
Learning regulations, keeping the original intention, feeling the party's grace and mission-a sidenote of the exchange activities of young cadres of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee

Learning regulations, keeping the original intention, feeling the party's grace and mission-a sidenote of the exchange activities of young cadres of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee

"The in-depth study of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" is a major political task for all party members and cadres. As a young cadre in the political and legal system, we must fully understand the great historical and practical significance of carrying out party discipline study and education in the whole party, and further strengthen political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the central, provincial and committee organs, and always be loyal, clean and responsible, and contribute wisdom to the province's initiative to create stability, improve quality and efficiency. Li Wanjun, a young cadre, said.

On the afternoon of May 16th, the young cadres of the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee gathered together, combined with the party discipline learning education and the "scholarly organs, reading empowerment" activity arrangement, held the committee organ "learning regulations, keeping the original heart, feeling the party's grace and mission" young cadres learning results exchange activities, 7 young cadres, around the study of the newly revised "Disciplinary Regulations of the Communist Party of China", combined with their own work reality, exchange and share learning results, educate and guide young party members and cadres to deepen their understanding of the importance of party discipline, and consciously achieve discipline, discipline, discipline, Abide by discipline, further strengthen the sense of discipline, strengthen self-restraint, improve immunity, enhance political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption, and always be loyal, clean and responsible, so as to provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for promoting the province's initiative to create stability and modernize political and legal work.

Learning regulations, keeping the original intention, feeling the party's grace and mission-a sidenote of the exchange activities of young cadres of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee

There are no rules. Looking back at the 100-year history of the party, our party has braved the wind and rain, constantly marched from victory to victory, and strict discipline is precisely the party's fine tradition and important guarantee. The newly revised "Regulations" highlight that discipline is stricter than the law and discipline is before the law, and further draws a clear "red line" and "bottom line" for all party members.

"For us, party discipline is both a 'tight mantra' and a 'safety belt', which must be strictly observed at all times and everywhere." Li Jinjing, a young cadre, said: "To implement the "Regulations", we cannot 'see, talk, and write' things, but must internalize them in our hearts and externalize them in our actions; I will persistently strengthen the study of the "Regulations", compare them from time to time, and truly engrave them in my heart and mind, so as to make them a habit of thinking and behavioral consciousness. ”

Party discipline is the yardstick that regulates the words and deeds of party members, and if the ruler in the heart is not clear and the scale is unclear, it is difficult to calibrate the action.

"The more you know, the more you do, and the more you know." He Huihui, a young cadre, said that as a young party member and cadre, he should take the opportunity of party discipline study and education to learn and understand the newly revised "Regulations", engrave compliance with rules and discipline in his heart, and strive to do his own work with iron discipline and practical style, so as to contribute to the modernization of political and legal work in our province.

Learning regulations, keeping the original intention, feeling the party's grace and mission-a sidenote of the exchange activities of young cadres of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee

Discipline is the lifeblood of our party, and without strict discipline, it will be difficult for the building of work style and education in party spirit to continue for a long time. Only self-vigilance, self-reflection, self-discipline, and self-respect can be good alone, and only prudence in power, prudence, prudence, and prudence can be stable and far-reaching.

Dou Jun, a young cadre, said that in the face of the new era, new journey, new challenges, and new requirements, we must maintain a "loyal heart", always have a "sense of awe", and stick to a "public servant heart".

"With the persistence of always being on the road, promote party discipline into the brain and heart." Pei Xuejun, a young cadre, said when sharing the learning results that it is necessary to take the initiative to benchmark the goals and requirements of party discipline learning and education, and deeply understand the importance and seriousness of party discipline by learning discipline chapter by chapter, entering the brain and knowing discipline, being impartial and disciplined, and abiding by discipline cautiously and cautiously.

"Political and legal cadres bear the duties and missions of maintaining national security, social stability, and people's tranquility, and must always put discipline and rules in the forefront, always tighten the strings of honesty and self-discipline, firmly guard the bottom line of resisting corruption and preventing degeneration, take the lead and set an example in respecting the rule of law and respecting law and discipline, practice the responsibility of political and legal cadres with practical actions, and make due contributions to promoting the initiative to create stability and modernize political and legal work." Zhu Rong, a young cadre, said that it is necessary to abide by rules and disciplines, be fearful and dedicated, and strive to be loyal, clean and responsible political and legal cadres in the new era.

"We must abide by discipline and consciously be a loyal advocate of the party constitution and party rules; It is necessary to strengthen the style of work and consciously be a model practitioner of good style; It is necessary to rely on hard work and consciously be a tireless struggler who takes responsibility; It is necessary to re-become talented people and consciously be a powerful promoter of the political and legal cause. Ma Lei, director of the Political Department of the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, said in his concluding speech: "Everyone's speeches not only have the feeling and understanding of studying the "Regulations", but also have in-depth thinking in combination with the work, which fully reflects the learning results of the recent period, and also fully demonstrates a strong concept of discipline and law and good demeanor. I hope that everyone can learn from each other, strengthen exchanges, and improve together. ”

Release: Publicity and Education Department of the Political and Legal Committee of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee

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