
Beverley: It's James AD who is going to play with me, I went to the playoffs last season, and they didn't, but it seems to make a little bit of a sense..! Zhan Mi wanted to scold people

author:Mysterious planet wy

Beverley: It's James AD who is going to play with me, I went to the playoffs last season, and they didn't, but it seems to make a little bit of a sense..! Zhan Mi wants to scold people! But when James heard Patrick Beverley's favorite LeBron highlights during the interview, he was thrilled and laughed! #NBA##James##NBA Spit Conference##NBA Hot Spots##NBA Wholeheartedly Open ##越投入越精彩 #

Beverley: It's James AD who is going to play with me, I went to the playoffs last season, and they didn't, but it seems to make a little bit of a sense..! Zhan Mi wanted to scold people
Beverley: It's James AD who is going to play with me, I went to the playoffs last season, and they didn't, but it seems to make a little bit of a sense..! Zhan Mi wanted to scold people
Beverley: It's James AD who is going to play with me, I went to the playoffs last season, and they didn't, but it seems to make a little bit of a sense..! Zhan Mi wanted to scold people

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