
Giant eagle encyclopedia knowledge, one of the 49 species of eagles in China

author:Chinese bird statistics photographer

The Great Eagle ( Scientific name : Buteo hemilasius ) is a species of bird in the genus Hawks in the family Hawkaceae , a large bird of prey with a body length of 570–760 mm. The crown and hind neck are white , with brown longitudinal stripes on each feather.

Giant eagle encyclopedia knowledge, one of the 49 species of eagles in China

Size measurement: weight ♂1320-1800g, 1950-2100g; body length ♂582-622mm, ♀569-676mm; mouth peak ♂24-30mm, ♀28-30mm; wings ♂446-477mm, ♀470-520mm; tail ♂262-272mm, ♀262-285mm; tarsus ♂76-92mm, ♀80-94mm ♀. (Note: ♂ male; ♀ female)

China is distributed in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu and other places as a resident bird, in Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Guangxi, Sichuan, Shaanxi and other places as a tourist bird, winter migratory birds.

Giant eagle encyclopedia knowledge, one of the 49 species of eagles in China

It inhabits areas such as mountains, foothill plains and grasslands, and also appears on alpine forest edges and open mountain grasslands and desert areas, and the vertical distribution height can reach plateaus and mountains above 4000 meters. Hi rests on tall trees or high bumps. It feeds mainly on rodents, frogs, lizards, hares, snakes, weasels, pikas, marmots, pheasants, stone chickens, insects and other animal foods.

Giant eagle encyclopedia knowledge, one of the 49 species of eagles in China

The breeding season is from May to July. Nests usually nest on overhanging rock cliffs or trees, and most of the nests are covered by small shrubs. The nest is disc-shaped and can be used for many years, but the nest material must be replenished every year, so some nests with a longer service life can reach a diameter of more than 1 meter. The nest consists mainly of dry branches with hay, animal hair, feathers, debris and rags. Each clutch usually lays 2 to 4 eggs, occasionally as many as 5, and the egg color is pale ochre yellow, covered with reddish-brown and rat-gray spots, with more blunt ends. The incubation period is approximately 30 days. The chicks are late-blooming and are bred by the parent birds for about 45 days before flying away from the nest for a life of foraging alone.

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