
The reason why Dutch pigs cannot eat starchy foods

author:Dutch pig big white fat man

At present, many sources say that Dutch pigs cannot eat starch-rich foods.

But the specific reason, brother pig said which kind of reliable reason has not been.

The reason why Dutch pigs cannot eat starchy foods

The reasons for the unreliability are a lot,

What eats starchy foods can cause a cyst out of the chin of a Dutch pig.

This saying has gone viral on major platforms,

Brother Pig has refuted it several times, and the result has been various...

But brother pig to find the scientific reason why Dutch pigs can not eat starch-rich foods has never stopped,

Until the first two days when Brother Pig was looking for the digestive system of Dutch pigs.

Found the relevant content in a material at the bottom of the pressure box,

It is said that it is the bottom of the pressure box because the book was written in 2001, and the content in it should be the content of 2000.

This should be the first book on scientific breeding technology for guinea pigs in China.

The author of the book wrote the book after three years of practice on the farm, and admits that almost five reference materials are available.

The book, which costs only 6.6 yuan, has only 6,000 copies printed.

So the impact of this book is estimated to be minimal, and the popularity of domestic guinea pigs is eight years later.

The reason why Dutch pigs cannot eat starchy foods

The main digestive organ of the Dutch pig has a distinctive feature,

That is, their cecum system is particularly powerful.

This powerful cecum system is where Dutch pigs digest crude fiber,

Why is it powerful? Because it accounts for about one-third of the abdominal cavity of the true Dutch pig.

The volume is 46% of the total volume of the digestive tract,

I remember that Brother Pig said in the last issue that the length of the cecum of the Dutch pig is equivalent to the length of the body, and it is the main digestive organ of the Dutch pig.

It is estimated that some pig friends are a little dizzy,

Doesn't it mean that Dutch pigs can't eat starchy foods, and why talk about the cecum again?

Don't worry, be in a hurry,

Dutch pigs can not eat starch-rich foods, in fact, it is related to the cecum.

The reason why Dutch pigs cannot eat starchy foods

The cecum of the Dutch pig is an important digestive organ,

It is the main organ that digests crude fiber (and also digests other substances).

But after comparison, it was found that

Dutch pigs digest crude fiber very inefficiently.

The digestibility of crude fiber in cattle and horses is 44% and 41%,

Dutch pigs are only 26%, only a little higher than the rabbit's 14%, far lower than other herbivores.

The root cause is that the activity of fibroblazing enzymes in the cecum of Dutch pigs is lower than that of bovine rumen fibroblasts.

Even so, crude fiber plays an important role in the digestive process of Dutch pigs,

Maintaining the consistency of the digestion helps to form hard stools and this physical effect during normal digestive functioning.

So Dutch pigs must maintain a intake of crude fiber,

If the crude fiber in Dutch pig food is less than 5%, the stomach contents are fed twice as normal through the digestive tract time.

Reduced digestibility of nutrients,

Causes digestive disorders, decreased intake, diarrhea, death will occur.

So in the daily diet of Dutch pigs,

The appropriate proportion of crude fiber is not less than 18% (juvenile Dutch pigs can be appropriately reduced).

What about the starch problem?

It was when experimenting with Dutch pig digestive enzymes that people had a surprising discovery.

The reason why Dutch pigs cannot eat starchy foods

What surprises do people find?

That is, the activity of micro-thyrolyase in the busy field of Dutch pigs is low, but the activity of amylase is very high.

And that's exciting for the researchers.

After all, the cost of starchy food is much cheaper than that of crude fiber food.

And storage and supply are also very convenient,

If Dutch pigs can eat starchy foods, the cost of feed will come down a lot.

Good news followed,

That is, the Dutch pig cecum has a strong ability to produce starch and sugar.

That is, in the short term,

Dutch pigs even gained a lot of weight and grew meat.

However, problems soon arose,

That is, the high activity of amylase in the cecum of Dutch pigs can cause enteritis.

If fed Dutch pigs starchy foods,

Under the action of highly active amylase, it is possible to produce a substrate that can be used by sad bacteria.

This allows bacteria to increase in value to produce toxins at an accelerated rate,

Therefore, feeding Dutch pigs high-starch foods will cause The Dutch pigs to thin out.

The reason why Dutch pigs cannot eat starchy foods

This should be dutch pigs can not eat starchy foods,

The most reliable explanation is at least in line with the scientific basis.

Can starch-rich foods be eaten?

At present, try to avoid eating starch-rich foods.

But try not to eat starchy foods,

It does not mean that all foods containing starch cannot be eaten, after all, a large part of foods contain starchy ingredients.

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