
How to control pests of moths, fruit flies, scarab beetles? What pest control techniques are available?

author:Small back basket for agricultural technology

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Because the temperature and humidity conditions in spring and autumn are more suitable for the reproduction of various diseases and pests, spring and autumn are the peak periods for various diseases and insect pests in the field every year. Therefore, if our farmers and friends want to effectively control all kinds of diseases and insect pests on field crops, we must focus on the two key periods of pest control in spring and autumn - grasping the prevention and control of field diseases and insect pests in spring can effectively reduce the incidence of diseases and insect pests in crops throughout the year and reduce the harm of crops from diseases and insect pests throughout the year; Doing a good job in the prevention and control of field diseases and insect pests in autumn can effectively reduce the number of overwintering residues of field germs and pests, and control the source of the spread of diseases and insect pests in the following spring.

How to control pests of moths, fruit flies, scarab beetles? What pest control techniques are available?

In the article yesterday and the day before yesterday, the agricultural technology basket has introduced the most common 2 kinds of underground root diseases (root cancer and root rot) and 3 kinds of aboveground leaf diseases (leaf rust, leaf spot and gray mold) and their control technology, today, the agricultural technology basket will introduce you to the most likely several insect pests and control technologies on several crops, hoping to help everyone do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests on field crops.

In general, the most common pests on crops can be divided into the following categories: homoptera pests (such as various types of aphids, aphids, etc.), tauroptera pests (such as various types of thrips, etc.), Coleoptera pests (such as various types of scarab beetles, etc.), Lepidoptera pests (such as various types of moths, etc.), Diptera pests (such as various types of flies, etc.). Because the knowledge of pest control such as thrips, aphids and aphids has been introduced before, the agricultural technology basket in this article focuses on the comprehensive control technology of the three major types of pests, namely scarab beetle pests, fruit fly pests and moth insect pests.

How to control pests of moths, fruit flies, scarab beetles? What pest control techniques are available?

1. Scarab beetle pests and integrated control technologies

Scarab beetle is a pest type of the Coleoptera family (scarab beetle is the collective name of all golden turtle shell pests), the most harmful to crops is its larvae (scarab beetle scientific name is called grub, crop underground root key pest type), it is one of the key insect pest types that often occur on various crops, the larva destroys the underground root system, and the adult insects eat buds, leaves, flowers and fruits.

1, insect pest characteristics: scarab beetle mainly harms the new shoots, buds, new leaves, young branches, young fruits, roots of crops (larvae to the root system of the crop is very destructive), of which the young larvae mainly harm the young leaves, young shoots, buds, juicy branches of the crop, the old mature larvae mainly harm the underground root system of the crop, light cause the leaves to be gnawed into a network of incomplete, young shoots and flowers are eaten by the destruction, the new young shoot stem epidermis is seriously damaged, the root system is eaten out of a large number of damage mouths or cause seedlings, the root system is bitten off, As a result, the crops grow poorly, the development becomes poor, the flowering and fruiting are abnormal, and the heavy will directly cause the yellow death of the entire plant.

How to control pests of moths, fruit flies, scarab beetles? What pest control techniques are available?

2, insect pest law: scarab insect pests generally only occur 1 generation per year, they hide in the shallow soil of the field in the form of larvae or adults, and wait until the next spring after the temperature warms and humidity becomes larger, and then begins to sting and harm crops, and the pest period lasts until the end of October. Under normal circumstances, from late March (larvae begin to emerge) to late October autumn (larvae overwintering), the larvae and adults of scarab beetles will continue to harm crops in the field, of which the period from May to July is the peak of insect pests and spawning and breeding of scarab adults (June to July is the peak period of larval hatching), and after the weather becomes cold from November to February, the larvae and adults of scarab beetles will lurk in the underground soil of 20-30 cm dormant overwintering.

Scarab beetle this pest has a strong phototropism, generally adult insects in the evening began to come out of the activity hazard, 8-10 pm is the most rampant time period of insect pest feeding harm, early morning dawn will be drilled into the underground soil lurking, so, scarab beetle this pest in the daytime generally rarely see its figure.

How to control pests of moths, fruit flies, scarab beetles? What pest control techniques are available?

3. Causes of insect pests: (1) Extensive farmland management, too many weeds in the field (weeds are the main places for scarab beetle parasitism); (2) A large number of farm manures that have not been thoroughly decomposed and fermented are used in the field (scarab beetles like to lay eggs in raw manure).

