
This is a specially approved bat that stays in my house. A bat has been living in the folds of my house's curtain fabrics for days. It was not afraid of life at all, whenever I opened the curtains with a stick

author:Just simple people

This is a specially approved bat that stays in my house.

A bat has been living in the folds of my house's curtain fabrics for days. It was not afraid of life at all, and whenever I opened the curtain cloth with a stick to look at it, it was calm, hanging upside down without moving, and its dark eyes were looking at me.

Since it came, on the floor next to the curtains, there is its every day, and it is helpless to have to clean it up every day.

On this day, I was really angry and didn't want to be its shoveler anymore. I opened the curtain and said to it, "Brother Bat, you live in my house without paying the rent, I don't care about this, but you are too unhygienic, which makes me very uncomfortable, and now you can only go elsewhere" I picked up the stick and tried to drive it out.

The son next to him spoke: "Mother, the bat should not have its own home, only came to our house, now it is very hot outside, it goes out, it may be heat stroke sick, the teacher said that you can't always run outside, otherwise it is easy to heat stroke." The son said with a serious face.

I smiled and replied, "Oh, you think so thoughtfully for bats, so what to do?" ”

"Let's borrow it to live." Son said.

At this time, the daughter also came over and said: "Mom, it's really hot outside, I ride my bike to school every day, my whole clothes are wet, my face is roasted red, the bat is out, it must be roasted, it's very pitiful, leave it behind." I got out of school and gave him the shoveler. ”

Two treasures and four bright clear eyes looked at me expectantly.

"That... Then we approved it to live in our house, and in the future, its name will be Fuzai. I said.

"Uh huh... It was so nice"

"Hee-hee... Hello Fuzai"

The two treasures laughed happily...

This is a specially approved bat that stays in my house. A bat has been living in the folds of my house's curtain fabrics for days. It was not afraid of life at all, whenever I opened the curtains with a stick
This is a specially approved bat that stays in my house. A bat has been living in the folds of my house's curtain fabrics for days. It was not afraid of life at all, whenever I opened the curtains with a stick
This is a specially approved bat that stays in my house. A bat has been living in the folds of my house's curtain fabrics for days. It was not afraid of life at all, whenever I opened the curtains with a stick
This is a specially approved bat that stays in my house. A bat has been living in the folds of my house's curtain fabrics for days. It was not afraid of life at all, whenever I opened the curtains with a stick
This is a specially approved bat that stays in my house. A bat has been living in the folds of my house's curtain fabrics for days. It was not afraid of life at all, whenever I opened the curtains with a stick

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