism, returned to the farm yard that sometimes warmed her and sometimes suffocated her. The days went on as usual, not much different from the past.

The letter of the sword, she still could not see in time, and the communication could only be maintained intermittently, so that she could not see a clear future. The only difference is that she has a vague expectation in her heart, hoping that her hukou can be changed from farming to non-farming as soon as possible, and she also takes this opportunity to quickly escape from this old nest that makes her tired, get rid of the old girl's reputation, and many inquiries and questioning eyes. Although, in this expectation, there is also a certain hidden worry and uneasiness.

In the anticipation day after day, the time turned to 1990, Jiang Shanjiao for that almost nothingness and showed the light of the wait, emaciated the youthful face, exhausted the girlish feelings. At that time, she was completely unaware that what she was waiting for was a turning point in her life, but also a period of helplessness under the fence, and a lifelong unpaid love debt, as well as the sadness of running a business alone after being away from her parents and siblings.

The secret that cannot be said (twenty in a long series) Life is ever-changing, and in the end it is inseparable from cause and effect

In 1990, After ten years of reform and opening up, China achieved remarkable achievements while accumulating unprecedented social contradictions. Jiang Shanjiao saw a slip of the tongue in the book that was circulating at that time:

Rich by the sea

Sent a stall

Bitter to go to work

Poor on the side

So, ask yourself, what kind of people do you really belong to?

If you insist on classifying yourself, you can only classify yourself to the category that although you try to fly, you are still humble to the side, which makes Shan Jiao feel sad in her heart.

In the process of Jiang Shanjiao's growth, I often heard my father lament his frustration from a farmer to a worker, and from a worker to a farmer, and also saw the bitterness of the peasants in that era.

After graduation, Jiang Shanjiao, bent on trying to get rid of the fate of becoming a farmer, even if she went to set up a stall, she was not willing to do farm work with her back to the sky. But parents say that they do not agree with anything, do not agree with girls to go out into the world, parents only want to raise their daughters in the deep boudoir, and refuse to let her show her face.

In fact, in this large country dominated by agriculture, there are more than 900 million peasants in the 1.3 billion people, and the only way out for the children of peasants to jump out of the farm is to desperately squeeze the one-wood bridge to go to college or join the army.

Then there is the "agricultural to non-agricultural" policy at the end of the 1980s, which once was introduced, many farmers were ecstatic, as if they saw the shortcut to get out of the farm, they tried to squeeze into this last train.

In the peasants' consciousness, as long as there is a town hukou, it means that lifelong happiness is guaranteed. Therefore, at that time, the "transformation of agriculture into non-agriculture" should be said to be the dream of every Chinese peasant, and jiangshanjiao, who was bored and had no way out, was no exception.

Even Jiang Shanjiao herself felt strange, how suddenly, she would change from a rebel with high self-esteem to a puppet manipulated by her elders, and even when talking to her uncle, she said against her heart: Don't say that the coal mine is bitter, even if she goes out to be a dung digger, she is willing.

However, it turns out that in the process of pursuit and progress, it is difficult to be content, and with the change of the environment, everything will be changed.

Jiang Shanjiao vaguely felt that since the 1990s, along with the polarization of the huge disparity between the rich and the poor, a striking phenomenon has emerged in Chinese society, that is, the so-called "bottom society" and "vulnerable groups", and this group that has just changed from agriculture to Non-Agriculture was undoubtedly at the bottom of the society at that time and belonged to the vulnerable groups.

These native farmers, compared to the old non-agricultural, even if they peel off a layer of skin, they cannot eradicate the deep-rooted local atmosphere. In this strange living environment, this group of people is ostracized and looked down upon everywhere. They cannot be employed fairly under the same conditions as the old non-agricultural personnel, and even if they find a backdoor and do the same work as them, they will not be able to get the same treatment as them.

These are not to be counted, within state-owned enterprises, there is also a rigid differentiation between the national contract system and the collective contract system. What is even more sad is that the three words "farming to non-farming" are like tight curses on their heads, and they unconsciously affect their love.

Once upon a time, young men and women who had been transferred from agriculture to non-agricultural areas became representatives of "low quality" and could not even talk about marriage with so-called people with status as non-agricultural people. But it turns out that here is more terrible than the countryside. Most girls who have changed from farming to non-farming can only find a boy who is also a farmer to start a family. In the eyes of those in the city, they have neither status nor money, not even high education and high quality, and they are undoubtedly inferior.

