
How poisonous are the animals in the ocean? A single crab can poison 45,000 rats and kill four or five hundred people

author:All things are spiritual

The most venomous creature on land is the Taipan snake, which has enough venom in one bite to kill 100 adults, so what is the most poisonous creature in the ocean? There are more than 1,000 kinds of poisonous marine animals in the world, widely distributed in all the seas of the world, and countless people die because of them every year, today I will share with you the 5 most poisonous marine animals in the world.

How poisonous are the animals in the ocean? A single crab can poison 45,000 rats and kill four or five hundred people

The first: monk hat jellyfish

Although the monk's hat jellyfish has the word jellyfish in its name, the monk's hat jellyfish is actually a social body composed of jellyfish and water hydra (xī), because the top looks like a monk's hat, so it is called the monk's hat jellyfish, it is a very dangerous jellyfish, also known as the deadliest killer in the ocean.

How poisonous are the animals in the ocean? A single crab can poison 45,000 rats and kill four or five hundred people

The monk hat jellyfish has two symmetrical maws, and under the maws there are tentacles up to more than ten meters long, which are covered with dense and poisonous spiny cells, and although the single stinging cells secrete very few toxins, so many stinging cells secrete toxins that are no less toxic than any venomous snake in the world.

And even if the tentacles of the monk's hat jellyfish fall off or die, their tentacles can remain toxic for several hours, causing fatal damage to marine animals and humans.

How poisonous are the animals in the ocean? A single crab can poison 45,000 rats and kill four or five hundred people

Tens of thousands of people are stung by monk jellyfish every year on the beaches of Queensland, Australia, and 68 per cent of those stung in 2000 die, leaving some of the survivors with lifelong disabilities.

The reason why so many swimmers are stung by it is because the monk hat jellyfish has a glowing membrane crown on the floating sac, although it cannot swim, but it can rely on this membrane crown to adjust the direction, float along the current and the wind on the water surface, so it is easy to float to the beach, if you see this jellyfish at the beach, you must avoid it far away.

How poisonous are the animals in the ocean? A single crab can poison 45,000 rats and kill four or five hundred people

Once a person is stabbed by a monk's hat jellyfish, the first thing he will feel is unbearable, and red whip marks will appear on his body, which will take 2 to 3 days to dissipate. If not treated in time, this neurotoxin will penetrate into the lymph nodes of the human body, and then cause a sharp drop in blood pressure, resulting in allergies, fever, shock and other symptoms, and even pulmonary circulation failure, killing people.

The second type: embroidered ridge ripe crab

This crab is also called a mosaic crab because of its red and white mesh pattern, which is the most poisonous crab known in the world. Just one adult embroidered spine ripe crab contains toxins, can kill 45,000 rats, or 400-500 adults, which is quite terrifying.

How poisonous are the animals in the ocean? A single crab can poison 45,000 rats and kill four or five hundred people

However, it is not poisoned by pliers, if it is caught by it, it is not fatal, but the toxins in its muscles and internal organs are very strong, even high temperature heating can not destroy the toxicity, if you treat it as an ordinary crab after cooking and enjoying, a bite may be life-threatening.

Moreover, different varieties of embroidered ridge ripe crabs also contain different neurotoxins, and crabs distributed in Taiwan and other places on the mainland have puffer (tún) toxins in their bodies, in the Philippines and Singapore contains anemone poison, and in Australia, varieties contain paralytic shellfish poison.

How poisonous are the animals in the ocean? A single crab can poison 45,000 rats and kill four or five hundred people

These neurotoxins are very toxic, requiring only 2.3 to 31.5 micrograms of anemone poison, or 0.48 mg of tetrodotoxin, to kill people.

Just as being bitten by different venomous snakes requires different serums, different toxins have different treatment modalities, and the diversity of toxins in the body of the embroidered crab also makes it difficult for people to cope. If you are poisoned because of eating it, you can only reduce the absorption of toxins by inducing vomiting, otherwise it is difficult to rescue it, so some people also call it "crab poisoning king".

The third species: blue-ringed octopus

Like the embroidered ridge crab, the blue-ringed octopus also carries the deadly pufferfish toxin, an adult blue-ringed octopus has a tentacle length of 15 centimeters and a body only the size of a golf ball, but the toxin it carries can kill 26 adults in a few minutes, making it the most poisonous cephalopod in the guinness-certified ocean.

How poisonous are the animals in the ocean? A single crab can poison 45,000 rats and kill four or five hundred people

The blue-ringed octopus has a sharp mouth enough to penetrate the diver's wetsuit, and if it bites it, it must immediately hold the wound for artificial respiration, otherwise it will slowly suffocate and die.

However, the toxin it carries is not secreted by itself, the virions hidden in its salivary glands are the real culprits, this virion generally parasitizes in the salivary glands of octopuses, when the octopus hunts, it will enter the organism, resulting in a violent poisoning reaction.

