
The annual Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, and Reiko has come to share with you today a foliage plant, the Happy Tree. Happiness is full of branches and leaves, implying peace, health and happiness. @Reiko who loves to take pictures

author:Reiko who loves to take pictures

The annual Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, and Reiko has come to share with you today a foliage plant, the Happy Tree. Happiness is full of branches and leaves, implying peace, health and happiness. @ Reiko who likes to take pictures I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance, happiness and peace [rose] [rose]

#2022开学季 #

#金秋佳节话家常 #

#酷暑里的第一丝秋凉 #

The annual Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, and Reiko has come to share with you today a foliage plant, the Happy Tree. Happiness is full of branches and leaves, implying peace, health and happiness. @Reiko who loves to take pictures
The annual Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, and Reiko has come to share with you today a foliage plant, the Happy Tree. Happiness is full of branches and leaves, implying peace, health and happiness. @Reiko who loves to take pictures
The annual Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, and Reiko has come to share with you today a foliage plant, the Happy Tree. Happiness is full of branches and leaves, implying peace, health and happiness. @Reiko who loves to take pictures
The annual Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, and Reiko has come to share with you today a foliage plant, the Happy Tree. Happiness is full of branches and leaves, implying peace, health and happiness. @Reiko who loves to take pictures
The annual Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, and Reiko has come to share with you today a foliage plant, the Happy Tree. Happiness is full of branches and leaves, implying peace, health and happiness. @Reiko who loves to take pictures
The annual Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, and Reiko has come to share with you today a foliage plant, the Happy Tree. Happiness is full of branches and leaves, implying peace, health and happiness. @Reiko who loves to take pictures

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