
She was an American beauty pageant champion who was killed at her home at the age of 6, and the six suspects also included her parents and brother

author:New history knows the world

Many parents have high hopes for their children, hoping that their son will become a dragon and hope that their daughter will become a phoenix very deeply, but they don't know that becoming famous at a young age is not necessarily a good thing, maybe money and fame are there, but being famous too early is known by too many people, there is always danger. Today's protagonist is like this, her name is Joan Bennett, born in a very warm family in the United States, she had a happy childhood, she is different from other children, she is the hot child star in the United States, almost everyone knows it.

She was an American beauty pageant champion who was killed at her home at the age of 6, and the six suspects also included her parents and brother

Joan Bennett's father, John, is the CEO of a computer company and has a smooth job, while her mother, Percy, is a beauty pageant, a model when she was young, and her beautiful body is also very hot. At the same time, Joan Bennett also has a brother 3 years older than herself, perhaps Joan Bennett has been influenced by her mother since she was a child, she is very interested in singing and dancing, and her appearance is also inherited from her mother, she won the American beauty pageant at the age of 6, and was called "Miss America", she has a great future since she was a child, but she did not expect her life to stay at the age of six forever.

By today's standards, Joan Bennett at that time was a child who grew up with a golden key, excellent and beautiful, and everything was perfect. But after Christmas Eve in 1996, a huge change took place, on the first day after Christmas, Joan Benette's mother got up early to go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, but found a blackmail letter on her staircase, saying that Joan Bennett was already in her hands, and if she wanted Joan Bennett to be safe, she would have to hand over $118,000, and this figure happened to be the bonus that Joan Benette's father had received a few months ago.

She was an American beauty pageant champion who was killed at her home at the age of 6, and the six suspects also included her parents and brother

Joan Bennett's mother immediately called her husband, and the two hurriedly called the police, but after the police came, they only briefly checked and found no traces of breaking into the home, and because there were too many people who came, they also damaged the scene. Finally, Joan Benette's father found his daughter's body in his wine cellar, with children's toys scattered next to it, and covered with his daughter's favorite blanket during her life, and opened the blanket to find that her whole body was tied, and her body was already stiff, full of scars, disheveled, and her mouth was taped. The police found the DNA of the strange man on Joan Bennett's pants, indicating that the girl may have been violated during her lifetime. Because it is very difficult to solve the case, the police have been working hard, and finally listed the suspects related to this case.

She was an American beauty pageant champion who was killed at her home at the age of 6, and the six suspects also included her parents and brother

The first turned out to be the girl's father, John was the first to find out that his daughter had died in the cellar, and the ransom happened to be a bonus that John had received a few months earlier, and only the family knew the exact amount. However, John was quickly ruled out because neither DNA nor fingerprints from the scene matched. The second suspect was the girl's mother, Percy, who found the blackmail note when she must have known the bonus her husband had received, and she could not be sure if she wanted this wealth. The police found that the font on the ransom letter was similar to Pesci's font, and the pen and paper of the ransom letter were found at home, more like something made by the family, and it was only interviewed by the media four days after the incident to prove his innocence, which seemed a little too deliberate, and Pesci was later ruled out because of DNA non-compliance.

She was an American beauty pageant champion who was killed at her home at the age of 6, and the six suspects also included her parents and brother

The third suspect is Joan Benette's own brother, experts believe that the brother may not have deliberately killed his sister, but because of an accident, so Joan Benette's parents can only cover up all the truth for their son. According to the time, the suspicion of the brother was indeed relatively large, because although the brother was only 3 years older than his sister, he had a very bad temper and had hit his sister with a golf club. However, this statement was ruled out in the end. The fourth suspect is Mike, a neighbor of Joan Bennett, who has been at home for a few days after the crime, presumably has time to steal paper and pens, and has been particularly fond of Joan Benette. In the end, Mike was ruled out because the DNA did not match.

The fifth suspect is Oliva, who is a sexual assaulter and has preyed on other girls, and he has a picture of Joan Bennett in his bag, but he said that he missed Joan Bennett. The sixth is Carl, this is his own admission, and he has a previous conviction, once harassed many children when he was a kindergarten teacher, he voluntarily confessed to the crime and was arrested, but the police thought that he was for fame, the things he said were reported in the online media, and when Joan Bennett was killed, Carl was not local, so he was just for popularity.

She was an American beauty pageant champion who was killed at her home at the age of 6, and the six suspects also included her parents and brother

Investigators still suspect Joan Bennett's family, because the case has not been solved because her family is completely uncooperative, has a somewhat different mood from others, and maintains some mystery about the case. So far, 23 years have passed since the case, the family has long moved away from their former hometown, the real murderer has not been found until now, the result of the case has always been a mystery, but the legal network is restored and not leaked, I hope that one day it can be found out, and the little girl will be fair!

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