How poisonous are the animals in the ocean? A single crab can poison 45,000 rats and kill four or five hundred people

After this toxin enters the body, it will attack our nervous system, and what is more fatal is that this toxin has no effective antitoxin, if poisoned, it can only maintain breathing and heart beating, and then wait for the toxin to slowly metabolize.

But this process of recovering breathing often takes several hours, so many people who dive alone have been bitten by octopuses, although they are conscious, they cannot control their bodies, they cannot breathe, and eventually suffocate to death.

How poisonous are the animals in the ocean? A single crab can poison 45,000 rats and kill four or five hundred people

The fourth kind: chicken heart snail

Chicken heart snail generally lives on the coastal coral reef or beach, there are more than 500 kinds of chicken heart snails in the world, all of which are poisonous, there is a kind of chicken heart snail called "cigar snail", which means that when you are injured by it, then you only have a cigar time to rescue, plus the size of this snail looks a bit like chicken heart and taro, so it is also called killer taro snail, and its close relative marble taro snail is also one of the most poisonous snails in the world.

How poisonous are the animals in the ocean? A single crab can poison 45,000 rats and kill four or five hundred people

Its venom has hundreds of different components, these different toxins are collectively known as taro toxins, these toxins have an analgesic effect, once in the body of the prey, it only takes 1 second to make the prey unable to move, and then the toxin will continue to invade the body of the prey, destroying their muscles and nervous system.

Even the largest fish will gradually lose its ability to move once it is poisoned, and thus be eaten by the chicken heart snail, and its strong hunting ability is even comparable to the world's second poison king blue-ringed octopus.

How poisonous are the animals in the ocean? A single crab can poison 45,000 rats and kill four or five hundred people

In order to catch prey, the chicken heart snail will hide itself in the sand, leaving only a nose outside to listen to the whereabouts of the prey, the tip of the nose is like a harpoon, and when the prey enters the hunting range, the venom-filled tongue will catapult out, quickly piercing the prey and paralyzing it. The snail can then rely on the many small hook-like teeth on the tongue that are like files to eat quickly.

How poisonous are the animals in the ocean? A single crab can poison 45,000 rats and kill four or five hundred people

If a person is stabbed by its teeth and tongue, you can feel severe pain in an instant, and then the wound will fester, which will cause heart paralysis and thus death, so if you have to collect these chicken heart snails, pay attention to do a good job of protective measures, do not be pierced by its teeth and tongue, and do not pick it up when you usually see it.

Fifth: box jellyfish

Box jellyfish, also known as cubic jellyfish, sea wasp, is the world's most known poisonous creature to humans, with the title of the world's first poison king, a diameter of no more than 20 cm box jellyfish, can kill 60 adults.

Once a person is poisoned by a box jellyfish, he will undoubtedly die if he is not saved within 4 minutes. In Australia, 13 people have died in shark mouths over the past 25 years, but more than 60 have died from tank jellyfish.

How poisonous are the animals in the ocean? A single crab can poison 45,000 rats and kill four or five hundred people

The tank jellyfish is translucent, with four sides 20 cm long, which looks like a box. It also has 60 3-meter-long tentacles, each of which has billions of poison sacs, and a tank jellyfish has tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of poison sacs, which have stingers that are invisible to the naked eye, and when the jellyfish is about to attack, these stingers will stretch out.

If it is a small animal, it will stab the stinger into the prey, and then spew out the venom, so that the prey will die immediately, and finally the tentacle will send the prey to the mouth of the jellyfish; If it is an animal as large as the body, the box jellyfish will first track it, then trap the prey with its tentacles, slowly soften the prey with a large amount of venom, and then eat a full meal.

How poisonous are the animals in the ocean? A single crab can poison 45,000 rats and kill four or five hundred people

Once humans are exposed to these venoms, there will be multiple red scars on the skin immediately, if stabbed, the venom will invade the heart within a few minutes, making the muscle cells beat rhythmically, the heart can not supply blood normally, thus rapid death, there is no time for rescue at all.

Box jellyfish toxins can not even be decomposed by high temperature, an Australian canning factory once because of improper handling, in the can mixed with a box jellyfish tentacle of about 1 cm, although after high temperature cooking, but this mixed in the can of the tentacle still led to the death of people who ate poison, it can be seen that its toxin is strong.

How poisonous are the animals in the ocean? A single crab can poison 45,000 rats and kill four or five hundred people

Box jellyfish is not only highly toxic, it is also the world's first evolved eye animal, with 24 eyes, each eye has a different function, some primitive eyes can only perceive the intensity of light, but some eyes are similar to humans, not only can perceive color, but also distinguish the size of objects. The sheer number of eyes helps the tank jellyfish swim flexibly in the ocean, and the strong toxicity makes it almost invincible in the ocean.

How poisonous are the animals in the ocean? A single crab can poison 45,000 rats and kill four or five hundred people

There are also many highly toxic creatures in the ocean, there are many opinions about their toxicity, the space is limited, this article can only introduce these five, there are many kinds of poisons can not be introduced, the vast ocean not only contains treasures, but also lurks countless dangers.

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