
"Kill a Mockingbird": Why is it a robin that is killed? And not other birds

author:Look for her

To Kill a Mockingbird is the work of American author Harper Lee, a homeschooling Bible that has influenced 50 million families around the world.

The author, Harper Lee, was born in 1926 in a small town in Alabama, southern United States, the son of a lawyer and a former state legislator. She was very low-key, refusing various interviews after becoming famous, and living a quiet life of seclusion. In 2007, Harper Lee was awarded the Order of Freedom by U.S. President George W. Bush in recognition of her literary achievements.

"Kill a Mockingbird": Why is it a robin that is killed? And not other birds

Harper Lee received the Medal of Freedom

The father of the novel, "Atticus", is also a lawyer, and through his mouth, the author tells a lot of principles for educating his children. Adix is a single father, alone to take care of the rebellious daughter "Scout" and son "Jem", he is mature and kind, and has the right kindness and nobility for the education of his children. As a lawyer, he justices Tom, a black man, and he sets his name for the "weird man" Radley.

He was the most righteous man in Maycombe, once taught his two children this way: "You can never really get to know a man unless you walk around in his shoes and think in his shoes." Later, the novel was adapted into a movie, and it was the famous male star who played the father, Gregory Pike, who attracted many fans.

"Kill a Mockingbird": Why is it a robin that is killed? And not other birds

The 1962 film Kill a Mockingbird

The book's title is "Kill a Mockingbird" because the robin is a symbol of innocence. Robins are the friendliest and most innocent birds, they do not steal food and destroy crops, but sing every day. Therefore, killing a robin is equivalent to killing an innocent life, and is an unforgivable sin. And people's prejudices, like an invisible but sharp dagger, kill people invisibly — the "strange Radley" trapped in the home by gossip, and the black Tom who is framed by white people and eventually dies in prison.

"Kill a Mockingbird": Why is it a robin that is killed? And not other birds


The author, Harper Lee, is very low-key, refuses to give any interviews after becoming famous, and lives a life of seclusion. Only in 2001 did the author and sister open up to Maria Mills, a reporter for the Chicago Tribune, who wrote "The Robin Next Door – Living with Harper Lee."

"Kill a Mockingbird": Why is it a robin that is killed? And not other birds

Harper Lee

In The Robin Next Door – Living with Harper Lee, we get a glimpse of the environment of a female writer who has influenced the world: the house is full of books and shelves. There was also a pile of books next to her chair where she was reading, and the coffee table where she could put things was also full of books. Realizing what we were seeing, she smiled and said, "This is a warehouse for books." ”

The author, Harper Lee, whose real name is "Nelly Lee," was asked why she signed "Harper," she said, "There are other benefits to the name, which were especially evident early in the creation." In the early years, not everyone knew that the author was a woman, and the name could not be seen as a woman. "Just like when Joanne Rowling published Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, she used this name, but her publisher, for the sake of the market, the cover of the book was printed with J.K. Rowling.

There is an impressive description of bravery in the book, which comes from an elderly woman, "Mrs. Dubos". She had been bedridden for years, and to fight the pain, she needed morphine as an painkiller. However, she decided to quit morphine before she died.

Therefore, when "Mrs. Dubos" asks the little protagonist "Scout" to read to her, the scene of her foaming and convulsions startles "Little Scout". She was very ill, and there was nothing wrong with what she could do to relieve her pain. But she insisted on quitting morphine before she died, and she did.

Not long after, Mrs. Dubos died. On the day of his death, Adix, the father, said:

I want you to learn something from her — I want you to see what true bravery is, rather than mistakenly thinking that a person with a gun in their hand is bravery.

Bravery is when you're even in the beginning, knowing you're doomed to lose, but still doing it without hesitation, and sticking to it no matter what happens. A person can rarely win, but there will always be a time to win.

Mrs. Dubos won, all because of her ninety-eight pounds. In her words, she died carefree, owe no one anything, and did not depend on anything. She was the bravest person I had ever met.

The novel became the most popular novel of the 20th century, and some commentators said that the Atticus in this book was a model for fathers all over the world and a model for homeschooling. It can help people develop the qualities of a good person – justice, tolerance, humility, grace, bravery, forbearance and how to live decently in an unjust and ugly world.

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