
This is the most beautiful landscape in Hong Kong: people with hearts contribute money to help students learn AI results that are exciting

author:Guo Yiming

Wen | Guo Yiming

AI mysterious? How hard is CODING to learn? Perhaps for some people, it is true that this is the case, but for the fifth grade of the Chinese Christian Church Xiehe Primary School, it is not mysterious or difficult to learn, Hong began to learn programming three years ago, under the guidance of the teacher, and two other students, invented a mobile phone program "Intellectual Collection", using light/humidity sensors, remote control to retract the clothes hanging out of the window at home, but also to avoid the accidents that may occur when the elderly's upper body stretches out of the window to collect the shirt. Hong said: I should study hard and use AI knowledge to solve the Land Problem in Hong Kong in the future. It's inspiring to be ambitious.

Held at the Kowloonbay Fair and Trade Centre earlier this month, young people from ∞ 40 primary and secondary schools brought their own original works to the exhibition, accompanied by their teachers, parents and friends, which is an AI event for young people in Hong Kong in recent years, bringing a gratifying bright color to the social atmosphere plagued by the epidemic for nearly three years, and bringing hope to the development of the International Science and Technology Innovation Centre in Hong Kong. Zhang Manli, deputy director of the Innovation and Technology Bureau, He Zhuona, representative of the Youth Work Department of the Central Liaison Office, and Yan Zhiyong, vice chairman of the organizer Bairen Fund, and other directors opened their eyes and greatly appreciated the ability and creativity of young people to use AI knowledge, and gave positive affirmation and encouragement.

This is the most beautiful landscape in Hong Kong: people with hearts contribute money to help students learn AI results that are exciting

Many of the exhibited works not only have a certain degree of innovation and technology content, but also pay attention to practicality. For example, the "Intelligent Disinfection Threshold" created by four primary school students of Zhongsheng School was made in response to the needs of home epidemic prevention, and the device started the disinfection process through the sonic sensor plug-in of the micro:bit microcomputer, sprayed disinfectant on the carpet at the door, and then opened the threshold to allow visitors to enter the home. The work "Asahi" by four students of The Pentecostal Holy Society Yongguang College is a solar panel loading system, composed of four sets of hydraulic devices, which can freely adjust different inclination angles, calculate the position of the sun by collecting relevant data such as sunrise, day and sunset, adjust the inclination of the hydraulic device, and keep the sunlight directly on the surface of the solar panels, thereby improving the power generation efficiency.

The Department of Electrical Engineering of City University, the only college in the exhibition, had two works on the exhibition, among which Su, under the leadership of his supervisor Dr. Zhang Zesong, designed a Sit Smart to help users maintain a good sitting posture, users can detect their sitting posture through the network camera, if they find that the sitting posture is incorrect, the system will send a reminder. Dr. Zhang, one of the mentors of the "Children's Support AI" community project, held a lecture at the exhibition site on the same day, sharing with more than 100 parents how to jump out of the traditional value box of Sino-English digital and encouraging parents to actively support their children to learn AI.

This is the most beautiful landscape in Hong Kong: people with hearts contribute money to help students learn AI results that are exciting

The author stayed at the scene for nearly two hours, visited many stalls, and saw that the students were very enthusiastic to introduce their works to the visitors, showing joy and pride, and full of confidence in exploring the future world of AI. The author suddenly wondered, will there be the next generation of Ma Yun and Ma Huateng among them? The author also has two points of perception to share with readers, one is that Hong Kong teenagers do not lack smart creativity and hands-on ability, the key is how to stimulate their interest in learning and hands-on, under the guidance of the mentor, seemingly boring programming learning, can become a game like fun, can enjoy the fun, students learn not only knowledge and ability, more importantly in this process to get ideological enlightenment and thinking style training, as the founding chairman of the Bairen Foundation that launched the "Child Support AI" program Li Jiajie said: In addition to helping to promote the popularization of AI, it is also necessary to focus on cultivating young people with the spirit of craftsmanship, excellence, continuous learning, and further strengthen the scientific literacy of training students. ”

This is the most beautiful landscape in Hong Kong: people with hearts contribute money to help students learn AI results that are exciting

The second feeling is that as long as the opportunity is given, whether there is a rich father or a poor child living in a house, they can learn and apply AI knowledge at the same starting line, so as to have the same future. This exhibition includes both students from grass-roots families in ordinary schools and students from elite schools, and their exhibited works have their own advantages. A primary school teacher said in an interview with the media at the scene: "The 'Child Support AI' program helps students in different schools, students from grass-roots families to get hardware support, through learning programming to improve their computing thinking ability, teachers are also very happy, can find talented students in this area." ”

At this point, I suddenly remembered that the HKSAR Government was working hard to help students from poor families get rid of the social problems of cross-generational poverty, and the task force led by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-kee, launched the "Co-creation of The Teen Plan", the first phase of the beneficiary target is 2,000 students from the first to the third grade of the first grade, and the relevant plan has received enthusiastic support from all walks of life. I believe that encouraging these students to learn ai further is one of the effective ways to get rid of intergenerational poverty, as Yuval Noah Harari said in his book "21 Lessons in the 21st Century": Those who have information have a future. #大湾区寻宝 #

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