4. Control methods: (1) After crop harvesting or fruit trees pick fruit, thoroughly clean up the weeds in the field and turn the farmland 25-35 cm deep into the sun; (2) During the growth of crops, the land is often ploughed, and the scarab beetle larvae (grubs) that are turned to the ground are picked up and then destroyed in a concentrated manner; (3) Control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer used in the field, appropriately increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and micro-fertilizer, and must not use raw manure or uncorried organic fertilizer; (4) The use of ammonium carbon when crop topdressing can have a certain corrosive and smoking effect on the underground scarab larvae.

How to control pests of moths, fruit flies, scarab beetles? What pest control techniques are available?


(5) Scarab beetle larvae (grubs) are not tolerant to flooding, and for plots with serious insect infestation in the field, they can be irrigated with frozen water after crop harvesting or combined with fruit trees to irrigate with frozen water, so as to suffocate the larvae of underground scarab beetles. (6) Adult scarab beetles have sweetness and phototropism, and can trap and trap adult scarabs by controlling homemade sweet and sour liquid pots in the field (according to the ratio of 1 part brown sugar + 4 parts rice vinegar + 10 parts water + a small amount of insecticide, and replace once every 7-10 days) and placing vibration frequency insecticidal lamps (turning on the lights for 8-10 hours per night) in the field during the high incidence of adult insects. (7) Scarab beetles have many natural enemies, frogs, toads and other reptiles and all kinds of poultry, birds can prey on and destroy them.

How to control pests of moths, fruit flies, scarab beetles? What pest control techniques are available?


(8) For the protection of scarab insect pests in the planting field, we can also use biopharmaceuticals such as Thuringiensis, White Zombie, and Green Zombie, which have inhibitory and killing effects on Scarab beetles, and eliminate them in the field by irrigating roots or spreading. (9) When chemical drugs control scarab beetles, aboveground drug spray control can use Avi • hyperchlorination, thiamethia • high chlorine, acetamidine, imidacloprid, high-efficiency cypermethrin, cypermethrin, cypermethrin, bifenum and other drugs to spray all over the field, liquid irrigation control can use octylthion, chlorpyrifos and other drugs to pour over the root soil of crops, soil drug control can use octylthion granules, dimethazoan granules, thiameth • perchlorine granules and other drugs mixed with fine soil and sprinkled throughout the field.

How to control pests of moths, fruit flies, scarab beetles? What pest control techniques are available?

Larvae (grubs)

Second, fruit fly insect pests and integrated control technology

Fruit fly is also a general term for a pest species, it actually includes a very large number of species of pests of the fly family, agricultural technology small back basket here to highlight the most harmful to all kinds of fruit trees and eggplant fruit crops this species (as a typical representative), because the spotted fruit fly than other fruit fly family pests on the crop is more harmful, generally most of the other fruit fly family are only eating rotten fruit and fallen fruit on the ground, and the spotted fruit fly not only eat rotten fruit, fall fruit and wounded fruit, Moreover, it will also lay eggs directly on the peel of healthy young fruits (especially the soon-to-be-ripen fruits), so that the larvae continue to eat and destroy the pulp inside the fruit after hatching, resulting in the surface of the fruit being covered with insect eye insect feces or causing a large area of rot inside the fruit or inducing the fruit to occur in a variety of other diseases.

How to control pests of moths, fruit flies, scarab beetles? What pest control techniques are available?

1. Insect infestation characteristics: Spot-winged fruit fly mainly harms the fruit of fruit trees, of which the fruit that is about to ripen or has matured is the focus of fruit fly harm. In most cases, the adults of the spot-winged fruit fly will lay eggs on the surface of the affected fruit (under the skin), these eggs hatch under the skin into the larvae and then moth into the inside of the fruit, the young larvae will always suck the sap inside the fruit before becoming the old mature larvae, and the flesh of the fruit will continue to harm the fruit, and when the young larvae develop into the old mature larvae, these old mature larvae will burrow from the inside of the fruit to the surface of the fruit tree, resulting in problems such as fruit surface worm holes, flesh rot, soft fruit, and early fall of the frozen fruit.

How to control pests of moths, fruit flies, scarab beetles? What pest control techniques are available?