When this group of "agricultural to non-agricultural" people in the cracks to survive, the social economy has also entered an era of great changes, many people are soberly aware of the importance of money, and do not want to be so naked, they shouted a grand slogan for the pursuit of monetary interests - "money is not omnipotent, no money is impossible."

The reality is true, in many cases, as long as there is enough money, it can turn black into white, ugly into beautiful, wrong into right, despicable into noble... At the same time, the policy of changing agriculture to non-agriculture has also brought a slight shock to the honest villagers, and a small number of young people with boiling blood have gradually flocked to the city and gone to the world alone.

When they returned to their hometowns, their dress changed, their tastes changed, their thoughts changed, and even the tone of their speech changed. They brought back lots of fresh information. They say that the outside world is very wonderful, even if they have suffered great grievances outside, they have to quietly swallow bitter water and saliva into their stomachs, that is, they do not say that the outside world is helpless.

Influenced by her peers, Jiang Shanjiao, who is sensitive by nature, watches the changes of the times, learns a lot of information from books, and begins to be restless. Compared with that time of running away from home, Jiang Shanjiao was more mature in considering this escape.

She didn't want to wait for the delayed "agricultural to non-agricultural" hukou, and if she waited for the so-called opportunity day after day, it was better to go out alone and break into the world.

After a night without sleep, she decided to change the injustice of her fate on her own, and did not want to ask for the "knotty" non-hukou of the farmer. She did not dare to tell her parents about this idea, she knew very well that such a thing would not work if she consulted with her parents. She had to sneak out first, and when she was settled, she would contact her family. As for her parents being sad or something, she couldn't manage that much.

After making up her mind, Jiang Shanjiao and her friends quietly agreed on a trip.

The secret that cannot be said (twenty in a long series) Life is ever-changing, and in the end it is inseparable from cause and effect

But fate sometimes loves to "have nothing to tease you." Just when Jiang Shan Jiao was secretly preparing to leave for the evening with trepidation, Jiang Daqiao, who had not returned for several days, suddenly returned, shaking a form in his hand, and said to Jiang Shan Jiao with excitement on his face: Dani, you and your mother do not have to work in the field this afternoon, quickly pack up at home, tomorrow take this form, go to the mine to find your uncle to report.

Jiang Shan looked at his father in a daze and burst into tears: Really?

Jiang Daqiao wrote something on the paper very calmly, and only after writing it did he look up and tell Jiang Shanjiao how to go to the mine, how to go to the uncle's house, where should he turn when he got out of the car... Dad drew a road map marked with navigation markers. Jiang Shanjiao cried bitterly and lost her voice, and she couldn't stop wanting to stop, not knowing whether she was sad or happy.

Holding the form that could determine her fate, Jiang Shanjiao soberly realized that this time she really wanted to leave this family and stay away from her father. And to take a road designed by others, from now on, Jiangshan Jiao will be full of love debts, from now on, Jiang Shanjiao will be anonymous, I don't know if the future road should first take that foot.

Seeing that she was about to get rid of the bitter days facing the loess with her back to the sky, Jiang Shanjiao couldn't be happy at all, and her heart suddenly surged with infinite sadness. Looking around, this small farm yard where she was born and raised in Sisi records the bittersweet and bittersweet of her growth for more than twenty years. I was about to leave, and I felt that everything seemed so cute, but unfortunately I couldn't pack it up and take it away.

Jiang Shanjiao can only take away, and what must be taken away is the letter and photo of the sword, which is the only beautiful color in Jiang Shanjiao's life, and it is the spark of youth and love. Although she didn't know if they had a definite future, whether the flames would boil over.

The family did not know the plan she had made to go out, nor could they understand her mood at this time, and they were all happy for her. Although the mother was reluctant to let her daughter go away, she smiled with tears and began to pack for her.

My sister generously took out all her new clothes: Sister, this autumn coat is newly bought, I am not willing to wear it, you take it with you! Leave the old ones for me to wear. You go to work and you have to wear new, good clothes. I heard my aunt say that people there have to change their clothes after bathing, and if you dress too badly, people will laugh at you. I don't care at home, I can wear anything.

In fact, Jiang Shanjiao knew in her heart that her sister's autumn clothes were bought with Jiang Shanjiao's, but her sister's were worn out, but her sister had always been kept and was not willing to wear them.

