
How did William, Duke of France, become King of England?

author:Tea Boiling Pavilion

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We have to understand a few knowledge points first:

  • The Duchy of Normandy, founded in France by the descendants of the Vikings, is separated from England by the English Channel.
  • William, Duke of Normandy, was the illegitimate son of a former Norman duke. King Edward of England (son of Esséridd II and Emma of Normandy) was his cousin and qualified to succeed to the throne.
  • Harold, the younger brother of Queen Edward, was a British nobleman. With Edward childless , Harold became heir to the throne.
  • William took Harold in Normandy hostage in 1064, forcing Harold to declare his allegiance to himself in order to gain freedom and promising to support William's succession to the English throne after Edward's death. This public oath gave William a reason to interfere in England's internal affairs.
How did William, Duke of France, become King of England?

Geographical location of England and the Duchy of Normandy

Battle of Stamford Bridge

King Harald of Lowe was somewhat related to Edward, and he considered himself eligible to inherit the throne as well. So he led the army south to a battle against King Harold II at Stamford Bridge, East Yorkshire, England. In this battle, Harald III's army was largely annihilated, and he was also killed in battle. However, the English army was also greatly damaged, laying the groundwork for the defeat of the British at the Battle of Hastings.

How did William, Duke of France, become King of England?

Harold hit the arrow

Battle of Hastings

On September 29 , 1066 , William's army was delayed by a hurricane in the English Channel , but this helped William, as by this time Harold had led most of his soldiers LinkedIn Gran's territory north to defend against the attack of the King of Norway. So William landed on the south coast of England without encountering any resistance.

How did William, Duke of France, become King of England?

Battle of Hastings

When he heard that William's army had landed, King Harold II, who had not yet recovered, decided to give up rest and began to mobilize his army to go south to meet the battle. Harold and William both wanted to take advantage of the early morning sneak attack, but as a result, neither army succeeded in sneak attack, and could only fight each other shortly. William feigned defeat and deceived the British army to pursue, causing the British army to scatter, and then used cavalry to charge, archers to assist, and finally Harold was unfortunately killed by an arrow, resulting in a great defeat for the British army.

The Normandy dynasty is established

After the war, the resistance of other English nobles ended in failure, and when Wilhelm marched to London, Edward's widow, Queen Edith, and some nobles openly submitted to William. On 25 December 1066, William entered London and was crowned king. After taking the throne, the English rebelled repeatedly, and William bloodily suppressed them. Later, William introduced the system of chivalry, greatly increased its military strength, and England was rapidly feudalized.

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