
After looking at the looks of Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen, I found that middle-aged women are more greasy than tender

author:It's not red yet

Years are like shuttles, in the age of riding the wind and waves, what women are most afraid of is not old, nor fat, but greasy.

Although we are not demanding girlishness, but the word "greasy mother" has also become a more taboo word for middle-aged women, it is estimated that no woman will want to become a greasy mother, right?

Of course, the "greasy" middle-aged woman does not refer to fat, but a variety of manners, temperament, dress, etc. to show the sense of atmosphere, the overall does give people a sloppy, bloated and not too beautiful image, every minute is the sense of the big mother both vision, too noisy, indeed can not bear ah.

So the question is, how to be an anti-greasy middle-aged woman? What are the manifestations of this type of woman in the details of dressing?

After looking at the looks of Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen, I found that middle-aged women are more greasy than tender

The most classic 2 characters introduced in this article are Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen, and further explain to you where the beauty of the anti-greasy middle-aged woman is, please continue to look down:

Jiang Shan vs Li Lizhen, the former is 54 years old, the latter is 56 years old, they are fearless of age, always maintain the refinement of fashion, and grow old naturally. Both belong to the slightly fat type, and the sense of atmosphere of "rich" is clear at a glance, and they are both proper anti-greasy beauty.

After looking at the looks of Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen, I found that middle-aged women are more greasy than tender

First, anti-greasy middle-aged woman - look at the posture

Some people say that greasy women are not fat, but tender, contrived and mannered, do you agree?

This sentence does make sense, in life, we will find slightly fat and not greasy women, they are self-disciplined, this point is vividly displayed in the manners.

As the saying goes, beauty is self-confidence in manners.

After looking at the looks of Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen, I found that middle-aged women are more greasy than tender

Whether it is a woman in the workplace or a mother, in fact, good manners are the primary feature of anti-greasy. Looking at Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen's current state, I knew it.

They are really similar in size, and they all belong to the anti-greasy and rich type.

Even after being slightly fat, but appearing in front of the public, it has always been a standing posture, a sitting posture, a hunchback with a chest is simply not there, and the straight posture is very powerful.

After looking at the looks of Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen, I found that middle-aged women are more greasy than tender

Therefore, for middle-aged women, a dignified and decent demeanor is an anti-greasy gas station.

This point requires self-discipline in daily life, do a good job in body management, and constantly cultivate temperament, so that they exude a generous and confident side from the inside out.

Second, anti-greasy middle-aged women - look at fashion taste

After looking at the looks of Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen, I found that middle-aged women are more greasy than tender

Fashion taste, in fact, is an aesthetic, will wear women, as they grow older, the more advanced the dressing. Let's take a look at the outfits of Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen respectively.

1. Jiang Shan's dressing and appreciation

After looking at the looks of Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen, I found that middle-aged women are more greasy than tender

Among the beauties of the 80s, Jiang Shan actually belonged to the one who lived a dashing life, and now the charm still exists, and the smile is very kind and gentle, really beautiful.

Jiang Shan's outfit is actually very easy to penetrate, but also suitable for most middle-aged women, the first condition is not to dress up tender nor old-fashioned, has always been the pursuit of comfort and simplicity, so the wardrobe is indispensable to have a texture of the basic model.

After looking at the looks of Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen, I found that middle-aged women are more greasy than tender

If you are also a slightly fat woman who wants to be anti-greasy, then the basic jeans are good, with a V-neck top, the overall look thin and decent.

Of course, for the needs of the workplace, the suit is perfect for it. Structured padded shoulder blazer, neat fit, looks smart and neat, with a shirt or tight sweater inside, looks temperamental.

After looking at the looks of Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen, I found that middle-aged women are more greasy than tender

The overall shape does not seize the limelight, reflects the dignified and capable style, in line with Jiang Shan's manners and temperament, and the slightly fat mothers are also fashionable and not greasy.