2, insect pest law: spot-winged fruit fly can breed 3-10 generations a year, a single can lay hundreds of eggs per year, insect pests are characterized by fast reproduction speed, large reproduction and different insect generations superimposed danger. Spot-winged fruit flies generally begin to be active when the temperature reaches 12-15 degrees in march and April in the spring, and the insect infestation will continue until the air cools in the late autumn and early winter, and when the temperature in the summer and autumn is about 22-25 degrees, the peak of the insect pest is reached at this time (at this time, the females concentrate on laying eggs and lay eggs the largest and the egg hatching speed is the fastest), and when the temperature decreases after November, when the weather becomes cold, the spotted fruit flies will overwinter in the form of adults and pupae, and then continue to breed and harm after the temperature rises in the spring of the following year.

How to control pests of moths, fruit flies, scarab beetles? What pest control techniques are available?

3. Prevention and control methods: (1) After the plant is flowered, when the young fruit sits and begins to expand, spray an insecticide first, and then bagge the young fruit and young melon in time to prevent the female insects from laying eggs on the fruit surface, which is the most direct, simple and effective way to control fruit flies. (2) After crop harvesting or after the leaves of fruit trees, thoroughly clean up the weeds and leaves in the field and orchard. (3) After crop harvesting or before planting or when autumn fertilizer is applied in orchards, the soil is dried by 20-30 cm deep, and if the insect pest is more serious, it can be combined with sprinkling octylthion, avermectin, thiamethoxine granules, imidacloprid granules and other pharmaceutical particles to kill underground larvae and eggs.

How to control pests of moths, fruit flies, scarab beetles? What pest control techniques are available?

(4) During the physiological fruiting period of crops, especially after the fruit is colored to before ripening and harvesting, the fruits with insect eyes and the fruits falling from the ground should all be picked up out of the field for centralized destruction or deep burial treatment. (5) In the high incidence of insect pests at a temperature of 20-25 degrees, and the concentrated spawning period of female insects, adult insects can be trapped in the field using sweet and sour liquid (according to the ratio of 1 part brown sugar + 4 parts rice vinegar + 10 parts water + a small amount of insecticide, replaced once every 7-10 days, it is recommended to hang in the canopy), in addition, it can also be used in the field to hang yellow sticky insect boards, insecticide lamps, sexual booby-traps, etc. to trap adult insects. (6) During the crop growth period, nightshade fruit and vegetable crops should be managed in time to beat the whole branch, and fruit tree crops should be pruned in winter, summer and before flowers, so as to improve the field ventilation environment and reduce the incidence of insect pests.

How to control pests of moths, fruit flies, scarab beetles? What pest control techniques are available?

(7) Spot-winged fruit fly has many natural enemies, and we can achieve the effect of "killing insects with insects" by protecting frogs, ants, dragonflies, spiders, praying mantises, etc. in the farmland; (8) In the high incidence of adult feathering, especially in the early stage of insect infestation, it is recommended to spray the insecticide once every 5-7 days, spray 2-3 times continuously, and the insecticide can use 1500 times the ethyl polybactericide suspension agent, 1.8% of 1500 times, 2.5% of 1000 times of polybactericide, 1000 times of 6% matrine, 2500 times of cypermethrin, 2000 times of 10% cypermethrin, etc., but in order to avoid pest resistance, improve the drug insecticidal effect, Agricultural technology small back basket recommends that you use compound insecticides, such as high-efficiency cypermethrin + thiamethoxine or avermectin, etc., in addition, we try to choose the evening when the pest is more active, and the back of the leaf where the pest is hidden should be sprayed when spraying.

How to control pests of moths, fruit flies, scarab beetles? What pest control techniques are available?

3. Moth and insect pests and integrated control technologies

Moth pests are also a very serious type of insect pest on agricultural crops, which includes a variety of species (moth pests of different colors and different forms), such as nocturnal moths, vegetable moths, ground tigers, etc., whether it is field food crops, melon fruits and vegetables, or fruit trees in orchards, will be deeply affected by various moth pests. We often say that "moths fight fire and kill themselves", which is said to be this moth pest, mainly because the adult moth has a strong phototropism.

1, insect pest characteristics: most of the moths include eggs, larvae, insect cocoons, adult insects four, in general, moth pests to the crop of the most harmful two insect states are mainly larvae and adults, they are mainly in the harm of crops to suck crop sap, nibble on crop leaves, followed by the damage to the young branches of crops, tender and flowering.

