
A sting will make you remember the golden-ringed wasp for life

author:Uncle Cat decrypts

A few days ago, Uncle Cat saw a foreign news, saying that there was already a trace of the big tiger head bee in Washington State, which made the US forestry department nervous, and quickly set up a professional team composed of entomologists to encircle and suppress the big tiger head bee, and warned the masses through the media newspapers that if they encountered the big tiger head bee, they must not be expelled, so as not to be retaliatory attacked by them, they should flee the scene with clothes as soon as possible, and report the traces of the big tiger head bee to the relevant departments in a timely manner.

So, how terrible is the big tiger bee that can make the U.S. forestry department nervous to such an extent?

A sting will make you remember the golden-ringed wasp for life

The big tiger head wasp, also known as the golden ring wasp, is mainly distributed in the Yunnan-Guichuan area of China, this wasp body length can reach 4-5 cm, is the world's largest wasp, in March this year in Yunnan and Myanmar at the junction of the largest golden ring wasp body length reached an astonishing 6 cm, wings spread up to 9.3 cm, equivalent to 5 times the length of the bee body, equivalent to 3 times the length of the ordinary wasp!

A sting will make you remember the golden-ringed wasp for life

If it is only a relatively large body, there is nothing to panic about, after all, there are many insects that are much larger than it, but the most critical thing is that the golden ring wasp is the most toxic wasp in the world, and the toxin they secrete is a mixed toxin, and its composition includes histamine, hemolytic and neurotoxoids, of which histamine toxin can cause anaphylactic shock, which may lead to liver and kidney failure, which is particularly dangerous for people with allergic constitutions.

A sting will make you remember the golden-ringed wasp for life

Because of the huge size of the golden ring wasp, so he secreted a large dose of toxins at one time, which can reach 2-3 times that of ordinary wasps, and the length of his jaw needle can actually reach 6 mm, just imagine, a needle into the skin 6 mm, what kind of feeling, coupled with the effect of toxins, I believe it will be unforgettable for life!

Once a Canadian beekeeper recalled his experience of being stung by a golden-ringed wasp on Vancouver Island, and it is said that he was stung in a total of 7 places but survived. According to him, "it felt like a red-hot nail had been pierced into the flesh. ”

If you are stung more than 20 times, you basically have no chance of survival! The Golden Ring Wasps have a strong sense of territory, and if a human enters their sphere of influence, even if it does not pose a threat to them, they will attack them en masse, and once they leave their sphere of influence, they will basically not attack humans.

A sting will make you remember the golden-ringed wasp for life

However, the golden ring wasp treats other bees into crazy predators, for their own benefit, they often kill, very ferocious, more than 20 golden ring wasps are enough to kill a swarm of thousands of bees in 2 hours, and the bees nest is owned, and will tear the killed bees into meat balls to feed their own larvae, last November, someone found thousands of bee carcasses in Washington State, the head was torn apart, and then found a large number of golden ring wasps in this area.

The reason why the U.S. forestry department is extremely nervous about the arrival of the golden ring wasp, on the one hand, is because the golden ring wasp poses a threat to human life safety, and another important reason is because the golden ring wasp is an exotic species for the United States, in the absence of natural enemies, the massacre of the local bee population by the golden ring wasp will inevitably cause the ecological balance to be destroyed, if the golden ring wasp hybridizes with the local wasp to produce new species, the consequences will be more serious, speaking of which, We have to tell the story of the invasion of the Americas by the killer bee.

A sting will make you remember the golden-ringed wasp for life

In fact, the killer bee was originally just a bee living in Africa, due to the harsh natural environment in Africa, and the African grassland lives a lot of wild animals, especially the flat-headed brother this magical animal, the flat-headed brother's favorite food is sweet honey, so the nest of the bee is often destroyed by the flat-headed brother, such an environment has trained the killer bee's strong adaptability and irritable personality characteristics, once the danger is found, it will launch an endless attack, this feature is the opposite of the docile European bees.

In the 1950s, Brazil in South America wanted to vigorously develop the beekeeping industry, but there was no bee species in the Americas, and the existing bees were introduced from Europe, but European bees were accustomed to the dry and cold environment of Europe and did not adapt to the tropical rainforest climate of Brazil, so honey production has not been able to come up, so the government has found Brazilian geneticist Cole, hoping to breed more adaptable bees.

A sting will make you remember the golden-ringed wasp for life

After analysis, Cole came to the conclusion that if it is possible to introduce killer bees and hybridize with European bees, then it is bound to be able to breed more adaptable bee species, which have both the adaptability of killer bees and the docile characteristics of European bees, so he brought back 46 killer bees from Africa for scientific experiments.

A sting will make you remember the golden-ringed wasp for life

However, one day in 1957, a guest who came to visit the bee farm found that a device in the corner affected the honey collection efficiency of the worker bees, so he took the device down, did not expect that this device was used to prevent the killing bee from escaping after the bee, this mistake directly led to the killing bee queen escaped with the seven aunts and eight aunts, they not only occupied the nest of european bees, but also crossed with European bees in their natural state. The newly produced bee species perfectly inherit the fierce and ferocious personality characteristics of the killer bee, and the hybrid advantage is very obvious.

These hybrid bees have no natural predator threat, are extremely adaptable to nature, reproduce quickly, and expand their territory at a rate of 300 to 500 square kilometers per year, soon expanding from Brazil to the entire American continent, and now replacing 90% of European bees.

A sting will make you remember the golden-ringed wasp for life

According to theoretical inferences, the adaptability of hybrid bees will cause honey production to increase exponentially, but the opposite is true, in 1957 Brazil's honey production was 65 million tons, but by 1974, honey production had dropped to 41 million tons, why did the yield decline?

The reason is that hybrid bees are extremely capable of reproduction, can be divided into groups 3-4 times a year, while European bees are only divided into groups once a year, which directly leads to a large amount of honey being used by hybrid wasps to feed larvae, so eventually lead to a decline in yield.

In addition, this hybrid bee is highly susceptible to vibration and noise stimulation, and quickly respond to attack, the reaction time of ordinary bees is generally 45 seconds, the continuous pursuit time is about 20 minutes, and this hybrid bee reaction time is only 23 seconds, the continuous pursuit time can reach 1 and a half hours, and once the attack will be swarmed, which is also the reason why people are afraid of killer bees.

A sting will make you remember the golden-ringed wasp for life

But the killer bee is after all a bee, after stinging, their own small life is over, and the toxicity is limited, an adult is stung by the killer bee 500 times will die, which is not at all on the same level as the ferocity of the golden ring wasp, if the golden ring wasp rages on the American continent, then the first to be devastated must be the local beekeeping industry, followed by the destruction of the ecological balance, in addition to people's life safety will also be more threatened...