
Dream Quest

author:Coke who loves to drink Coke

Remember me before the memory of love disappears

Remember me before the memory of love fades.

Dream Quest

In 2017, a film about the undead entered people's hearts and brought us into the strange world of the undead: it doesn't need to be forgiven, but it shouldn't be forgotten.

This is a story of dreams, family affection, life and death colliding with each other, this is an animated film that shakes the heart. The film tells the story of a young boy born into a shoemaker family who, in order to pursue his musical dreams, accidentally walks into the land of death and encounters the souls of his ancestors. The film is specially selected, the colors are vivid, and the world of the undead is still full of laughter and laughter, and the soundtrack is just right, which is close to the audience and deep into the space of the film, which is extremely infectious. Although this is an animated film produced by Pixar, it subverts the general positioning of cartoons in people's minds, it is like a bowl of warm chicken soup, emitting an evocative aroma, telling us that "if life is a party, after I leave, please continue to be happy." ”

Dream Quest

In "Dream Quest", the male protagonist Mig has witnessed the loss of a life in the world of the undead. Piggy lay in a hammock, listening to a song by Exto, flickering into a little starlight disappeared, and the last person who remembered him began to forget, and the whole world erased the memory of his existence. There, if the photographs of the deceased are not enshrined by their families, they will not be able to find their way home on the day of the Dead, and these forgotten deceased people will disappear with the memory and fall into the ultimate death.

Death is not the end, forgetting is. The world experiences new life and death every day, and new life is hope, but death is not passing away. Some people say that if your important person dies, you feel very sad, you are sad and painful for a long time, but suddenly you start to feel sad one day, like there is a force that makes you cheer up, start to do beautiful things, remember each other, maybe the other party is reluctant to let you grieve, come back and hug you. Those who have passed away are just changing to another world to silently protect you and bless you. The living never really forget the people they love, because forgetting is more painful and long than death.

When you can't have it anymore, the only thing you can do is not forget.

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