How to control pests of moths, fruit flies, scarab beetles? What pest control techniques are available?

Larvae (that is, we often call caterpillars) mainly chew and nibble on leaves, for example, newly hatched larvae will chew the crop leaves into a network, and the mature and elderly larvae will gnaw all the leaves of the crop to leave only the bare petiole, resulting in crop leaves being mutilated and bare, new young branches slightly dead, and serious poor photosynthesis of plants; Adults (that is, moths we often call moths, shaped like butterflies) mainly suck the honey juice in flowers and the sap in the branches, and wait until the larvae will become pupae after many molts, and then hatch from the pupae into winged moths, which will use their own long mouthparts similar to straws (adults do not eat leaves) to suck the sap from the crop plant, resulting in poor crop nutrient supply, poor growth and development, and great weakness of overall growth; When the females are close to death, they lay eggs on the leaves of the crop and then hatch to breed the next generation of pests.

How to control pests of moths, fruit flies, scarab beetles? What pest control techniques are available?

2, insect pest law: moths generally occur about 2 generations per year (the specific number of reproduction generations depends on the moth species), the old mature larvae will be hidden in the latent soil or the trunk branch in early October to form a cocoon for wintering, to the middle of May of the second year, the overwintering larvae begin to pupate, the late May to early June wintering mature larvae begin to feather into adults, around the middle of June is the peak of the concentrated spawning and reproduction of the wintering moths, but also the concentrated incubator of the first generation of larvae, in late July the first generation of mature larvae cocoon pupae, In early August, the first generation of insect pupae feathered adult insects, in mid-August the female insects concentrated on laying the second generation of eggs, in late August the second generation of larvae hatched, and from late September to mid-to-late October, the second generation of mature larvae began to hide in the cocoon for wintering, and the annual moth damage law is roughly circular. Generally speaking, the beginning of June to the end of September is the high incidence of moth damage in the field, of which August is the most harmful period for moths to crops. The larvae of moths have the habit of gathering in groups to live, and adult insects have the characteristics of day and night, light and sweet.

How to control pests of moths, fruit flies, scarab beetles? What pest control techniques are available?

3. Prevention and control methods: (1) After the autumn is thoroughly cleaned up, the farmland is deeply turned and dried or flooded with water, so as to destroy the larval parasite site, eliminate the larvae hidden in the soil, reduce the number of overwintering pests, and control the source of pest breeding in the following year. (2) During the crop growth period, insect eggs, insect cocoons and insect leaves are sporadically found (young larvae have the characteristics of gathering life, often looking for a large piece), and they should be removed and burned together with the leaves at any time or buried deeply to eliminate. (3) At the peak of larval occurrence, because the larval resistance is relatively poor at this time, avermectin, cypermethrin, methyl vitamin salt, and high-efficiency cypermethrin should be sprayed in time for spray control, sprayed once every 7-10 days, and sprayed 2-3 times continuously. (4) During the peak period of adult insect occurrence, the characteristics of adult insect phototropism and sweetness and tenderness can be used to set up vibration frequency insecticidal lamps in the field (turn on the lights for 8-10 hours per night), sweet and sour liquid basin (according to the proportion of 1 part brown sugar + 4 parts rice vinegar + 10 parts of water + a small amount of insecticide, and replace once in 7-10 days) to trap adult insects.

How to control pests of moths, fruit flies, scarab beetles? What pest control techniques are available?

(5) When drug control of moth pests, it is possible to use mebrin salt, avermectin, urea, insecticide, bromocyanamide, ethyl polybactericide, acetamidine and other insecticides compounded with permethrin insecticides (such as bifenthrin, cypermethrin, high efficiency cypermethrin, etc.) for spray control, for farmland with drug resistance, we can choose insecticidal nitrile, indylvir, carnityl hydrazide, liceme urea, Avi perchloride, thiamethia • high chlorine and other insecticidal agents with better insecticidal effect. (6) When protecting moth pests, moth pests can also be preyed upon and eliminated by releasing and protecting red-eyed bees and bees in large batches. (7) At the peak of larval excavation, it is also possible to destroy the excavated larvae by mixing fine soil with drugs such as octylthion granules and dimethoate granules.

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