The little brother took out his precious sugar cube and his favorite wooden pistol: Big sister, what are you going to do, take me with you. My second sister has given you clothes to wear, my clothes are too small for you to wear, then you eat my candy. My pistol is also given to you, and if any villain bullies you, you will "quack" and shoot him.

Looking at his mentally handicapped brother, with an innocent face, Jiang Shanjiao's heart was even more sour.

Jiangqiao has money and food stamps ready: these are the few remaining national food stamps, and you can bring them, maybe you can use them. I heard that at present, the mine is still served according to meal tickets, and you just went to know whether there are meal tickets.

While she was in tears, the mother bowed her head and flew needles on JiangshanJiao's new autumn pants, pasted a piece of cloth in it, sewed a temporary dark pocket, and sewed all the money and food stamps into it to prevent them from being lost on the road.

When everything was packed up and sent to Shanjiao on the road, the family smiled on their faces, but their cheeks were covered with tears of parting.

Stepping on the distant train, in the mist of tears, the relatives gradually turned into small black dots. At this time, Jiang Shanjiao's heart did not have the ease she had fantasized about a million times, like a bird flying out of the cage, and her throat choked with unspeakable heaviness.

As the train bumped along the way, Jiang Shanjiao came to a state-owned coal mine and began another part of her life.

It was time to go to work, and Jiang Shanjiao had a little more expectation in her anxiety. But she never expected that the work she had been waiting for for so long was very different from what she imagined.

On the first day of registration, Jiang Shanjiao came to an office building called Diversified Operations, which is a subordinate organization in the mine that specializes in the placement of unemployed young people. The person in charge of filling out the name form is probably in his thirties, and everyone calls him Master Wang. This person has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a white face, and is polite and friendly.

After filling out the form to pay a fifty yuan registration fee, there was a girl in front of jiangshanjiao who was about the same age, and suddenly cried. Asked why, he said he couldn't afford to pay the fifty dollars. Because his father was permanently disabled due to a work injury, he could not take care of himself from then on. The temptation of farming did not tie the heart of the mother, who remarried, took all her savings, and left her young son, who was not yet sensible, and a father who was paralyzed in bed. In order to support this broken home, this girl who is fighting for the college entrance examination had to give up her studies and sign up for work alone.

When the girl finished talking about her experience in tears, Jiang Shanjiao's eyes were moist. Compared with this girl, Shanjiao is lucky and happy. At the moment, how much she missed the home she had once tired of. That small farm yard, although it gave her a lot of trouble, but her parents quarreled again and again, and finally gave her a complete home, no matter how poor and weak the family was, when she left home, the family still prepared sufficient expenses for her.

The kind Master Wang advised the crying girl: Don't cry, it is not easy to have this job opportunity, the next batch of recruits does not know when to wait, I will pay this application fee for you first, can not let you miss this job opportunity. Don't cry, take your time, everything will be fine.

After thanking her, the girl took the completed form and went to the new unit to report. Jiang Shanjiao's face still had tears on her face, in addition to homesickness, she also thought that she and the girl had the same disease, the same missed from the college entrance examination, and now she wanted to step into the threshold to her dream in this way. What's even more unbearable is that she has an unspeakable hidden pain in her heart, the father of the girl has another work injury, and he is also the child of a well-known miner.

Jiang Shanjiao was thinking wildly in her head, and the more she thought about it, the more sad she felt, and the more she thought about it, the more bottomless she became. It was her turn to fill out the form, but she was dumbfounded and did not react.

Master Wang smiled and asked her: How can this cry, won't you be unable to pay the registration fee? It seems that I am going to open a bank here.

Jiang Shanjiao smiled embarrassedly, and her heart was full of respect for this kind person, but she was afraid of being seen into the secret in her heart by others. Sensitive, she was suddenly uneasy and could not remember to say anything for a while. She quickly paid the registration fee, filling in the columns of her parents and relatives with names that were not yet familiar but were destined to be entangled with her in the days to come. Until she quit with the filled form, she still couldn't tell whether she was happy or sad.

The unit column on the form is filled in with "Professional Team". Jiang Shanjiao couldn't figure out what kind of "professional" this "professional team" was doing, and was worried about whether she could be competent for this "professional" job in the future.

For Jiang Shanjiao, who had never touched a coal mine, everything was fresh, strange, and even fearful. Her heart was full of mixed feelings and uneasiness, and this anxiety was mixed with a trace of excitement, which made her unable to sort out her thoughts for a while.

