
The treasure of the Zigong Dinosaur Museum is the "Peace Yongchuan Dragon", whose dragon claws were once broken

author:History Decryption Workshop

Hundreds of millions of years ago, dinosaurs were the largest land creatures on Earth, but unfortunately they suddenly became extinct 65 million years ago. Through archaeological discoveries, we can not only understand the distribution and number of dinosaurs on the earth, but also know whether they are sick and other health conditions, such as experts at the Zigong Dinosaur Museum found that dinosaurs can also fracture. What's going on here? If you are also curious, the following Xiaobian will reveal the secret to you.

The treasure of the Zigong Dinosaur Museum is the "Peace Yongchuan Dragon", whose dragon claws were once broken

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There are many museums with different forms and themes in China, but there is only one largest dinosaur museum, namely the Zigong Dinosaur Museum, which is one of the three major dinosaur museums in the world. Zigong Dinosaur Museum is located in the eastern suburbs of Zigong City, Sichuan Province, originally the site of Dashanpu Dinosaur Fossil Group, in 1984 began to build a museum, not only covers a huge area (66,000 square meters), but also collects all the known dinosaur fossils from the Jurassic period. Among the many dinosaur fossils in the Zigong Dinosaur Museum, the one that can be called the treasure of the town hall is the Heping Yongchuan Dragon, which is also one of the focuses of academic experts.

The treasure of the Zigong Dinosaur Museum is the "Peace Yongchuan Dragon", whose dragon claws were once broken

Heping Yongchuan dragon was a large carnivorous dinosaur that lived in the late Jurassic Period, 140 million years ago. In 1985, dinosaur experts excavated the fossils of the Heping Yongchuan Dragon in Heping Township, and after splicing and restoration, it can be known that the Heping Yongchuan Dragon is about 9 meters high, about 8.5 meters long, the head is about 1.75 meters long, and it has sharp teeth, like two rows of steel knives shining with cold light, and its hind legs are extremely thick and powerful, should be good at running, and have a strong advantage in chasing prey. Therefore, experts speculate that the Peaceful Yongchuan Dragon may be more ferocious than the later Tyrannosaurus Rex, and can be called the king of terrestrial dinosaur killers.

The treasure of the Zigong Dinosaur Museum is the "Peace Yongchuan Dragon", whose dragon claws were once broken

In the years that followed, experts at the Zigong Dinosaur Museum conducted in-depth research on the Heping Yongchuan Dragon, trying to restore the full body size of the Heping Yongchuan Dragon and study its physiological information through fossils. It is worth mentioning that when experts observed the leg bone fossils of The Pingyongchuan dragon, they found that there was a honeycomb scab on a bone on the lower side of the right leg, which was a scab formed after the bone was injured, which had never been found in previous dinosaur fossils. Experts are curious, because the bone scab is formed only when the fracture is healed, so it means that this Pingyongchuan dragon once fractured.

The treasure of the Zigong Dinosaur Museum is the "Peace Yongchuan Dragon", whose dragon claws were once broken

As mentioned above, the Peace Yongchuan Dragon is the "King of Killers", if it is so powerful, how can it fracture? After discussion, from the perspective of paleontological pathology, there are two kinds of fractures, one is a pathological fracture, that is, the bone is born with bone disease, which will deteriorate into a fracture at a certain time, and the other is a traumatic fracture, that is, a fracture caused by external force. So, what type of fracture does the fracture of the Peace Yongchuan Dragon belong to?

In order to find the cause of the fracture of the Pyeongyong Chuan Dragon, experts sent the fractured bones to the provincial hospital and observed them using the most advanced CT, X-ray machine and spectral analysis at that time. Experts found that there is no shadow cystic cavity structure at the fracture site, because the analogy with human fractures, it can be inferred that the shadow cystic cavity structure is a landmark phenomenon of congenital bone disease, since the judgment is not a pathological fracture, it must be a traumatic fracture.

The treasure of the Zigong Dinosaur Museum is the "Peace Yongchuan Dragon", whose dragon claws were once broken

It can be seen that this fractured Peace Yongchuan Dragon may have encountered a fierce enemy during predation, either bitten by the other party or fell while fleeing, but it may also be due to natural disasters, but these are actually not important, because experts pay more attention to what is behind it. You can look at the problem from another perspective, this Peaceful Yongchuan Dragon can not move normally after the fracture, it will inevitably be attacked by other carnivorous dinosaurs, but it has not been unloaded by other dinosaurs, which means that there are other dinosaurs who take care of it all the time, feed him, feed him water, and wait for it to heal and heal, which further shows that dinosaurs have a certain social and social nature.

The treasure of the Zigong Dinosaur Museum is the "Peace Yongchuan Dragon", whose dragon claws were once broken

Dinosaur fracture is only a superficial phenomenon, more importantly, the information behind it can reflect some of the properties of dinosaur society, which is of great value and role for experts to study dinosaurs, so we should thank dinosaur experts, through a fracture event, let us have a new understanding and understanding of ancient creatures.

Wenlan Hairun Studio Editor-in-Chief Wen Xiucai, this article is written by: Special History Writer: Liu Lijiang's

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