2. Li Lizhen's dressing and appreciation

To tell the truth, I quite like Li Lizhen, this woman, when she was young, she was absolutely gorgeous, and now she is over 50 years old, and she is also well-behaved, calm and calm to grow old, and her daily wear is also a comfortable and appropriate style route.

After looking at the looks of Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen, I found that middle-aged women are more greasy than tender

In response to the mid-aged anti-greasy wear, Xiao Shu has always stressed that he cannot "force and be tender".

Because women are old, if you force you to dress up, thick makeup Oh face shape is unnatural, and wear a variety of Barbie pink, bright color clothing, it is inevitable that it will appear contrived, not in line with the dress that should be worn at this age.

After looking at the looks of Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen, I found that middle-aged women are more greasy than tender

In terms of dressing, women who have passed the age of 50 will pursue texture and comfort, and Li Lizhen is no exception.

Li Lizhen's set of T-shirts with straight pants is a casual and lazy style to walk, with a pair of small white shoes, the overall age reduction without losing the sense of fashion.

After looking at the looks of Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen, I found that middle-aged women are more greasy than tender

Third, it is difficult not to be greasy after being slightly fat? With these conditions, you are also a refreshing beauty.

Tips (1): Clothing to avoid loosening, do not wear flowers, net color system is more advanced

Careful observation, we will find that the slightly fat and not greasy middle-aged women, their whole state is very spiritual temperament.

The choice of clothes is never loose, but instead of a sense of design, structured fits, and a basic model that makes people look more spiritual.

After all, the loose and crumbling piece is easy to pull and widen the body and thus look fatter.

After looking at the looks of Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen, I found that middle-aged women are more greasy than tender

Tips (2), the hairstyle is clean, not sloppy, and the short hair is also temperamental

Choosing a hairstyle that suits you is a plus for the charm of a middle-aged woman. In Jiang Shan's private clothing style, this collarbone hairstyle is very age-reducing and looks decent.

And in old age, the hairline is getting higher and higher, and even the hair loss is serious, and the fluffy collarbone hair can not only modify the face shape, appear small, but also cover up the shortcomings of your small hair, which is very obvious.

After looking at the looks of Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen, I found that middle-aged women are more greasy than tender

Li Lizhen's private clothing is mainly medium and long hair, tied hair. In short, the hairstyles of both are clean, not sloppy, very neat and generous.

Tips (3): Jewelry does not wear gold

After the age of 50, non-greasy and slightly fat mothers, in the choice of jewelry to follow a principle, that is, jewelry does not wear gold.

There are two reasons why it is not recommended:

1) Exaggerated gold jewelry vision will have a sense of contradiction with your skin color, especially some black and yellow skin mothers, gold jewelry will make you appear dull in complexion, and the refinement cannot be pulled up.

2) The exaggerated gold jewelry has too strong a sense of existence, giving people the same sense of atmosphere as an upstart, which will inevitably look tacky.

After looking at the looks of Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen, I found that middle-aged women are more greasy than tender

Look at the clothes chosen by Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen are relatively simple, so the collocation of their accessories is not cumbersome, like pearl elements, silver accessories with texture, brooches are the best choice.

In addition to Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen, workplace women like Meng Wanzhou, He Chaoqiong, Li Fuzhen and so on also belong to the anti-greasy type, see here, do you also meet the anti-greasy appearance characteristics?

After looking at the looks of Jiang Shan and Li Lizhen, I found that middle-aged women are more greasy than tender

Summary of personal opinions:

Years from the undefeated beauty, anti-greasy middle-aged women, from the fashion point of view, dress as appropriate as possible, not to dress up tender, dress up are decent, comfortable and simple but advanced.

From the overall image, fat or thin, anti-greasy posture is really important. Keep your body shape non-greasy, have ink in your belly, and constantly broaden your horizons. At the same time, avoid the noisy behavior, rely on the old and sell the old, in short, the self-disciplined, free, positive and exquisite women are very beautiful.

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