
Autumn clouds

author:Qilu one point
Autumn clouds

Autumn clouds

Sunny autumn days, the sky is high and cool. The sky, like a plateau of lakes, is the color of a clear sapphire. Huge clouds, piled up into snowy mountains, crystal clear. Often, as soon as I look up, I am stunned by the enchanting clouds of autumn.

That's fluffy new cotton, right? Is it Si Fan's fairy who has played the fine white cotton for herself and made a soft quilt to prepare for the dowry of the human world? It was so fluffy and soft that I also wanted to touch it gently. Ah, how soul-destroying it would be to have a quilt like this in your arms.

Autumn clouds, floating in the sky, are so far away, only in your lingering gaze, only in the sight you look up. But in your heart, it is so far away, as if it is within reach, and you can pull a clump and put it in your heart.

Autumn clouds, piled up in the sky, like snow-capped mountains, crystal clear. It is so noble, like a snow lotus, that it blooms only on the snowy peaks. This thing should only be in heaven, where on earth can you get this special thing?

Autumn clouds
Autumn clouds

I like to just quietly come out of my mind, look up obsessively, and communicate wordlessly with my eyes to the autumn clouds. In the human world, I have hidden a kind and thoughtful heart, it is so different, no one will understand such a special independent soul, as if it is not suitable for existence in the human world. It is lonely.

So I wanted to become an autumn cloud, as plump as it was, as pure as it was. I wanted to hide in it, away from the human world and all the discerning eyes.

Yes, it is best for writing poetry. Writing poetry in the clouds is everyone's yearning in the human world. Yes, poetry, there should be no filth of a star and a half. To write poetry, you must hold such a noble and pure soul.

People who write poetry in the clouds are easily trapped in the mud of the world, and they cannot pull out their feet. In the human world, the body and the soul should be unified, otherwise, they will live a miserable and helpless life, their personalities will be torn apart, and their walking in the human world will always be wobbly, like a weedy tree.

Autumn clouds, it is compassionate again. It looked down at the heavens in a silent posture, and its eyes were full of compassion for the human world. Its soft heart must be good at inclusion. It doesn't laugh at the inability of a mere mortal to do anything about himself, it doesn't squint at you with a lofty gaze, it doesn't pick at the sludge of a man struggling in the dirt. Because, like snow, it can be integrated into a person's heart.

O pure and flawless cloud, it is my confidant! I want to rip off a flower and treasure it in my heart, so that it will moisturize my soul all the time, and let it enrich my soul forever and ever.

Yes, even if you are stuck in the mud, the heart should not dry up, and the soul should be clean. O lotus-like clouds, let me plant in my heart.

Everyone must treasure such a cloud in their hearts, and only in this way, in the materialistic world, you will not lose yourself. Only in this way can you be a pure person, and you will not be subservient to others because of the involuntariness of lust and desire, and forget the nobility of your own soul.

One point number Bo Hailan's personal number

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