On the surface, Jiang Shanjiao calmly held the form, suppressed the inner turning of the river and the sea, hid all the hidden pains in her heart, and followed a person who came to lead her to report to the "professional team".

Later, it was learned that the person who led her was the captain of the "professional team". Afraid that the newly registered workers will not find the unit, the above requirements will be assigned to the people of which unit and which unit the leader will receive it. Just like the teacher took a new student, Jiang Shanjiao was led into the coal mine and into another big classroom in society.

The captain was a woman, more than forty years old, more than one meter and five tall, wearing a dark blue canvas overalls, walking on the road and getting angry at his feet, and in a short while he would leave Jiangshan Jiao far behind. As soon as she looked back, her thin face was embedded with a pair of not too large eyes, but there was a glow of non-anger and self-esteem in her eyes, and Jiang Shanjiao quickly accelerated her pace and trotted all the way to follow her. She spoke in difficult Sichuanese and her voice was crunchy. The whole person seems very capable and serious, but to give Jiang Shan a feeling, in addition to condescending authority, there is no bit of maternal amiability.

Jiang Shanjiao, a chronic son, trotted all the way and followed the captain to a bungalow under the tower. Later, I learned that the tower was called the Main Well Tower. The work to be done at work is simple to say, but it is difficult to do. It is a group of "girl scouts" digging up coal around the main well tower and digging up the pulverized coal that has accumulated in the process of coal transportation.

The secret that cannot be said (twenty in a long series) Life is ever-changing, and in the end it is inseparable from cause and effect

Jiang Shanjiao, who went to work on the first day, held a shovel in her hand, was overwhelmed by a pool of black slime. Is this the job I have to wait for when I spend my youth? She asked in surprise.

Although I have read in the book that some literati and inkers have praised the coal miners, saying that they are the contemporary Prometheus, the god of fire, the collectors of fire, and they place light and hope in them. When she really faced everything here, Jiang Shanjiao could not understand the mood depicted in the book.

On the first day of work, there was confusion about the north. The local dialect of the squad leader, Jiang Shanjiao really did not understand it, and she was originally slow in nature, and she always seemed to be unresponsive to the instructions issued by the squad leader. At the beginning, it left everyone with the impression of not being clever, not being well-behaved, and even less cute.

Rural girls can't adapt to such manual labor? This is a bit pretentious in the eyes of outsiders, a bit pretentious, and sneaky. Jiang Shanjiao wanted to explain to them well, communicate well, and even wanted to let go of her self-esteem and curry favor with them, but it was so easy to talk about it, and people didn't seem to give her this opportunity at all.

Even if the opportunity is given, it may not be clear. Mines are the distribution centers of floating populations, and there are people all over the country, all over the country, in the north and south of the mountains, and in the north and south of the sea. Most of the families of the miners who have been transferred from agriculture to non-agricultural areas have passed middle age and have spoken their hometown dialect for half a lifetime, and it is impossible to change their accents.

The leader of the team who directed Jiangshan Jiao's work, I don't know where it was, said to use the slime to make a ditch, (meaning to block the water so that the slime precipitated and dug well) But she did not say the ditch, she said to hit a weir. Jiang Shanjiao was immediately "weired".

The group leader narrowed his eyes and shouted at Jiang shan in his hometown dialect: Xiao Jiang, hurry up and punch a weir in front of you.

After saying it several times in a row, Jiang Shanjiao finally couldn't understand it, she didn't know what she was doing with a weir, but she just stood there with a shovel in a daze, at a loss.

Only to hear the group leader grunt and scold. In the end, what was scolded, Jiang Shanjiao did not understand, only felt that the face of the group leader was very ugly, as ugly as pig liver.

Everyone turned their heads to look at Jiang Shanjiao, and in those eyes, there was ridicule, there was disdain, there was schadenfreude... But there is no affinity and sympathy that Jiang Shanjiao longs to see... Jiang Shanjiao never thought that the work she had been looking forward to for a long time required holding a shovel, which looked similar to that of farmers farming, but it was much more difficult than farmers digging land.

@Shezhitang was written in 2010, the text is very immature, and there are many regrets, but there is no point in making changes. In the meantime, due to various reasons, in 2018, it was regularly published by other book title entities, and booksellers posted everywhere in order to generate marketing revenue, but all of them were paid reading, chaotic, annoying... Out of trust in this platform, I have serialized the original version of the unredacted version here to prove the copyright.

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