
America's First Outstanding Realist Film: Citizen Kane

author:Lychee who loves to watch old dramas

In the history of world cinema, Citizen Kane is an important film, which has innovative aspects of the traditional Hollywood model in the audiovisual language and narrative method of the film, and has also had an important impact on the film works of later generations.

Orson. Wells is a famous American director, actor and playwright. He was a special case of the Hollywood film system, trying to become an innovator of the rigid studio system.
America's First Outstanding Realist Film: Citizen Kane

The director is also the male protagonist of this film

For example, in terms of the use of light for the male protagonist Kane, from youth, middle age to old age, kane in his youth is not exhausted, and the director mostly uses high-pitch lighting to make the audience feel Kane's spirit.

America's First Outstanding Realist Film: Citizen Kane


America's First Outstanding Realist Film: Citizen Kane


In his later years, Kane was extremely lonely, alone in the so-called "Paradise Manor", and the director used dark light to expose kane's human nature distortion and loneliness in his later years to the viewer.

Reporter Thomson asked Kane's people around him about the "rose bud" he said before his death, and inserted six flashback clips through the memories of these people, which ran through the whole film.

America's First Outstanding Realist Film: Citizen Kane

One of the memories, Kane's former best friend

This structure makes the film like a mysterious film chasing and exploring a big riddle, arousing the audience's interest in the film.

In the early parts of the film, Kane is a man who cannot control his own destiny, he is raised by his cold mother to a banker who knows only money, and he has since lost his happy childhood.

America's First Outstanding Realist Film: Citizen Kane

In his youth, Kane grasped wealth and power, he became selfish and indifferent, and even in his middle and late years, he wanted to become the master of the fate of others, such as trying to make Susan a singer, but never considered Susan's feelings. He went from being controlled to being in control, becoming the person he once hated, just as the dragon slayer eventually became a dragon.

America's First Outstanding Realist Film: Citizen Kane

Susan nearly collapsed

America's First Outstanding Realist Film: Citizen Kane

He has no talent for singing at all, but is forced by Kane to be a singer.

Unlike ordinary films, tragedy or comedy is different from the protagonist's personality, the background of the times, and accidental factors. Kane's tragic endings are all created by others and himself, and they are highly subjective.

For example, at the beginning of being taken away by his adoptive father, the loss of affection in his childhood was the cause of his tragic ending, and the subsequent unhappiness such as the loss of the election friends was caused by his extremely paranoid personality. All kinds of plots arise from human subjectivity.

America's First Outstanding Realist Film: Citizen Kane

Kane and his first wife. The wife is the niece of the president, and the two look very close.

America's First Outstanding Realist Film: Citizen Kane

Kane and his second wife. Kane's object of infidelity, later his wife, was pushed toward tragedy by Kane.

At the end of the film, the "Rose Bud" is revealed, which is the pattern on the sleigh that Kane played with when he was a child, but it is also Kane's lost childhood.

America's First Outstanding Realist Film: Citizen Kane

On the one hand, this also explains why Kane is so paranoid and playful, and he seems to be using his unrestrained youth and even old age to make up for his lost childhood.

America's First Outstanding Realist Film: Citizen Kane

He eventually did not find the rose bud, and after his death, the skateboard of his childhood was thrown into the fire.

As a film that breaks through the tradition, "Citizen Kane" not only has a unique innovation in the language of the lens, but also provides the audience with a new viewing experience, experiences the complexity of human nature, and gives people a unique artistic enjoyment.

In the United States, where the capitalist economy was developed at that time, this work undoubtedly gave the sharpest satire to the selfish hypocrisy under the capitalist economy.

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